Dear Fellow Traveler,
Well the big day
finally came. I think we were all a bit excited to see what would
happen. It also happened to be my granddaughter Kira's first
birthday so it was a challenge to celebrate at her party and still
get home to sit in quiet meditation by 7:30.
As the energy began to
come in, we suddenly got some very high winds here in Asheville.
Asheville sits in a bowl surrounded by mountains, so the high winds,
which often happen at the higher altitudes are not so common here in
the town. As I was leaving my daughter's house I was reminded of the
hurricane force winds that I used to experience in Florida, except
these had an Arctic feel to them.
My daughter Melissa
came over and the two of us lit a candle and put some quiet music on
and sat together in meditation. What happened next I have no words
for. I also feel moved in my heart to keep it in the silence. Often
deeply mystical experiences are meant to be private and actually lose
some of their energy if you talk about them too much.
What I can say is that
the energy was moving through me like a freight train, it was coming
from the center of the earth and up through my spinal column and out
the top of my head. I have only felt energy that intense one other
time in my life and that is when I sat in the woods in Lily Dale and
meditated on the Stump which was a psychic vortex and a portal for
Spirit to enter the world.
Information came and
Understanding came, but I find it impossible to describe.
If any of you would
like to share your experiences, feel free to send them to me by
e-mail to marypompeoservices@gmail.com
I will put them together and publish them in the blog so that you
can share with each other what happened. It is not necessary for you
to use your name if you prefer not to. I must admit that I am
curious. The silence following this is certainly interesting.
Hoping to hear from you
In Love and Light
from the
Anglican Prayerbook of New Zealand
pain-bearer, life-giver
source of
all that is and shall be
father and
mother of us all
loving god
whom is in heaven
hallowing of your names, echoes through the universe
the way of
justice comes through the peoples of the earth
heavenly will is being done through all created beings
with the
bread we need today, you feed us
in the
hurts we absorb from one another, you forgive us
as we
forgive others and ourselves
in times
of temptation and testing you strengthen us
trials too great to endure, you spare us
from the
grip of all that is evil, you free us
for you
reign in the glory of the power that is love
now and
forever , amen
2nd Jan 2013 - 10am EST
Call ins
are welcome
Part 9
Greetings Oh Magnificent One, We are close enough to the great change when I believe it will be safe for me to give you some more specific information about what will come about in the immediate future. Earth Changes.
There will be some earth changes but these will not be the world disaster that we first thought it might be. Japan and the area of the Pacific will be hit hard and there will be earthquakes and tremors where they have not happened before. Weather will be unusual, but all of that is already going on. It is just that most people only pay attention to what happens in their immediate world. There is nothing wrong with that because for the most part your world is created from the immediate energy of your own heart which contributes to the global energy of the world. War
Humanity as a whole will begin to demand that their leaders find a much better way to use public money other than spending it to wage war. On an individual basis, all of the world's population must come to an understanding that they can ascend while learning their personal lessons without needing the conditions of disaster to assist in that process. In order to bring about world peace then it must first blossom in the heart of each individual. Economy
A five year process of balancing out the banks of the world will begin. World currency will be affected and the rates will change to be more consistent with the production of goods. Countries will no longer allow their goods to be sold by foreign corporations without proper compensation to those who live and create the products. The stock market will be greatly affected by this and for those of you who invest, I would strongly suggest that you look into the companies whose stock you may own and be certain that they are green and fair trade; the fate of those who are not is anything but certain. Avoid all banking stocks for if the banks do not develop a heart they will find that the people will abolish their existence. Internet
The communication of the Internet and social sites will allow the common citizens of the world to speak to each other so that true communication will be more able to occur where facts and lies will be exposed. Some countries may try to cut off this communication but it will not be tolerated by humanity. Many of the new souls who have come in already know how to circumvent blocks which a government might set up. Ascension
Some of you will make your Ascension and be able to access your advanced DNA. You will be charged with assisting to use your new energy in order to create a better world. The challenge will be that you will be living among some who have not Ascended and who will represent some of your old habits which held you back. Some of you may look out of your window at the same scene and the same people and you may think “Nothing has changed”. You could not be farther from the truth. You are first and foremost an energetic being of electro-magnetic energy. You give entirely too much importance to the physical. It is a very small part of who you are. Every change in your life, whether it is illness or marriage or death, happens first in the aura. 'All' change happens first in the aura. Your auras will be profoundly changed on Dec 21st and your lives will reflect that. Your physical bodies will begin the process of healing themselves. You have the power to undo years of negative thought forms which have caused illness in your body but you will not do this overnight. It will take time but each day should be better than the last It is as though you are being given shiny new presents which will make your life easier. You can leave them all in a box or you can take them out and use them. The Manifestation of this Golden Age has always been in your hands but then you were chosen to be here because it was believed that you have the heart and the commitment to manifest paradise. A Special Note to Parents of Children who were born 2006 and beyond
These Souls are already in the consciousness of the Golden Ago. Parent them with love and try not to pass on your fears to them. They will already be displaying a comfort with technology which is superior to yours. They see the world through love so be sure to nurture that in them. You are their guardians but they are your teachers. Mediate often on the magnificence of your being Your very uniqueness is the gift that you give to the wold In Peace and Love Omnia
Dear Fellow Traveler,
Back in the 1960's when I was first
training as a psychic and medium, I had the good fortune to work with an
amazing psychic from England
called Dr. Pierette Austin. I studied with her for 5 years and learned many
things. One of the activities that I was pleased to help her with was what
would today be called Ghostbusting, but what we called Sending Earthbound
Spirits home.
