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Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Time of Birth

A Message from Omnia

To all of my beloved friends in the Light. I am Omnia and I am here to show you the way to the realization of your own empowerment. I am not here to empower you, for you are already magnificent beings of Light. I am here to remind you, or perhaps it is more accurate to say, that I am here to wake you up. LOL

In your earthly form, some of you have forgotten your magnificence. You have forgotten that you are one with the Creator. You have let your consciousness become identified with being a victim of life. Life being other people or circumstances. I am here to remind you of who you are, because you are in the dawn of your own evolution. This is the evolution of your old world into the new one which it is becoming. You are changing not only your own world but even mine as well. It is time for you to blaze Your Light, the radiant magnificent Light that you are! - No Pressure there LOL

Before the butterfly bursts from the dark safety of its chrysalis, before the bud pops its head out of the dark gentle earth, before the human child comes forth from the womb, there is a time of intense focus and determination. Some would look at the child and say the child struggles to be born, but in reality it is a time of quiet, of one-pointedness, activity that leads to one purpose and one purpose alone. The child may weary of the journey towards the world or the bulb may tire of digging itself through obstacles and the butterfly may tire of flexing its muscles and wondering when? When? When? it will be able to push away the chrysalis of confinement. Does that when? When? When? Sound familiar does it.

This change that you are in the process of going through, over the next two years, is all about time. When humanity first walked upon the earth, time was unimportant. It was measured by the activity of the sun and the moon. You lived in harmony with days and nights and your inner clocks focused more on the task at hand.

You had no knowledge when news would arrive or when travelers would return. The moment in which you were living was where you put your attention. As humanity began to evolve spiritually and the industrial revolution took place and factories could be lit well in the hours of darkness, your inner rhythms were thrown off by this and time began to get a foothold in your lives.

Time was still useful, it measured your growth and it allowed you to see how many days you took to gain wisdom. Time took a huge leap as the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl arrived in your realm in 1986. If you examine your lives at that time, you will see his influence in bringing change and Light, but you will also see that time speeded up.

Now you are on the threshold of a great change. You have become slaves of time and you worship that slavery in the name of responsibility. Your Higher Self has a plan for each day and a reason for that plan. Your Higher Self is that part of you that is eternal and never left the Love of God, the Light of Creation. Trust your Higher Self and do not waste time condemning yourself if the events of your journey make you late for an appointment.

The energy is intense right now, and many of you are staring deeply into the eyes of the dragon which embodies all that you fear most in this life. Remember you are eternal and this life is just an exercise. Try not to take it so seriously. Nothing can harm your immortal soul and you did not come on this journey alone.

You are on this journey with a staff of advisors who encourage you as you make your choices. They also join their energy with yours for every constructive choice that you make. Your job is to battle fear and reduce its power to that of a gnat. It may be annoying once in a while and you may have to swat at it to push it out of your consciousness, but it has no real power to disturb your journey.

I want to thank Omnia for her wonderful insight and her gift of unconditional love to us all. I hope that this has been as uplifting and helpful to you as it has been to me and if you would like to leave a comment please go to

Mary's Blogspot

With much Love and Light to you all

Mary and OMNIA

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi Everyone,

I want to thank all of you who responded so enthusiastically to Omnia's last posting. Several of you wrote very interesting questions, which I am passing on to Omnia.

Q. The mass spiritual community talks of 2012, which they call the Ascension, as an upliftment coming to all humanity due to a new and powerful energy being sent to earth caused by timing as the cycle ends. Yet, St. Germain instructs His students that Ascension is an individual process that we are free to choose and then strive toward through our own individual achievement of conscious, disciplined effort, finalizing with our raising our physical, mental, and emotional bodies to higher vibrational levels until all three merge into our Presence and ascend beyond human existence.

So, are they one and the same process or are there two processes being called the same thing? I guess my question is: Is Ascension a gift being sent to us en-mass or is it an individual attainment obtained only through our own conscious effort or are they both somehow aspects of the same process? Or is the word Ascension being misunderstood?

Cindy in Palm Beach Shores, FL

A. (from Omnia) First of all, let me send my greetings and Love to all of you who are reading this. Tis happy I am that we have this wonderful way to communicate. I am with many of you often, but I did enjoy our mass gatherings and this is very much like those days, even though the energy is in cyberspace. Bet you didn’t know I knew that word. (laughing……)

You brave souls have incarnated at a very special time. In fact it is more powerful even than the age change that you speak of. An age change happens every 2000 years, and in 2012 your world will be firmly in the age of Aquarius. Even more powerful than the Age change is the dimensional change, which will happen on the winter solstice, Dec. 21 2012 at about 7:30 pm GMT. At this time your earth will change from third dimensional consciousness to fourth dimensional consciousness. Many of you are feeling those changes taking place right now.

