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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mary's Astrology Blog for November 2009

Prayer for Centering in Times of Turmoil

Life is changing quickly for so many of us. It is important now, more than ever to stay centered in our spiritual power, and to see all of these changes as the action of God in our lives. We are a part of the energy that we call God and so we are creating the very turmoil that is making us unsettled. All of it is for our highest good. So its important to stay connected to that Great Creative Force that incarnated us at this time. What is within, surrounds us; and so it is important to stay centered in God's love and to take time each day to reach out in prayer.

Find a spot that is peaceful for you. Place special and meaningful objects in this space, objects that remind you that you are a spiritual being, having a human incarnation. Come to your altar, ready to pray. Come with the intention of communing with that part of you that is Divine and Eternal. Abide there a while before prayer; just breathe and let go of the outer turmoil. Make it a sacred time, just for you.

I know that I am part of this Great Creative Force that I feel around me.
I send eternal Love to that Great I AM that is alive in everything, including me. Please help me to remember that you are here, guiding me through the feelings in my heart
The world clamors for my attention.
All of the dramas of family, friends, and work, seem important.
Everyone seems deeply caught up in their own journey.
Sometimes I feel alone.
Help me to know that I am not.
With all of my heart I send my love to you.
Keep me ever aware of your constant love

ARIES: It's about time you rams had a little fun. November should prove a very social month for you. You will find yourself meeting new people, many of whom will prove helpful to your goals and dreams. Love can also enter the picture. If you are not in love, this could be the month, if you are in love it is second honeymoon time. You will be positively inspired in your communication with others and although some of it may be emotional it will all result in clarity. Home will begin to become more secure at this time. You may have more money for rent or mortgage, or you may make purchases of solid long lasting items. A new direction appears as the world generously opens doors for you.

TAURUS: There is certainly no shortage of things to do this month, although much if it may not be fun, you will at least accomplish a lot and relieve yourself of obligations, which may have been on your mind for a while. You and your loved one or partner will be able to communicate with great intimacy. There will be no misunderstandings as each of you can freely express your heart. In many ways November is a serious month, but most of the problems that you get drawn into will belong to someone else so try to keep your emotional balance. The big picture may not be clear to you at this time so focus on completing tasks and tying up loose ends. When career changes come they will be sudden and transforming. You won't have to plot them out.

GEMINI: You may feel super sensitive this month as the moon begins its cycle right on your sun. This often makes us thin skinned so try not to take your emotions too seriously at this time and don't make any decisions based on feelings. Finances will begin to build for you with a solid foundation and you will feel more hopeful in this area of your life. You will find your world expanding, as your energy makes you want to get out and experience new things. You may even consider expanding your home and making it larger or more attractive. Save time for creativity as those forces are very strong for you this month. You will be able to clearly communicate what you want to say.

CANCER: Health may hold your attention for some of this month. It's important to go back to basics and pick up any health habits that you may have let slide. You won't really feel like doing it, but you won't have much energy unless you do. Female relatives will be important to you this month, and you may find them expressing their appreciation to you. There may be a lot going on around you, which you can't make any sense of yet. Trust your journey and you will find it will flow better if you do not try to figure it out. It may be a time when you stick pretty close to home, but that is what you need during this period. Don't keep your feelings locked up. People don't know what you feel unless you tell them.

LEO: This month will bring many unusual people into your life. It may be difficult to figure out just why they have appeared, or even if you can trust them. Don't fret about it too much because you may find that many of their stays are so short you don't have to figure it out at all. Your heart will hold many thoughts of mother or mothering, and any sadness, which this subject brings up will surface now. Just remember that whatever comes up is there for your healing. Journaling would help you a lot right now and much of what you may write will be useful at a later date. This month the focus is on home and family and you will find yourself very articulate on the subject.

VIRGO: Looks like you get a little financial break this month, as your bank account expands and energizes. You will find an increase in those things that you value as well as money. It lifts a bit of the stress of the past few months, and even though work may ebb and flow, it should always be there. You will have the opportunity to express yourself in a way that uplifts others and you may find yourself speaking before groups of people. The energy should flow right through you and make this easy. Work could become very interesting as you seem to attract unusual people, even those who represent a different culture than your own. Work may come to represent your heart's desire as it reshapes itself.

LIBRA: November may find you in a battle between wanting to take good care of your health and also wanting to indulge your bad habits. Don't stress out about it, you will find your balance and as you explore both sides of the issue, you may find yourself becoming more consciously aware of those habits which do not really serve you well. There will be an opportunity for you to increase your prosperity, either directly or indirectly. And you may receive a message, which will elevate your status financially. Be careful of arguing it really won't help you much at this time. Focus instead on your creativity which will express itself in unusual forms.

SCORPIO: As the sun enters into your sign this month you will find that you are able to express yourself both verbally and in writing, and you will find that people respond well to what you say. Meanwhile there will be a lot going on in your heart, which has to do with the past. You may see past situations with more clarity, and while that is helpful, the real power is in letting go; something that does not come easily to you. Plans for travel may change unexpectedly and you could find your home being more disrupted than you would like it, but there is a purpose to all of it and the question for you to ask yourself is: What is this bringing up in me. The answers could set you free.

SAGITTARIUS: Your fuse is a little short this month and you may think that people are deliberately trying to upset you. But there is a purpose to it all. You are so often easy-going that you tend to drift instead of feeling what drives you nuts so that you can re-chart your course. It may be better for you to journal this month, because whatever you express may be done through gritted teeth. That combined with your tendency to be blunt is a lethal combination. At least you will have some nice loving moments to take the edge off. If it has not already happened, you could find yourself really falling in love At the very least there will be those who express their appreciation of you in a way that touches your heart.

CAPRICORN: If you are not already committed, this is the month when you could start a long-term relationship, perhaps one which would last a lifetime. I don't know how you are going to find the time for love because career is also very active and lots of energy will be going that way as the your career world seems to be expanding and taking you into new directions. It is the perfect time to ask yourself what you really want. This is the month to set long-term goals, just be careful to be true to what you really want. You could hear news of disagreements within the family. Just remember there are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. Keep an open mind.

AQUARIUS: This could be a time of confusion. You get to see that every story has many sides and making up your mind to judge, may not be easy. This time represents a good opportunity to let judgment go and just deal with what it. It's a social month and although finances may seem unstable, they will be there when you need them. So go ahead and enjoy travel, because long trips will be especially beneficial in many ways. Don't be penny wise and pound-foolish. Lots of hard work will be there so you won't feel too guilty about your times of pleasure. Hard work pays off as career takes a good upswing this month. If you speak now, people will listen.

PISCES: First of all you have good money karma all month so relax. You are looking for change to occur and missing the fact that it IS occurring on the inside and eventually what is within manifests without. This is your life to learn patience, but even more than; it's your life to learn trust. Career will be one focus this month as you speak on that subject you engender respect from those who listen to you. Relax. This is a wonderful adventure that you are on and if you worry to much you will miss the fun of it. If the opportunity for travel presents itself, go for it. Just make sure that the trip is for pure fun. It will be worth it in the long run. Life is about balance and you need some ballast on the fun side of the scale.

I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -

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With much Love and Light to you all



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