I'm sure many of you who have lost loved
ones, have seen signs from them to show you that they are well and happy. They
often come back and stay with those whom they have left, in order to help the
person left behind to adjust and find meaning with going on living. But there
are other Spirits of a more cantankerous nature who are attached to their
property or their loved ones and they raise a lot of commotion. In some cases they
can even crash dishes and break things because they are upset by what they see going
on in this world since they left it.
These souls do not leave easily. They are
prepared to do battle and will often “ play” with the psychic or medium by
presenting them with what they fear the most. Probably the best thing that I
learned from Dr. Austin was that the Spirits were “ playing” and that all of
the ammunition which they played with actually came from my own mind.
That was the beginning of my learning a
very valuable lesson and one which everyone needs to master. The vital crux of
this lesson to bear firmly in mind is – “to always keep your emotional
body under control”. During these trying times we are all having to face the
increasingly difficult challenge of being confronted with our own scary things.
They may not be brought about by troublesome Spirits but in dealing with them
then the very same “law” or principle still applies. This law states that if we
feed them any kind of negative reaction whatsoever in response to the
perception of that fear, then the fear itself will simply multiply and grow.
It is all too easy to fall into the trap of
dwelling on what frightens us; we all do it in the respect of experiencing our
humanity; i.e. we are naturally fearful. In being so inclined then we need to
be ever conscious that we are actively building on any perceived fear through
feeding it our emotional energy while it gradually gains a stronger foothold in
our psyche. This unchecked and unconscious negative nurturing leads us to an
inevitable confrontation with what we fear the most. But – and pay close
attention to this next statement - We Have the Power to Stop this Process Dead in
its Tracks. No Fear has any Power Over Us whatsoever Unless WE Give It PERMISSION ! Commit
this to memory right now ! Hold tight to it and trust in the tremendous healing
abilities of this deceptively simple wisdom.
Even though our greatest fear, or any other
fear, can appear to have the disruptive energy of a team of wild horses, please
let me assure you most emphatically that any and all fears can easily be reined
in and brought under control. To do this then all that is necessary is for us
to become conscious of the fact that the horses are merely phantoms which we
indulge at our peril and that they are actually running away in the first
place. Practice being the observer and not the participant. Watch them run away
while not getting involved. Notice what the emotional energy of chaos is doing
while not giving it any energy of your own. Stay in control even when
everything around you appears to be going crazy. Stand firm in the belief that
you have the ability to corral the capricious tantrums of your own emotions
while letting others deal with theirs.
Notice what it is that makes
you afraid. Some of the common fears have to do with fear of lack, fear of poor
health, fear of being alone
Become aware of what your
thoughts are on the things that you fear
Visualize yourself blowing a
loud whistle and holding up your hand like a crossing guard and then shouting
Take a breath and ask yourself
if what you are feeling is truly present in that moment, or if it is something
that has not manifested yet.
With all the conviction you can
muster, say this affirmation while feeling in the very depths of your being the
commanding strength of the words - “I Am SAFE and I Am PROTECTED within the INVINCIBLE
Light of Divine Energy”.
Maintain this feeling while noticing
that just the act of diffusing and releasing yourself from your fearful energy helps
you to stay present in the moment while affirming a safer and much more
promising future
You are divine, each
and every one of you, you are divine and yet you look for your divinity
somewhere else, as though someone could hand it to you, as though by reading a
book you could discover it. It is within you, it is deep within you. And within
that divinity comes a power, a very deep power. And yet sometimes it's like
giving an atomic bomb to a little child. The power can be destructive, for if
you wield it the wrong way, or in an unproductive way, it can cause chaos in
your life while bringing the soul into despair so that you must repeat this
round again and again, trying to remember that you are divine.
Each time you come
you get a little closer to the truth and it is at this time, because vibrations
are stepping up on a universal level, not just here but in other ways, too - it
is time to begin to have assistance from those beings who inhabit other realms
and other dimensions to come here and say to you what it is that you are here
for. It is not to get a better job; it is not to find a partner to share your
life with; it is not even to raise children in a holy and happy way; although
each of these are noble things and nothing that you should be ashamed of, or
put down. But sometimes you make them your whole life.