Fourth dimensional consciousness is a lighter vibration, less dense than third. Your bodies don't age as quickly, which is why even now life expectancy is longer than it was. You will find your bodies, even now, desiring a different diet to sustain it. Many of you will find that you naturally desire less dense foods such as meat or heavy starches and you will be drawn towards lighter fare. This will happen subtly so listen to your digestion.

Sleep patterns will also change; you need less change in fourth dimensional life. The present third dimension pulls on you like a heavy magnet, so many of you will experience fatigue. It is vital that you keep your circulation moving, so find a type of movement that is fun for you. It will make a great difference in your emotional and physical well being.

You incarnated at this time because there would be ample opportunities to break the cycle of death and rebirth. Now more than ever you have multiple opportunities to take dominion over the dense energy of earth and learn that you are not its victims, but you are the creators. That is why the lessons seem to be flying at you, but along with the lessons, comes the grace to master them.

It is also a great time of false prophets. Everyone will be bringing forth what they believe to be the truth. You will hardly be able to avoid them all, but listen with an open heart, and if you do not resonate with what is being said, then discard the message. Trust ONLY your higher self to give you the truth, no matter who you are listening to and that includes me.

In third dimensional consciousness, you had Spirit Guides and Masters to tell you step by step, what you should do. Those Guides and Masters are still with you, but they don’t instruct you so much any more. They are there to help you to recognize your own inner wisdom. Listen to your hearts.

This time has many names, the Ascension time The Kalli Yuga, The Rapture, The final days. Many of you will Ascend, but your Ascension is not given to you as a gift. The opportunity is there and no one can do it for you, or wave a magic wand and take all of your lessons away. But the Grace is here and the Helpers are here, enough for every single being who is in the body to make the transition.

Those who do not make the transition will not be lost. They will simply remain in the third dimension for a little bit longer and eventually they will be able to move on. One thing I want to stress, you are all souls on a journey of evolution. It is a journey that no one will ever fail. Eventually you will all Ascend and those who do it quicker are not counted as any better than those who take more time. You are all made of the same energy as the Divine Creator who brought you into existence. There is no difference. Each of you has been played all the roles in the drama of life, hero, villain and fool. It is a gift that you give to each other so that you create opportunities for growth. Those souls who bring up your strongest emotions, are your best teachers, Bless Them.

My blessings and love to you

Thank you Omnia for your insight which only confirms that which I've spent so long in striving to learn but I have a question from someone else who asks from within a set situation which correlates to this:

Q. A family member, or someone close to you, severely abuses you as a child wherein it is completely out of your control and not that which you've created from within yourself. It's clear the abuser is not to blame spiritually but is a tool for something better overtime for your soul and that of the spiritual realm. So forgiveness for that soul is there.

But then how does one get over being a "victim", unable to be released, if one had not created this and yet the pain remains?

Thank you.

Jean, Asheville, NC

A. (from Omnia) Greetings, Dear Jean, I think your question is an important one, and one which many may wonder about. You look at children and you see their innocence. Humans have such beautiful and loving hearts. I think it is important for you to remember that about yourselves. There is no other species in the Universe that has as much Love and Determination as Humans. I know that does not have a lot to do with your question, but in so much of your literature I see you observing extra-terrestrials and seeing them as somehow more advanced simply because they have mastered inner planetary travel. But you dear ones have mastered love and I count that as far more advanced than mere scientific knowledge. If you learn nothing else from me, please see us as equals.

You humans are in the school of earth, and you are here to learn that you are Divine. You are here to learn that there is no situation that you cannot master eventually. You are also here to experience dramas from all the different roles, victim, perpetrator, enabler, hero. Many a soul has deliberately incarnated into a difficult situation, in order to learn about their strength.

There can be all sorts of reasons why a child chooses to put herself into a situation where she will be abused. The choice is the key. Before any of you incarnate you meet with a council of 7 advisors who help you go over your potential situation and those lessons that will be available for you to learn.

