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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy New Year - 2017

It’s that time of the year again. The Christmas festivities are behind us, the stores are already advertising Valentine’s Day along with post-holiday sales clearing out their old merchandise and making way for the new. In our life we are ending the vibration of 2016 which was a nine. The vibration of endings and loss. The loss is usually something we should lose, but we don’t always want to and that is where the trouble often lies.

To refresh your memory. You figure out your personal year by adding up your birthday and month. Unlike astrology you don’t need the year or the time of birth. So if you were born on April 15, the 4 of April added to the 1 and 5 of the day equals 10 or 1. In numerology we keep reducing until we get a single digit. Add that one to the vibration of the year, in 2016 it was a 9 and 2017 will be a 10 or 1. A person born on that day will be going from some serious losses or endings and moving into a vibration of new things and experiences, perhaps even new people.

These past years have been difficult. 2014 was a 7 and dealt with depression or at the very least a feeling of isolation. There is always a positive and a negative side to each number. So, while 2014 may have been isolating us, if we used that time to go within and get creative then exciting things could have come forth.

2015 was an 8 year, all about money. Look at the world economy during that year. We saw countries go bankrupt, something which never happened before in my history and, as my children will tell you, I am old. I have seen us go from an ice box to a refrigeration, which is something they can’t imagine. Often when we are watching old movies I hear them say, ‘Why doesn’t he just use his cell?’ When I tell them we didn’t have cells and that we had beepers if we were truly on the cutting edge, they look at me like I must be making it up.

A country which goes bankrupt must be normal because so many have done it. They don’t see the significance, because personal bankruptcy has become so commonplace. If we used 2016 correctly, it was as though we were cleaning out closets and getting rid of those things that were no longer serving us well. Emotions, jobs material possessions, beliefs; ‘Let it Go’ was the watch-cry for 2016.

If we cleaned that closet with enthusiasm then it was not a very difficult year. But if we were determined to keep all those things that might have a use some day, then we suffered losses that were difficult; because if you don’t let go willingly in a 9 vibration, then 9 will take it from you by force. 9 is determined to move you forward unencumbered by past baggage.

On Dec 31 we chimed in the new 2017. New experiences, new beginnings, sometimes new employment situations. A lot of what will come to you will depend on how comfortable you are with the changes. For example, quite a while back I had a client who divorced in late 1998. Early the next year she told me that she wanted to meet a nice man and be in a relationship by the new millennium. She saw this as a new beginning and wanted to take advantage of it.

I had to tell her that if she continued keeping track of all of her ex-husband’s activities, she would be much too focused in the past to welcome the future. Letting go was vital in order to make the space to let new things come into her life.

Another client at around about the same time lost her job and was looking for a new one. However, she was determined to get back in to her old company and so she kept applying only to the jobs which were advertised in that place. She was well educated with years of experience in her field, but she was so determined that her old employer should re-hire her. I could see that she was just trying to prove that she shouldn’t have been downsized in the first place; but in being focused in such a narrow way she was missing so many golden opportunities. Fortunately I managed to get her to see this.

Over the years I’ve been constantly surprised by the number of my clients who ‘get in their own way’ like that. I look at their auras and see that they have earned some good experiences, but often they are directing the flow of energy to the past instead of to the future. They want good things to be given to them and they want them in spite of negative thinking and poor opinions of themselves. Clearing out the ‘garbage’ is important, but recognizing that it’s there in the first place is vital. You can’t build a nice house on a refuse tip, so clean up your act whenever the opportunity presents itself.

As this year comes to a close then make a conscious effort to affirm your good points. Weed out those things that hold you back and then get ready to see what gifts 2017 has in store for you.

I wish each and every one of you a gloriously Happy New Year. May you be well prepared for the new experiences to come and the special people that 2017 will bring your way. May you recognize your highest good in all things while letting go of all the negative energies, thoughts and habits which keep you rooted in the past

If you feel that you could use some help in dealing with any kind of issues that may be coming up for you then please get in touch. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

With much love and light as always


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Universe Plays its Trump Card - What Does it Mean for Us?