Keep your focus on
who you are, keep your focus on the light and know that each of you has the
power of creating your own universe. And you DO create it every day. Every day,
by what you think and what you feel and what you worry about. You worry about
things that are not here yet. You worry about things that inhabit another time
and space that may not come into existence at all, unless you give them the
energy to do that. You have the very power to do that, or not to do that. And
some of you feel it's so necessary to worry, as though if you don't attach that
negative emotion to things, they won't get done.
Release that.
Instead, go within; go to your light-center, go to your heart. All of you have
beautiful hearts. I look around here and I see the hearts open in so many of
you, in such loving degrees. You have no idea of the power - the power which that
love within you can bring to you. If there's pain in your life, if there's
chaos in your life, if there are goals that you're not achieving: they can be
achieved plenty and easily by contacting that ‘love’ part of you and saying –
"I know this is who I am, this is my
being. It is to love. That is who I am. It is not to war, it is not to pollute
the environment, it is not to grab something first so that I can have it before
my neighbor has it. It is to love."
This is the message
I would bring you. You are all pure beings of love and yet you lose contact
with that. In your sadness you so often forget this.
This was Omnia's first ever message and one
which is just as relevant today as it was then – so what have we learned from
it?. We are the Beings who are constantly creating what is to come so we must
choose how we qualify the future. We must remember WHO we are while not falling
prey to the illusion that our ‘fate’ is something completely out of our
control. Omnia tells us that this is absolutely not so. We all have the power
to determine what we create if only we remain ever conscious of this fact. The
power is in our hands and our hands alone.
These times that we are going through right
now are very challenging indeed but within the many confrontations we are all
being presented with there are incredible opportunities to Bust our own Ghosts or
Slay our own Dragons. What you fear is WITHIN, it is NOT an outside Force that
is out to get you; it is simply the ‘insubstantial’ sum of your own
experiences. YOU created it so YOU can deal with it and CONTROL it. You are the
The Mayans have spoken a lot about Time as
we know it; their prediction is that it will shortly cease to exist. Fear needs
the presence of 'time' to feed off. It is the substance of its very existence just as a fire
needs oxygen to burn and spread. Deprive anything of its fuel and it no longer
has any power; it quickly dissipates and ceases to be. What better way for that
to happen than for the fears of the past to perish in the blazing light of our conscious
awareness of the present moment. You have the POWER. You have had it all along.
You just forgot. WAKE UP !!
I strongly urge you to immediately pick up the gauntlet
The path to your freedom of Spirit awaits
you. Every journey starts with the first step. Take that step right now this
very minute while banishing the ghosts of your past to the insubstantial realms
of impotent obscurity where they actually belong. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU REALLY
In love and Light
If you want a private consultation to discuss these ideas
or anything else that is personal to your life, you may reach me at
828-252-7573; or by e-mail at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
Dear Fellow Traveler,
As I was meditating and
waiting for inspiration as to what I should write about this week,
I began to think of the early days of my training and how blessed
and fortunate I was to have the many wonderful teachers who came my way. In
those days, metaphysics was not something you talked about, or learned
in the open. People spoke to each other tentatively until someone was
brave enough to use words which would be recognized, such as
reincarnation, or paranormal experience. Those words became cues to
reveal that you were in the company of a fellow traveler. Classes
were difficult to find to the extent that I eagerly drove 90 miles so as to attend class
Words became a way of
recognizing each other, much like the early Christians drew fish in
the sand so that they could identify themselves to like-minded souls who would then realize that
they were free to speak openly. Later, when crystals were more
common, it became easier to spot each other, but in those days you
almost had to be psychic to even find a class. Even after I found a
class I had to pass an interview before I was allowed to attend and,
except for rare circumstances, absence often meant being dropped from the
It was in the early period of those initial studies
that my teachers first presented me with so many important and memorable sayings; some of which
had been translated from Sanskrit. These sayings encapsulated the "truths" of life.
For example, one which was written over the doorway of an ancient
temple, built 4000 years before the birth of Christ, advised the reader : To
Dare, To Do and To Be Silent. There is great power in these
To Dare is the
first challenging part of this timeless wisdom. Everyone who has ever felt the urge to expand the boundaries of their consciousness has first of all dared to explore the whole subject of spirituality; and this includes you. Rest assured that you would not be reading these words if you hadn't had the
courage to explore and search for truth. But the "dare" part doesn't
stop with the exploring. One of my teachers explained to me that we were actually being
challenged to step out beyond our conditioning and then "Dare" to think of ourselves as Gods in embryo. To become aware that we are made of
the very same substance as the Force of our Creation.This is a brave step in consideration of what society would have us believe about ourselves and what so many others around us feel safe in the continued undisturbed maintenance of.