Perhaps a soul has a problem with being overbearing and abusive. That soul may chose a parent with those same qualities so that they can experience what it is like to be on the other end of the stick, so to speak. Perhaps the soul has had many lifetimes of pleasing others and neglecting the self. She may chose to incarnate into a situation that is so abusive that she finally learns to say "I don’t deserve to be treated like this"

Sometimes the soul is so advanced and loving that it will volunteer to be the victim so that it can teach the perpetrator the horror of his acts, and also give those who may know about the abuse, the opportunity for them to step up and protect the innocent child. Of course everyone has free will and sometimes souls come in to help teach someone a lesson and that person chooses to avoid the lesson. This makes it difficult for the soul who is being abused, but an opportunity like that offers great grace and so even if life was uncomfortable for a while, the soul who was the victim will learn amazing things and evolve greatly once the lesson is learned.

As a child you may not have had an opportunity to avoid or end the abuse. As an adult you can sit and ask your higher self "why did I choose this situation?" I strongly encourage you to journal your thoughts in free association. Often the act of writing will so occupy the thinking mind that the intuitive mind can express itself freely and you will learn much more than if you just meditated on the subject.

Once you realize that you took on the role of victim for a purpose, and that purpose is no longer necessary, you will be able to stop being a victim and make choices to take good care of yourself. For even if no one appeared to be your champion in that situation, you have the power and the strength to be your champion now today. And you will be able to let go of the role of victim as easily as you drop a pencil from your hand that you have no further need of.

I will add one more thought to this situation. I feel from your energy that you are a healer in this life. You may well have taken on the role of victim so that you could have first hand compassion for those who come to you for healing. You are a lovely soul, there is no further need for you to continue in the role of victim, you have learned what you need to. It’s time for a costume change and a new role.

My blessings and love to you

I want to thank Omnia for her answers. I hope these questions have been helpful for many of you. If you would like to leave a comment please go to

Mary's Blogspot

With much Love and Light to you all

Mary and OMNIA

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prayer For Health


I hear from so many of you who are feeling the physical effects of this energy transformation that we are building towards in 2012. It requires a whole new way of being. Many of us who have been focused in the Mental and Spiritual worlds, are now having to listen as our physical bodies teach us. If we do not give our bodies the right things to eat, the right movement, or the opportunity to let our energy flow to every part of the body, it will speak to us very clearly with pain and discomfort.

Every one of us is different, so it's important to observe the direction in which our intuition leads us. Each of our bodies requires a unique health plan. It is important for us to get in touch with our bodies, spiritually and intuitively and ask those parts that give us discomfort to reveal the lesson and express its guidance.

Take some deep cleansing breaths, as many as you need so you can feel your body.
Observe how gently your breath moves in and out of your body.
This is your life force. Send love and gratitude to your breath for all its service.
Take some time to let your consciousness give its attention to every part of your body.

Find those parts that are uncomfortable and speak to them.

"I apologize for making it necessary for you to have to become uncomfortable so that I would listen to you.
I don’t expect you to trust me, but I am ready to listen. I want to know why you hurt.
I want to send you only love, I know it may take time, but I truly believe that if I am consistent with you, I will learn what you are trying to tell me.
I love every part of you, and I know you want only my highest good, for we are one.
Help me to truly know that I am the Limitless Love of the Healing Heart of God, Now Made Manifest in my body".


ARIES: You are giving birth and this is the difficult part of the labor, but it is also a time of great intuition for you. Do not be afraid to dream, especially if you have been putting in the hard work that goes with making dreams come true. Aries, I know that you love to express yourself spontaneously, but right now, you would benefit much more from a little organizational skills and some attention to detail. The Divine Presence is providing you with wonderful opportunities to make your dreams come true, but you must stay on top of things with your creative Martian energy in order to make it happen. Right now, more than any other time of the year, WHERE YOU PUT YOUR ENERGY, YOU WILL CREATE. Pay attention.

TAURUS: Dear Taurus, first of all, let me give you a big hug, life has been a little intense lately and it is not likely to let up for a while yet. It may feel like a burden, but actually it is a wake up call. You can be the beautiful dream; making life comfortable for others but not taking the time to return some love to yourself. Like your wonderful symbol, the bull, it is time for you stand in the pasture and smell the flowers while you think about what you want to do next. These are the days to look at what serves you in life and what needs to be released in love. It should be a gentle process if you cooperate with the way things go, if you don't you will find yourself blocked. You will be held still, until you see truth.

GEMINI: Expect the unexpected, but who flows better with the currents of the winds than you, dear Gemini. The trouble is that your mind can become ballast, which pulls you earthbound and lands you in places you do not want to go. Trust your instinct, a bird does not map out its flight, only humans do that. A bird trusts its inner vision to ride the currents of its world and makes the best use of the energy that is being provided to it. That is your task this month. Make the most of your opportunities and give your thinking mind a break. Let it exercise itself on puzzles and games, while living life is left to the heart. You may be feeing confined, but it is only to give you the opportunity to pause and breathe and decide which way you are going to fly. Let your heart lead you.