I have received many emails today expressing shock at the way the election went. Some ask me if I had picked up on the outcome psychically. My answer is that what I sensed was a lot of volatility, confusion and vacillation among a great many voters. Many seemed to have changed their minds at the very last minute. You can always count on the human race to be unpredictable.

You often ask me how much I can pick up for myself.

The answer is not much at all. I'm here to learn through my life experiences the same as everyone else. Also, what makes me a clear psychic is the fact that I am detached from the outcome; so I'm not trying to have it turn out the way that I would like it to.

You asked me if I was surprised. I was, but not for the reasons you may think.

Since Dec 21, 2012 the vortex of energy that opened has been pouring through us. It has two purposes - World Transformation and Balance. I know a lot of you believe that this will just lift you up in a shower of Light and into ascension. But ascension is only ever earned, it’s not an automatic entitlement.

It’s been crazy. Things that we thought we loved have been taken away, only to discover that what follows will eventually be our happiness. Transformation means change. Think about it, we are moving from one age to another and from one level of consciousness to another. If you take a moment to consider what it’s like to move your residence, a place that you are familiar with, then you appreciate how long it takes you to feel settled again. It takes a while to find things and adjust to the energies of your surroundings. With that thought in mind, try to imagine what would happen if everyone on the planet moved on the same day. That’s our world right now.

The energy at this time gives us the opportunity to change a lot of things. I'm surprised by how many people in this country are happy to support bigotry, and misogyny. Actually, I’m more than just surprised, I’m really shocked. I guess I live in a spiritual bubble.

How Could This Happen, she asked.

When I watched Donald Trump’s energy, I saw one thing. Stirring the crowd up like he did, I could see angry the crowd was; and also that they have been angry for many years. It was mostly about money, losing their homes, jobs gone overseas, personal purchasing power gone. Many feel that the government of the USA has betrayed them and failed to protect the American way of life.

They feel entitled to that way because of loving because they are hard workers and they obeyed the rules, and now a great many are living just one pay check away from being homeless. This fear and stress naturally fuels their anger.

Hilary to them, right or wrong, comes across as simply perpetuating the system while delivering more of the same. She represents a style of hidden government which deals in so many backroom agreements that do not serve the people’s best interests. She may as well be male as she symbolises the good old boys network so well.

Many people were scared of Washington cronyism and so they wanted a change. Change for the sake of change is not always wise, but angry people may not always be calm enough to think things through. Others who were thinking had reasons that were valid to them. Needless to say, emotions ran high right up to the point of actually making the final selection on polling day.

So, what Do We do Now?

My daughters are afraid that this will set women back on so many fronts. Back in the day, mine was the first militant faction of women who burned their bras at rallies in town parks. We picketed for ‘equal work for equal pay’ and we gained a lot of ground as a result. I trust the Spirit of women who fought that brave fight to persist and stand strong in its momentum. I feel certain that it will endure powerfully for all that women have gained.

I urge other groups to do the same. Whether you are an immigrant or part of the rainbow community, African American, or Native. Be a steward of your own group, expand your energy out to support the humanity of others. Thank Goodness for the next 4 years we can start to heal.

Remember that old saying -


If you feel that you could use some help in dealing with any kind of issues that may be coming up for you then please get in touch. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

With much love and light as always


Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Freedom of the Dark Moon

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

Today I bring good news about tonight's events. I know it’s been a long time since we heard that from the Universe, but here we are and tonight and the next two days are the optimum time to set your intention. Then watch for miracles during the following days until the next new moon.

First of all let’s review the implications of our present circumstance. As you are aware, we all have a masculine side and a feminine side, no matter what our gender of choice in this life is. So when I speak of the Divine Feminine, I’m not just speaking of the women in our group. You males have a Divine Feminine too. It’s your nurturing side, your intuitive side and what contributes greatly to your ability to express compassion.

Now, the legend goes like this. In the beginning God created Adam and then an equally powerful being whom he called Lilith. Lilith was destined to be at Adam’s side while being his equal feminine counterpart, his companion and his friend. But, unfortunately, this didn’t work out as planned.