I came out of a
religion that had as part of its ritual the striking of our breast
bone while uttering the words “Oh Lord, I Am not Worthy!" Many others
came out of religions where they were taught that men are sinful and
in need of redemption, This conveniently ignored the words of Jesus,
when he said “ All that I do, you can do too, and more!” It took
me many years to be able to fully dare to believe that I could
To Do is kind of
self explanatory; To Do is an action word. We all do. We pray, we say
affirmations, or we decree and write statements of visualization and
intention. I'm sure that you will have a carefully considered note somewhere which contains an extensive list of the characteristics which you want your ideal partner to
have but which doesn't match with your experience of reality. So what went wrong when "doing" seemingly comes so naturally to us? A big part of why we don't see more visualizations come into
being has to do with the last part of this brief but deceptively powerful statement.
To Be Silent.
The importance of this last part was explained to me in this way. When God decided to create
Light, He didn't say “I'm thinking of creating Light, what do you
feel about that?” He stood in his power and decreed “Let there be
Light!” Light happened instantly. There are cosmic laws which made
this happen and those laws have been generously revealed to us over the
So often when we have
something we want to manifest in our own life, we share that idea
with friends. We assume because those friends are fellow travelers,
that it's okay to share our desires. Take a moment and think of
something that you wanted in your life and then think of how many people
you shared that desire with. Now, try to remember what was said to
you in response. Often your friends will give you well meaning advice which may include advising you to not be so ambitious while setting your goals a little lower. All this will be
done for your "own good" and with the "best of intentions". Even those who keep silent may emote an
attitude of patient indulgence that says “you haven't got a
chance” or "you're crazy".
Every time you express your desires to someone else then what you are actually doing is leaking out or draining away precious energy. When energy leaks it has
to build up again in order achieve its purpose. This always results in the extending of the time before the manifestation
occurs, if it ever occurs at all. The longer it takes the more it
eats away at the part of your consciousness that originally dared to believe
that you could manifest in the first place. Reading The Secret, or
The Law of Attraction is only the first step. When you are ready to
concisely express your creative statement, express it to the Universe
and then hold that precious manifestation deeply in your heart and
Keep Silent !!
what you want to manifest. Be able to express it in words no greater
than one index card.
your motive and make sure that it is unselfish and that it will
evolve you spiritually.
with your power. Feel your Divine Eternal Energy; look into your own
eyes and speak to your reflection the statement of what you are
creating, Begin with the words - I AM creating......
it go! Other than those times during the day when you speak your
manifestation statement to the Universe, do not dwell on it.
Especially do not dwell on the time it is taking to manifest.
Until next time, practice manifesting something. Chose something that
you feel comfortable with. Write your statement on an index card.
Look into the mirror and speak the words to yourself several times a
day. Tell no one and then watch what happens.
In Love and Light
If you want a private consultation to discuss these ideas or anything
else that is personal to your life, you may reach me at 828-252-7573;
or by e-mail at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
Dear Fellow Traveler,
In Parts 3, 4 and 5, I focused on the Mental
and Emotional bodies. Today I'd like to guide your attention to focus on the
Spiritual and Physical bodies. Unlike the Mental and Emotional bodies, the
Spiritual and the Physical are great friends. They interact and co-exist very
well with each other where the Physical body is an excellent communicator for
the Spiritual body. There has been a lot written on this subject, under
Body-Mind connection, and I would encourage anyone who wants more extensive
information to read Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life".
The Physical body is the last line of
defense for all of the bodies. We often ignore the Emotional body while the
Mental body can trick us into thinking that it can figure out virtually anything
that we need for our continued survival and prosperity. However, the one body
that we can't ignore is the Physical body. Certainly we can try to ignore it
but, if we do, we will just get to hear louder and louder messages of complaint
from it which manifest in the form of increasing pain and distress. Eventually
it surely will get our attention while hoping that we will also hear and recognize the message
which it's urgently trying to convey to us.
Some illnesses are karmic but the majority of
what ails us is caused by the disharmony which exists between all four of our bodies. Pain and distress is simply the Physical
body's way of saying “ Hey, something is out of balance here.” Most of the
colds we get are the Physical body's way of sending the message that - “You need some rest.” It is not interested in the fact that in
our culture we are raised to value a strong work ethic. There is nothing wrong
with working hard as long as we play hard and interact with loved ones with the
same enthusiasm and dedication that we give to work. Balance in all things is everything.
As we approach Dec 21, 2012 then anyplace that
we are 'out of balance' will swiftly become clear to us. Very often this clarity will come
to us through manifestations of dis-ease in the physical body. So many of you
who consult me are telling me about physical ailments or emotional feelings
that are chronic and difficult to deal with. Whenever these circumstances arise
then it is important that you seek medical attention if you feel something
different in your body. We are often the first to notice that something is not
the same. However; along with medical attention it’s always very important to
consciously explore the spiritual and emotional causes so as to decode, in the
most beneficially enlightening way, just what the body is trying to tell us.