CANCER: Life may seem to be moving in slow motion right now. Everything seems to take longer than you might want it too. Don't blame the butcher the baker or the candlestick maker, just realize this is how it's going to be for a while and that there is purpose to it, just as there is purpose to everything. The clues will be found as you look at the past fourteen years of your life. What were your goals, what were you doing to reach them, what part of that are you still doing and how do you need to change things. If you take this careful inventory and cooperate with the energy, you will manifest changes beyond your dreams and you will not really suffer any true losses.

LEO: This month will be all about you, not too hard for you to take, dear Leo. You may get teased a lot about wanting to still be royal, but you take your regal responsibilities seriously, and you often end up doing much more for others than you ever do for yourself. What do you value? What makes you happy? There will be lots of clues this month, so stay alert. You may find yourself meeting someone who inspires you and awakens a sense of direction, which guides you to your heart's desire. When you are happy, everyone around you benefits from your sunny disposition and your playful nature. It is time to discover what makes you happy and to pursue it with all of your passion.

VIRGO: You have a lot going for you this month, dear Virgo. First of all what you say and how you express yourself will be seen as an expression of authority or truth. Your words and thoughts are respected by others, so, if there are any dreams or ideas which are close to your heart, now might be the time to bring them forth. The other good thing is that miracles happen around you this month and the Universe reaches out to give you a helping hand in many varied and unusual ways. You get creative input from many different cultures and the energy becomes alive in you as you express it to create your ideal. You will manifest to the degree that you believe is possible for you. Don't limit yourself ! Reach for the stars.

LIBRA: This month, you will be encouraged to look at your beliefs about life and why you are here. You may have been neglecting the spiritual side of your nature. That doesn't mean you need to get yourself to church, but it does mean that you may need to contemplate what you believe and more importantly how you connect with the Divine Presence that gives you support and inspiration. There could be sudden changes in your life this month, and it is important that you know that these changes come from a Higher Source that has only your greatest happiness in mind.

SCORPIO: Lots of change happening in your life. Whether it may appear that way on the surface or not, the ultimate results will be positive. What is really happening here is transformation. Your beliefs and values about life are changing. There may be unexpected changes within the family, even loved ones moving in or out of the home, but count it all good, because that is where this is headed. Those parts of your life where you most desired change will be under the fire now and into the process of transformation. You have never lacked courage, and your courage won't fail you now. Hold on to your hat, because things will turn around quickly, be ready for miracles and make good use of them when they come.

SAGITTARIUS: It's a good thing that you are the mutable fire sign because flexibility is what is called for this month, for all archers. You have been going through a lot of personal upheaval and while you may be far enough into it, to see some of the benefits; it still hasn't been much fun. Just when you think you have your direction worked out, the Universe drops a tree in your path and you have to rethink things. If you can think of life as a dance in which quick steps are required, it might be more fun for you. All the hard work that you are doing now, will pay off about six months from now. On a happier note, you may find love popping into your life in an unexpected way bringing happy news in the middle of the month.

CAPRICORN: Take a good look around at those people whom you deal with on a daily basis. Life has sent you a wonderful teacher, although you may be less than enthusiastic about learning the lesson. This teacher will refuse to go away and causes you to take stock of the last fourteen years of your life. Where are you in terms of your goals. If you are in business, you will find it easy to generate money this month, hanging on to it may prove a bit more of a challenge. You are so busy that sometimes you don't pay close attention and you get talked into things which are not in your best interest. If that is going on it will be hard to ignore and the opportunity to change it is at your fingertips.

ACQUARIUS: You could find it hard to trust your instincts this month. Usually you are clear with lightening accuracy, but this month could find you going back and forth between beliefs and opinions and what you want and what you don't want. You could even be having a difficult time trying to figure out how you feel about a loved one or partner. Just remember that you are probably not seeing clearly. It is not the time to act on these emotions, but rather to look at them closely for there will be a bit of truth in each extreme. Look for your answers in dreams and omens, these will be your best guides at this time.

PISCES: You are trying to break free of an old habit and life has been cooperating with you and bringing you opportunities for you to see where you are stuck. Take a look back over the last 20 days and see what you were dealing with. Whatever part of the lesson that you didn't get will resurface somewhere in this month. You will have another opportunity to gain understanding and to free yourself. The good news is that things will happen quickly around you. It will be easy to project the image which you desire in any job seeking or interviews. Change will come quickly, but it will always lead to your highest good.