Lilith refused to be Adam’s subservient partner, whose purpose was stated as being that of nurturing Adam while also pleasing him sexually. I’m sure she might have done those things if it had been her idea born of her own free will, but she didn’t like to be ordered by Adam to submit. So, she took herself off to another part of Paradise and there she waited patiently for Adam to see reason.

Adam, however, told God that he was lonely and so God gave him another female who was called Eve. Adam must have made a list because Eve fulfilled everything on it. She embodied the Divine Feminine without any will of her own. She was a kind of Stepford wife, which is what Adam had ordered.

Lilith felt great compassion for her sister and so she turned herself into a snake in order to talk some sense into her. The rest of the story you know. They were all thrown out of Paradise. Lilith’s consolation was that every month which has two New Moons in it, she may come forth and give great energetic assistance to those who have had their Divine Feminine blocked by the energy of others.

So if there is any place in your life where you have been blocking your power, your emotions, your intuition, or perhaps all three, these next three nights are the perfect time to let those blocks be carried away by the energy of the Black Moon.

It’s called ‘Black’ because it is subtle and mysterious and it takes only the willingness on our part to let it go, to make the call.


I am sending love to the part of femininity that is strong and wise and protective
Help me to embrace those parts of me that need to grow stronger
Release for eternity all thoughts and feelings of inferiority
My feelings matter, my intuition accurate and the Light will lead the way to my future
Thank you for your help. I know that you can consume forever those self doubts which hold me back from my greatest happiness
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Bless you, Bless you, Bless you
I love you, I love you, I love you

The energy of Lilith will bless you within the next month. Based on your solar equal house chart these are the areas


Money that comes without labor

Foreign travel


Hopes, wishes and dreams

Childhood wounds

Self perceptions
Discovering what you value

Communications with family

Your home

Love affairs that don’t lead to marriage or creativity


I know it’s easy to focus on the blessing, especially after the planets have been swatting us with a rolled up newspaper for so long, but please don’t ignore the areas where you have been blocking your power. Lilith will help you let those blocks go, but only if you are willing.

If you feel that you could use some help in dealing with any kind of issues that may be coming up for you then please get in touch. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

With much love and light as always

Friday, August 5, 2016

Omnia's Message for August 2016

You are here to hold hands as One Force with every other being on this planet. Whether you know them, whether you don’t know them; with one force with one energy, one heart you are one. Om!

No matter what religion, no matter what nationality, or what part of the world separates you, whether you are friend or foe, you are one with that whole wave of souls that came in at this time at this moment to say, No more war, No more fear, No more cruelty, Peace! Harmony! Love! You are here, all of us are here, to bring this energy through.

You are here to learn that you are Divine. You are here to learn that there is not one drama you can mention to me that is going on in your life that can be a speck of an effect on the power of the Eternal Being that you are. There is no one who can say anything to you, there is nothing that can touch you. You are a force and you are unique and you are Divine. Why do you fear each other?

You were seeded in this world to get along. That story is told in many ways. One way that is familiar to many of you is the tale of Adam and Eve. Many believe that there great separation came through the discovery of sex. But that is false. Sex is a natural part of humanity made for the procreation of children and the relaxation of the nervous system.

There is nothing wrong with sex, but many of you have been brought up by those who are uncomfortable with it. I could spend a lot of time on this subject, but I won’t, at least not today. The difficulty in that story is not the male discovering the female or the positive energy molecules discovering the negative ones and then creating a spark. The mistake was in letting that separation mutate into ‘Us’ and ‘Them’. Every country on your planet feels that their land is superior and so they criticize those who seize the power as evil. They see those with a different way of life as wrong. You judge each other endlessly and you do it so habitually that you don’t know it.

You talk about ‘we are the world’. You even sing about it, yet those with a different way of life are considered as being wrong. You judge each other endlessly and you don’t know it. You speak of ‘one love, one heart’ and yet in the next breath you are talking about building walls. That worked when the Chinese did it, but people travel on faster things than horses and yaks today.