Whenever we do this, then it is important
to bear in mind that our Spiritual body is the mirror of our Trust in the
Divine. It is where our belief rests that we are truly worthy creations of
Divinity while emanating from the very substance of Divinity and for that reason
alone we are worthy of Divine Love. For that is what God is; Pure Unconditional
Love. So how can the physiological and emotional changes, which we perceive
ourselves as undergoing, be regarded as either bad, fearful or both?
bear in mind, whenever these kinds of feelings arise in your life’s experience,
that we all had extensive guidance and advice before we incarnated. We chose to
be here with the help of many guides and teachers and, although some of us may
not be able to see and hear them at a conscious level at present, we certainly do
hear them with our hearts as well as in our Spiritual bodies. Please be assured
of this while holding on firmly to this comforting thought in your most troubled times. Trust your
connection with the Divine to guide you through this most challenging period of transformation.
Don't fight the change, embrace it
-Welcome it! Know that you are engineering it. See where it is taking you! If
you would like an adventure, like a shining adventure, it will be well. Your
attitude is everything. If you're stuck in self-pity, if you're finding
yourself in a situation that seems to overwhelm you and the emotions are just
coming up, don't chastise yourself. Loved Ones, let the emotions come! What are
they but a symbol of your passion, a symbol of the energy that you use to
If your emotions are going off in a direction that you don't want them
to go, stand back and say “Well I am capable of a grand passion, let me harness
it and send it in the opposite direction! Wonderful! Look what I can create!
Sit back and relax because you only have one little task to do. That task is to
harness the fear. You do it thought by thought, so be aware of your thoughts
and the rest is easy. Just watch each thought as it comes up and change it when
you need to – Change it.
Till next time, please
allow me to remind you once again to –
you Intuition and Challenge your Fears
In Love and Light
If you want a private consultation to discuss these ideas or anything else that
is personal to your life, you may reach me at 828-252-7573. Or through e-mail
at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
Dear Fellow Traveler,
Last week I spoke about energy and why it's important to be conscious of it. Spiritual theory is great, but too often we forget that it really has little value unless we apply the Spiritual tenets that we learn to our daily interactions and challenges.
You have more than one body. You have the physical body which is the densest and the one you are most familiar with, but you also have a Mental body, where your intellect resides, and an Emotional body, which is connected to your heart and your emotions. It is here that your Intuition resides. You also have a Spiritual body, that part of you that is eternal and resided in all of the physical bodies that you have ever inhabited.
You would think that these bodies would all get along, but the don't. The mental body is often the bully. Its not at fault for that, it is simply responding to a world that values right answers and judgement. It truly believes that it's your best guide and perhaps there were times in your evolution when it was; but as the song says, "The Times They Are A-Changing".
One of the effects of this transition into a higher consciousness is that everyone on the planet is experiencing an awakening of their Intuition. Just as the mind collects and catalogs data, the Intuition reads the vibration of energy. Energy from this life and energy from others. It warns you of situations that may not be for your highest good. It just knows and it's confidence often challenges the Intellect, which wants data.
Here is an easy way to distinguish between the Intellect and the Intuition. The Intellect will worry a decision to death. The Intuition will just tell you which path to take. It will tell you quietly and surely and with absolute confidence. It won't have any reasons, but it will convey a quiet peace about the decision. Here is an simple example.
Intuition : Turn off and take the scenic route home Intellect : Now why would you do that? What would make you change a routine that has worked for years. Intuition : Just turn off and take the scenic route. Intellect : Are you crazy. Do you know how many traffic lights are on the scenic route? If you just take your regular route home, you can relax and listen to music and have some down time. Anyway if you were going to take the scenic route you will have to change lanes.
So you stay on course and before you know it you are in a traffic jam, or worse, an accident and you get home much later than you would have if you had just listened to your Intuition and taken the scenic route. The goal of course is to have these two bodies work together, but most of us are a ways from achieving that goal.
Here is another way the Intuition fights with the intellect.
Intellect : Hmmmm I'm reading here that thoughts create. That sounds reasonable to me. I like the data from all of the Quantum Physicists. Intuition : Yes I do too; I can see that thought resonates in our heart. Intellect : Good so lets keep all the thoughts positive as we try out those new rollerblades that we got for our birthday.
Emotional Body takes over the Intuition when the skates are laced up.
'Oh my goodness. I'm remembering all the times that I fell when I was a child. I even broke my arm once. My father told me I had no balance and everyone agreed with him. I don't think I have any balance; what am I doing here? I'm going to fall and break something. I'm too old for this.
A fall will surely follow; hopefully not resulting in a broken bone but take note that it all depends upon the intensity of the fear.
