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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mary's Astrology Blog for April 2010


For many of my clients, it has been a difficult winter. Challenges of health, finances and relationships seem commonplace while some of you have been dealing with multiple challenges. It reminds me of being at the beach when the ocean is rough. A big wave knocks you down and before you can stand up and regain your balance, another wave is knocking you over again. Such are the challenges as we prepare for 2012.

Spring is the time of renewal. The energy of the vernal equinox speaks to our soul and reminds us that hope is standing with us, encouraging us to pick ourselves up and renew our dreams.

You are one with the Divine Creative Presence. The same Presence that created the heavens and the earth and keeps all things in perfect Divine order. If you are experiencing fear or frustration, it’s only because you have temporarily lost the feeling of that precious connection. Spring is the perfect time to reaffirm that The Divine Creative Presence created you and will never abandon you.

Take a deep breath and pause for a moment to renew your connection.

Infinite presence, I consciously acknowledge that I am one with you.

Help me to always remember that you supply my every need.

I willingly lay all situations that I perceive as problems, at your feet.

I know that all things in life are gifts from you, so that I can learn to know my own divinity

Let me always see the world as a spiritual vessel, which can not be controlled

I surrender my need to have things my way, and I trust your infinite wisdom that turns all things to grace


Remember : Mercury goes retrograde April 18 until May 11 when it is stationary before beginning its forward motion.

ARIES: Your spirits will lift this month, because spring is your time of year and even at the worst of times it will make you feel better. You could still feel like you are climbing up a long hill and that may continue until you are halfway into May, so take some time out for you. Visit a spa, get a haircut, take a break and indulge yourself for a while. Work will still be there when you get back so it is important for you to pace yourself. You often accomplish things in life, by sheer willpower; but this is not the time to burn yourself out. Take it easy. Friends and loved ones may unexpectedly appear from your past. It is a great time to take stock of where you are and where you are going.

TAURUS: There is a saying in metaphysics that energy follows thought, and what we put our attention on is what we create in our lives. This month situations will occur to bring into your awareness, just exactly how you feel about money finances and what you value in your life. Are you living with thoughts of fear and lack or do you have faith that you will be able to manifest your dreams. If there is anything standing in your way, you will become aware of it this month. It may also be a month of endings. Just remember that it is often necessary to end things or let go of old habits before new and exciting things can come in to your life. You may not like change, but if you stay aware it could be a pleasant process.

GEMINI: You may find yourself with lots of physical energy this month, but in situations where you are having to re-do things of the past. Progress happens about as easily as running does in dreams. You may feel like you are stuck in a kind of mystical molasses and nothing will be going as quickly as you might like. But all things happen for the best and ultimately this slow down is a way of forcing you to come to terms with past choices and their consequences. Look for unexpected changes around career or work. If you have the courage to think outside the box, you will be very successful. The energy supports you going for your dream, but it will not support you putting your dream on the back shelf while you sit on the fence.

CANCER: This month you may be feeling a bit more optimistic about finances but it’s important for you to truly appreciate that things were never really as bad as you feared them to be. In realizing this then you also have the opportunity to break the habit of financial stress and worry. There is the possibility of a strong attraction to someone this month. You may find your heart ruling your head. Be sure that you take a good long look at what you are getting into and match the words with the actions. There is a real tendency to see what you want to see.

LEO: It could be a very emotional month, but that is not entirely a bad thing. You often spend so much of your energy, worrying about the welfare of others that you tend to ignore your own desires. This month your emotions will let you know in no uncertain terms, just what is important to you. Your love life will become a source of focus this month. If you have one, you will find yourself giving it more attention or perhaps healing some communications problems. If you do not have a love life, you will feel its absence keenly and perhaps you will need to look at your activities and see if there is room for a special someone.

VIRGO: You may not see the evidence of it yet, but much of what you do this month is going to lead you to be able to expand your horizons, especially if you have the patience to go back and re-do those things in your life, which may not have produced the results that you were looking for. Pay special attention to yourself and your personal habits of diet and exercise. You have the opportunity to lay a foundation, which will serve you well for the next 12 years. It doesn’t matter what kind of health challenges you have had in the past, April gives you the opportunity to heal them and establish a new and long lasting vitality. You are entering a new and very creative cycle; don’t be afraid to experiment.

LIBRA: Career may seem stalled for you, as you have to work very hard for even a small amount of success. Don’t let it get you down hard work now pays dividends just after your birthday. Romance on the other hand should run smoothly and if you don’t have a special someone in your life at the moment you may hear some messages of love before the month is out. It is time to come out of that wonderful mind of yours and let your heart lead the way both romantically and creatively. You are a great planner and you like to study all the odds, but this is the time to feel your way through life, as your intuition is especially reliable at this time.

SCORPIO: Travel plans may be stalled or changed at the last minute, but don’t let it get you down. Exciting things will be happening for you this month and you may meet a soul mate unexpectedly as a result of plans, which have been disrupted. If you have had financial concerns you will see the beginning of a transformation in that part of your life. It is important to remember that all news is good news, even if it seems a disaster at the time. Whatever leaves your life at this time will be replaced by something even more wonderful. If you are in the market for a new pet, this is the month to choose one. Your intuition borders on psychic so pay close attention to those little hunches that come into your mind.

SAGITTARIUS: This is a good month to look before you leap, because you could be accident prone. If accidents to happen, they will almost always be caused because your attention was not on your present actions. Everyone wants your time and your energy and it may be easy to spread yourself too thin. Don’t forget to take time out for love and romance. If your partner feels neglected arguments can erupt. Dreams will be vivid and contain hidden meanings so this might be a good time to keep a dream journal. Creativity will come in powerful and sometimes unexpected spurts so take advantage of them when they do occur. The end of the month may see you planning a dream trip, which will be just what you need.

CAPRICORN: Home is the bright spot for you this month as you shape your surroundings into a sanctuary of peace and harmony. The world seems to be knocking on your door and everyone wants your help or your advice, as much as you can retreat and take care of yourself. There could be a pleasant and unexpected visit from a family member who travels many miles to visit. Take the time to enjoy friends and family and to let your nerves and body heal. Plans will be made for long distance travel perhaps to foreign lands, but the actual trip may not occur until the summer months. Don't worry about travel, the heavens are smiling on you now so trips should be safe and enjoyable, just be aware if you travel when Mercury is retrograde then there may well be delays.

AQUARIUS: This is a mystical month for you as you explore the depths of your soul and find your inner communication to your Higher Source. Almost magically you will find people coming into your life just at the time when you need them the most. The old metaphysical saying that when the student is ready the teacher appears, certainly applies to you for the month of April. Pay close attention to any messages, which have to do with finances. Don’t let this area of your life slide as it is a good time to clean up past obligations. If you find yourself working very hard on a project that seems to be stalled, keep up your efforts you will see results a bit farther down the road, but it will be worth it on many levels.

PISCES: You are a water sign and most of the time you like your water to be a peaceful lagoon. Right now it is more like the ocean at rip tide. Life is carrying you and you aren’t sure where it is taking you and it may not always be a pleasant experience. Your career may be in the midst of great change and you may find yourself working very hard without seeing any results, but dear Pisces just as the ocean churns up to bring light and life to its darkest parts, you are doing much the same in your life. There is a Divine Hand in all of this and the end result is your Highest Good. Trust your process and know that the end result is right around the corner and will be well worth all the turmoil that birthed it.

I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -

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With much Love and Light to you all



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