The separation came from seeing male and female almost as a different species. You are the same species in interesting interpretations of the same energy which causes a spark of creation that has birthed many things.

No, it was not the great separation of seeing yourself male and female, for you do know that at one time you were one; everything was. Then, like a bursting flower, many little seed pods came out to inhabit the world. They settled in what you now call many countries, when in fact your land mass was pretty solid before the first ice age. So it was really mostly one land. The egg of the seed contained two pods, which actually were connected with other pods

These kept growing and separating like ameba reproducing themselves. This was the result of the two pods discovering, in an ecstatic dance, the awareness that one was female and one was male. Again, I’ll say a bit about sex. This ecstatic dance has nothing to do with the genital equipment of either pod. It had to do with color and vibration. Color and vibration create sound and when that energy harmonizes with each other, Universes are created. It just expands and expands in synchronization and resonance until all atoms are at peace.

Synchronization is an agreement of energy. Yes, we are creating something that harmonizes with us in body, mind and spirit. That’s another long topic, but let me say this. Look around you and if where you are and the world you are allowing to exist is not in harmony with what you believe, then stop looking for us to come down and save you. You created this little by little in your daily lives, because let me tell you, Light, Harmony, Joyful pleasant existence with other Beings, cannot live as long as you recognize ‘Us’ and ‘Them’. There is only ever ‘Us’.

We prefer to live in certain way where we are close to people who vibrate like us, but when Vibration is understood, along with synchronization, you will understand that whatever our vibration is, creates what surrounds us.

The Democrats blame the Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats, but no one says, ‘Hey! I’m creating this vibration of energy’. Saying and doing are two different things. You say both, I want peace and comfortable coexistence, yet the war continues.

Now amidst you are many who would say, ‘Let’s leave it in the hands of the Divine, no matter; just jump in and go with the flow’. These people often end up in a military-like atmosphere because they really do want the flow directed by the Light. It’s all Energy and it’s all Light, as long as we don’t redirect it.

Do you realize that you are the only ones who can choose how to direct it? This has been called The Experiment of Free Will. What would happen if all of us have free will, because you know so most of us here have chosen to eliminate aspects of Free Will? That is also another long story, but you humans have free will.

From our perspective it gives moments of amazing courage and love for humanity, it is asserting peace while preparing for war, which confuses me. How could you hope to believe that this would be successful? But it is not my desire to get political here. I have come to speak of vibration, synchronicity and how it creates your world; just in case you’ve been wondering. Mary would say, ‘you digress’, and I do. Back to the point.

Your entire world is populated with beings who are essentially the same substance as you are. These beings had certain needs, depending on the climate they inhabited; for example, when things were pretty cold for you. You drew your energy together and all wished it was warmer or easier to live and so you created things with this energy because you were all in harmony. But once you were warm, and not worried about food or survival any more, you began to start losing your connection with things that were outside of your personal comfort zone. You lost the courage to live your spirituality. You lost contact with your source and so you learned not to trust.

Not trusting the outer is good advice, it changes constantly. When you build a strong connection with the material melodrama of all life, you become gradually lost. It is your Soul that is connected to eternity. It is Your Soul that will recognize your path back to the Source. Your fellow travelers are taking their own path up the mountain and they will find their spirituality through their own heritage.

It is arrogant to believe that yours is the only path to God. Others will sustain themselves with whatever their Soul needs at the moment. Do not judge each other. The ‘I AM’ is in all forms. It is a wise soul who sees that and bows to the fact that we play different roles in the drama, but we need each other to complete this journey and when the vibration of earth is Peace then all will be peaceful

I am here to remind many of you how far you have come in the past 20 years or more. It is time to spread your Light into wherever you feel called to do so. It is time to hold up the Lamp for those coming out of the darkness. It is time to correct your thinking when it comes to feeling mistrust of another’s spiritual ways or cultural heritage.

Yes, that part is different, but we are all eternal souls, striving for the Light in whatever way we can find it. We were all created from the same substance by the same Source. As Sly and the Family Stone tried to tell you years ago, ‘We Are Family’.