This is why it's so important to become conscious of what you are telling yourself and where that message is coming from. Challenge the emotions especially when they are fearful or limiting.
Challenge : Well it's true that I fell once when I was younger, but I was just learning then and my father perhaps was not as patient as he may have been. He was not around me enough to know if I had a good sense of balance or not. I'll be careful and this will be fun. I don't have to recreate the past in the present.
Journal all that you are thinking on a subject. Be as honest as you can especially about your fears. Challenge your fears point by point Replace them with more positive statements about yourself The only way the baggage of the past comes into your future; is when you pick it up and carry it with you.
I call to your hearts with every pulse of my energy. Do not let the quicksand of fear suck you in. You are in a time of great cleansing and you will create situations in your life that will tempt you towards fear. Every fear that has ever held you back will come out to dance with you. If that wasn't enough, you have the television and the news sources that will also encourage you to be afraid. Be Alert to these things. Be Invincible when you feel your emotions react towards fear. If you can do this, you will create Paradise!
Till next time - Embrace you Intuition and Challenge your Fears
In Love and Light
If you want a private consultation to discuss these ideas or anything else that is personal to your life, you may reach me at 828-252- 7573. Or through e-mail at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
Help Through our Changing Times
Part 4
Dear Fellow Traveler,
Last week I wrote to you about the subtle infusion of fear into our consciousness. You may wonder why this is so important. It is important because even though you may not always be aware of it, fear ( even worry ) changes your energy. We all have a field of electromagnetic energy around us. This energy has various tasks. It keeps our body alive and healthy. It directs our awareness to the evolution of our soul and our highest good. However; it also battles our self doubts and the fears that come to us from life experience and from our environment. Each of us has a finite amount of energy to work with and when we use a lot of it up on fear, we have less left for other things. The second reason to keep fear thoughts at bay, is that our energy is like the radiance of the sun. Whatever we shine it on will grow and thrive and what we deprive of energy will wither and die off. Since we have a limited amount of energy, it is good to become consciously aware of where we are using it. Many of us react to life without thinking. Many of us were taught by our parents that worrying was the responsible thing to do. I remember when I was working on this issue years ago. I had to get over the hurdle of worrying that I was not worrying. Here is an example of how it works. Many of you are desirous of creating more prosperity in your life. You may say affirmations and decrees which affirm how prosperous you are, but then you spend the rest of the time worrying about bills that need to be paid. You believe that if your intellect can not figure out how this prosperity will come to you, then it can't possibly come, so you doubt the power of the very affirmations that you spend time reciting. At the very best this will slow prosperity down, at the worst it will create poverty and deprivation.A HELPFUL EXERCISE TOWARD CONCIOUS LIVING Get a small notebook like the kind which is used to write down class assignments. Then, each time you become aware of a fearful or limiting thought, put a mark in your notebook. Try this for one week. As you begin to become aware of how often you limit yourself with your thoughts and your words, you will understand why your affirmations are slow to manifest. Now that you are aware of your thinking and your words, make a conscious decision to reverse every negative thought or feeling with a positive one. Stop your fearful thoughts in their tracks and replace them with a statement such as this.
Where you put your attention is what you manifest. So if you say “I heard great things are coming. When? They're not here yet. Whens it going to happen?” Each time you ask that ‘When, when, when?’ You throw another brick into the aura that your energy then has to push up and push out. So if your attention is on ‘When will that happen?’ there is a part of you in that question that says “I’m afraid its not going to happen.” Thats why your asking the question in the first place.
It is happening, its trying to happen - prosperity, abundance, joy, fulfilling your life’s ambition, being at one with your universal energy; it wants to come through so badly and it’s your garbage thoughts, either created by you or put there by those who loving guided you through life, that's slowing the process down.Till next time, Live Consciously,
In Light and Love Mary
If you want a private consultation to discuss these ideas or anything else that is personal to your life, you may reach me at 828-252- 7573. Or through e-mail at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
Help Through our Changing Times
Part 3
Hi Everyone,
These times can be confusing. Things are
happening quickly and before you know it they’re changing just as quickly.
Sometimes decisions and choices have to be made in an instant. It is important
that all of your choices feel in harmony with what your heart tells you. The kingdom of Heaven is within each persons’ heart and
each of us holds our own key. You know best what your heart wants better than any
outside source or person.
There is also a force around us, in these turbulent
times, which has an occult investment in creating an atmosphere of fear.
Television programs bring us frequent reminders of terrorism and other troubling
situations. Pharmaceutical companies speak of diseases that many of us did not
even know were possible and then they try to ply their wares while reminding us
that even these are not safe.
Added to this the very real problems that
the world is facing, such as global warming and the economic problems of many
nations then it is easy to see why it’s not so hard to create an atmosphere of
fear. Fearful people are easier to control.