If you feel that you could use some help in dealing with any kind of issues that may be coming up for you then please get in touch. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

With much love and light as always

Monday, July 18, 2016

Creation through Intention and Determination - a 'Must' for us all

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

It’s getting closer and closer to the time that my book will be in print. I feel like an expectant mother waiting for those first signs of labor. Actually, the labor came in wondering whether or not to write the book in the first place. When the opportunity finally did arrive, I wondered if I had anything to say - and it seems that I really do; quite a lot in fact.

As you are aware, the main work that I do is a kind of spiritual counselling. Many years ago it started out as psychic readings and there is still a bit of that involved, but as my clients evolved spiritually, and you did, amazingly so, I found that what they needed was a chance to make sense of what was going on in their lives; and how best to use what they had learned spiritually in order to weather the storms.

As you all hear me keep saying, we are going through some powerful times. They are times in which our whole lives and how we live them are changing. Things that we counted on, banks, religious institutions, pensions, jobs, are no longer working the way they used to in the past. In short, the outer is in a state of flux and the only solid ground to stand on is the inner, our spiritual belief system.

For many, what we believe spiritually has been an intellectual journey that we began after feeling a sort of disconnect with the old spiritual ways. We wanted more involvement, more personal contact with the Creative Force of Life. I use that term because many have experienced a ‘disconnect’ even with the word God.

So the search began, and now we are at a time when it’s vital to take what we have learned and what speaks to our heart and put it to use. I feel that I am not in any way overstating the word ‘vital’ because if we do not find our form of God, and thereby establish a relationship where we know that we are a part of the Creative Process which is shaping our world, we are in danger of becoming isolatingly lost.

Inevitably we will be doomed to feel like the victims of this whole process. It will seem as if we are out of control with ‘Life’ happening to us instead of being created by us; with the help of Divine Beings who have only our highest good at heart.

The Light is always more powerful than the Darkness, If you are reading these words, you are already a Warrior of the Light. You are here to bring in this New Age, not by sitting and shaking your head and bemoaning what is happening to you as the Darkness tries to push you into a corner of Fear and take over the process of Creation. You are here to bring in this New Age by realizing what a Powerful and Magnificent Being you are and how your Goodness has attracted Loving and Light filled Beings to join with you to create peace, harmony, love and prosperity in a world where no one wants and no one is treated with inequality.

It was the desire of my heart, to write a book that would help all of us remember our Spiritual Power. To remember where we came from and to remember why we are here, no matter what our personal experiences are. Part of the anti-Light energy is to keep us so stirred up about matters which focus our energies on family, money, health and faith, that we end up becoming far too distracted to become the Blazing Light the we are; and to use that Light to Create a World of Love.

It is my intention and sincere hope that my book will help you and very many others like you to understand the problems that we all face. The very special energy which is contained within it will help you to remember that you are not a victim of these problems while encouraging you to establish your connection with the Divine Creator.

I have written many prayers to help you to see my own process for staying connected to this non-judgmental Force. We are all created of that same sublime substance and so we all have the right to call upon that Force for anything we need to help us stay calm, balanced and positively committed in our intent.

My book has been lovingly created with a broad audience in mind and I have been guided to adopt a style which will prove to be comfortable, beneficial and uplifting for people of all faiths and beliefs. It is a book for everyone, and something which should serve many generations to come.

One very important purpose of writing what I have, is to emphasize the message that we are all, first and foremost, Spiritual Beings. In the craziness of our lives we so often lose sight of this. Becoming much more conscious of this aspect of who we truly are will help to bring about the changes which we are undergoing in a much less confusing way. The many prayers which I have felt the inspiration to write are intended to serve as a reminder that we are eternal Spirits who are just here temporarily, while learning as much as we need to from the uniqueness of our Human experience.

Through using my book to refer to it whenever the need arises, hopefully it will prompt you to appreciate that you are the one who has created what currently exists in your life today. If it transpires that you experience an uncomfortable feeling as a result of this awareness, let’s get together so that we can figure out what you have learned and what can be done so that you can create something more fulfilling.