Next week I will show you a video which, on
the surface appears quite benign but which has the subtle energy of fear
throughout it. There are so many messages from Spirit available on the Internet
where some are genuine and very helpful while others are disruptive, misleading
and harmful. It is important that you listen to your heart so that you can
recognize the difference and thereby take in the information which is valid for
you and discard the rest..
One of the hurdles which many of us are
learning to conquer in these final weeks is overcoming the obstacle of fear.
Have your fears held you back from seeking your destiny? Have your fears
convinced you that you are not able to achieve your dreams? Have fears kept you
clinging to a false security? These are questions that we should all ask
ourselves as we face the choices of our lives.
Here is Omnia's advice on fear
I call to your hearts with every pulse of my energy. Do
not let the quicksand of fear, suck you in. You are in a time of great
cleansing. You will create situations in your life that will tempt you towards
fear. Every fear that has ever held you back will come out to dance with you.
If that is not enough, the televisions and the news sources will also encourage
you to be afraid. Be alert to these things. Be Invincible when you feel your
emotions react towards fear. If you can do this, you will create Paradise!
I am happy to tell you that I am now available
for telephone consultations if you feel that this will be helpful to you.
Please feel free to call me on 828-252-7573 and we can set a time that works
for both of us or email me at marypompeoservices@gmail.com
next time , Stay true to yourself.
In Love
and Light
Help Through our Changing Times
Part 2
Hi Everyone,
First of all, I want to thank all of
you who have taken the time to send e-mails or to phone to express
your happiness that I am doing consultations again. The outpouring of
love has really lifted my heart. Its also nice to report to you that
after my first week back at work I'm feeling very well and my energy
is holding up just fine.
That brings me to the topic of this
weeks blog....Energy. From the time I was a small child, I could see
energy and like all small children, I thought everyone else could see
it too. I think it was around the age of 7 that I began to understand
that I was a little different. At that time a very kind and gentle
teacher came into my life. He was a Light Being who radiated a
calming and beautiful presence. Like the saying goes “ When the
student is ready, the Master appears” ; he came into my life at a
time when I was ready to understand about being different.
I still remember his first lesson
Everything is energy, in this world and the expanded world of Spirit,
everything is Energy. We played games to understand this. He taught
me that I could make the energy follow my thoughts by conscious
intention. He also taught me that the energy would follow my
thoughts, even when I was unconscious of any intention in that
direction at all
The message of energy has been coming
to me all week. It is the first Cosmic Truth, so it is very basic.
The night of the full moon, Omnia came to me with a reminder of this
truth and to direct me to one of her messages , which she wanted me
to share with you. She stressed how important it was to encourage all
of you to live consciously. Because you are creating in every waking
moment. What you are feeling, what you are thinking, and of course
what you are consciously desiring are equally important in what you
Everything is energy and in this final
countdown to the transformation that is coming, we all have the
opportunity to live more consciously. There is another Cosmic law,
that what we put our attention on will manifest. It is time for all
of us to step up and become aware of what our conscious thoughts are
and what the thoughts that come from habit are. It is vital that we
become the conscious stewards of our thinking.
A Quote from Omnia on the Power of our Thoughts
In her very first message to us, Omnia
reminds us of the power that we have and that we have come here to
use it for these times.
are divine, each and every one of you, you are divine. And yet you
look for your divinity somewhere else, as though someone could hand
it to you, as though by reading a book you could discover it. It is
within you, it is deep within you. And within that divinity comes a
power, a very deep power. And sometimes it's like giving an atomic
bomb to a little child. The power can be destructive, for if you
wield it the wrong way, or in an unproductive way, it can cause chaos
in your life and bring the soul into despair. So that you must repeat
this round again and again, trying to remember that you are divine.
Each time you come you get a little closer to the truth. And it is at
this time, because vibrations are stepping up on a universal level,
not just here but in other ways, too - it is time to begin to have
assistance from those beings who inhabit other realms and other
dimensions to come here and say to you what it is that you are here
It is not to get a better job; it is not to find a partner to
share your life with; it is not even to raise children in a holy and
happy way; although each of these are noble things and nothing that
you should be ashamed of, or put down. But sometimes you make them
your whole life. Keep your focus on who you are, keep your focus on
the light, and know that each of you has the power of creating your
own universe. And you create it every day. Every day, by what you
think and what you feel and what you worry about. You worry about
things that are not here yet. You worry about things that inhabit
another time and space that may not come into existence at all,
unless you give them the energy to do that. You have the very power
to do that, or not to do that. And some of you feel it's so necessary
to worry, as though if you don't attach that negative emotion to
things, they won't get done. Release that. Instead go within, go to
your light-center, go to your heart.
love and Light
Help Through our Changing Times
Part 1
Hi Everyone,
We have just passed the fall equinox, so
we are officially in the big count down to the Winter Solstice, Dec 21, 2012.
As I listen to the things that are going on in my clients’ lives, which are
also mirrored in my own life, I can't help but be increasingly aware of what an
incredibly challenging time we are going through.
Omnia used to warn us about such things
as the changes in our sleep patterns and I hear this coming up again and again
from my clients. There is such a general feeling of tiredness among everyone no
matter what age or state of health. Many are waking around 4 in the morning.
This is often the time that we are returned to our bodies from nightly learning
experiences and conferences with our guides and teachers. If you truly can't
get back to sleep it’s an excellent time to journal because you are just
freshly back from your teachers and what you have been learning will be within
you , even if you don't remember it.
My advice, in
this circumstance, is always that the important thing is to remember that your
physical body still needs rest so it’s important to get back to sleep as soon
as you possibly can. Using meditation is a great way to calm the energies of
both your mind and body thus allowing sleep to naturally return. One of the
things I am recommending is that you also find the time to take 20 minute naps
during the day. This can help to restore your chi as well as helping you to
maintain your physical and emotional balance.
As we move into this new vibration we will
need to be flexible, as much as humanly possible. Values of the past are quickly
changing and so we need to adapt, sometimes it can seem that we need to do this
almost moment by moment. In this respect it’s extremely important that we live more
consciously and above all that we take the time to listen very carefully to the
voice of our infallible intuition so that we follow the truly magical urgings
of our swiftly awakening hearts.
Over countless
past decades we, and many generations before us, have been living
unconsciously. We have been taught ‘what’ to think but not ‘how’ to think.
Society has led us to believe that there has been no need to think as
everything will be provided for us. So, we get the latest fad because everyone else
does. We cling to beliefs which have apparently worked well for our parents
only to discover that they are no longer helpful in these changing times. We
have lived conservatively for the stated sake of our safety but everything
which we are now experiencing is not supported by much of what we have been
taught. Now, we are being challenged to be courageous – but just how do we go
about doing this? Nothing seems to have prepared us for what life continually
brings us at this present time.
Omnia reminds us that we are in a time
of constant change and upheaval and that we are all going through these changes
with everyone else who shares in this experience on this planet at this time. Her
advice to all of us is that we must not look for or expect things to remain
static and stable as we race towards the end times. We must change so as to be as
flexible as possible while the process of your future unfolds before you.
A Quote from
Omnia on the DRAMA OF LIFE
What happens to you, is that you begin to take life
seriously……you begin to take the body seriously with all of its aches and
pains, and you begin to take life seriously in all its little melodramas. The
soul in you cries out for the oneness that you come from, because what you’ve
all come from is love……..a oneness, a unique communion with each other, beyond
words, beyond the physical body.
You look for it in the material world, when the nature
of the material world is constant change. So forgive yourself and look
around at each other and you know what you will see? You will see others that
are searching for the same things you are searching for….searching for the same
love……searching for the same oneness
How true this
is but, in saying all of this, I have become increasingly aware that all of you
are finding the many challenges to be of a nature which oftentimes can be
overwhelming. This is completely understandable where I can appreciate the
confusion which so often accompanies these turbulent times.
As a result
of this I have been developing a kind of spiritual ‘rescue package’ which can
be used to help navigate the turbulent waters of this highly intense and
disruptive period. Within it I encourage the freeing of your spirit so as to
allow the energies of the new dimension to merge as smoothly as possible with
the quickly emerging ‘true’ you.
I have come
to realize that this advice cannot easily be absorbed via the written word so I
am making more time to accommodate those of you who would like to contact me personally
for guidance. In this respect I am happy to let you know that I can be available
for telephone consultations if you feel that this will be helpful to you.
Please feel free to call me on 828-252-7573 and we can set a time that works
for both of us.
In Love and
Hi Everyone,
have missed being in contact with you. You are all often in my thoughts
and prayers, especially as we move down the road towards Dec 21, 2012.
My goodness how the time has flown, it seems only yesterday we were
sitting in The Sanctuary and listening to Omnia tell us her predictions
about these times.
Some of you may
know Shellie Enteen, aroma therapy practitioner; but you may not be
familiar with her Blog Radio show Esoterically Speaking. I'm sure many
of you will find it interesting. It is possible to listen to the show
live or to listen to it in the archives on her website.
I was recently a
guest on her show , and we had a lovely time talking about the coming
shift in Dec and many other topics. I am including the url of that
program, in case you would like to listen to it.
In the meantime, I would like to share with you some of Omnia's wisdom which I hope will be uplifting to you in these highly challenging times.
Omnia says - I call to your hearts with every pulse of my energy; do not let the quicksand of fear suck you in. You are in a time of great cleansing, you will create situations in your life that will tempt you towards fear, every fear that has ever held you back will come out to dance with you. If that is not enough the Television and the News sources will encourage you to be afraid.
Be Alert to these things; Be Invincible when you feel your emotions react towards fear. If you can do this you will create PARADISE !
Love and Light