The writing of my special prayers comes from my heart with the specific intention of reaching out to yours. Its energy encourages your awareness to recognize the wisdom and peace which constantly flows from within. All answers are present within you if you just but choose to spend the time so as to listen; my sincerest wish is that you do this.

If you feel that you could use some help in dealing with any kind of issues that may be coming up for you then please get in touch. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

With much love and light as always

My New Book - Everyday Prayers for Everyday Miracles - will be out shortly. If all goes according to plan, it will be published in paperback at the end of July. An eBook is planned to follow soon after that.

I have created it with a lot of love so that you can have something to keep with you every day and then use it in these challenging times where it will be your little helper, like having me with you.

Just send me an email if you would like to reserve a copy, or look for it on Amazon etc. in a few weeks time.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Silence and Creation

Greetings Fellow Travellers;

As I’m sure you are aware, we are all in the midst of some very unusual times. Never before in recorded human history has so much information been readily available to us. However, the sheer volume of material in and of itself creates its own problems, mainly through our efforts of trying to make sense of everything. As a consequence of this, never before has there been so much widespread confusion in the masses.

Our difficulties lie in the fact that we are in this time of transition which is creating conflict between the mind (or intellect) and the Higher Self (or Intuition). We have been told for years that the answers are within and yet we still have a tendency to seek them from without. Blogs, channelings, workshops and classes can all impart information which stimulates the receptors in your soul. You recognize it as truth, but you cannot tell your intellect why. The intellect will try to hold on to its supremacy by demanding reason behind your choice.

At this crucial stage of our evolution, there is precious little time for reason. In the past we have found proof in science or in ancient texts, but change is coming rapidly now and so it really is important to stay in sync with truth; and especially the way of the soul.

Each one of you has a knowing. It is a clear knowing and yet you may not be able to say why you know. All of these energy times starting back to the harmonic convergence in 1986 through the messages of the planetary configurations, Dec 21, 2012 up to this latest extended retrograde period of five planets are changing you in ways which it’s difficult to comprehend the full scope of.

You don’t need to be seeking it or even watching for it. It just happens to every living being on the planet. We are all in the truly amazing process of evolving at our own rate, but this doesn’t mean that we can’t exercise control over what’s happening to us. We each have gifts and are much more psychic or intuitive than we were ever aware of. This is important to remember as we progress on our journey.

In order to do so we must remain vigilant while ensuring that our intellect always makes make room for all of our talents. It can no longer be allowed to reign as king; as it has for so long. Balance must return in all aspects of our lives.

To enable this to happen, there is a feminine side coming forth in all of us; whether male or female, we all have both. We are destined to be the instigators of this process where the next several generations will learn to bring the male and female essence into perfect balance. This in turn will create the harmony on earth which we all long for.

What can I do now to ensure that I learn what I need to? 

The reason that there is so much information is quite simply because many feel that they have so much to say. Wading through all of this is like searching for gold, so here are a few tips to help you make sense of things.

As you listen to new speakers and as you read new blogs, it’s important to ask yourself, ‘What in this communication is of any value to me?’

In respect of this, beware of these conditions which cloud the issue and only lead to more confusion -

1.    The speaker or writer uses a lot of spiritual words, but doesn’t really say anything clearly. If you find yourself having to work hard in order to understand what’s being said, then it isn’t a message that you need to hear.

2.    What is being said to you is either written or spoken with a lot of confusing rhetoric. Remember, truth is always simple and not to be found in empty words. One of the greatest truths ever expressed was carved on a temple archway. It simply stated – ‘Be Bold, Be Loving and Be Silent’. You don’t need a lot of complicated words to express the truth.

3.    If you sense a lot of ‘ego’ coming from the speaker or writer, run in the opposite direction! Egotists are invariably very confused, but speak their ‘truths’ in terms or absolutes. This is positively dangerous.

You may find this trait in those people who say that they, or their groups, are ‘chosen’. If the speaker or writer gives you the feeling that he or she is experiencing things that you will not experience in your lifetime, then their message will not be meaningful or of any use to you.

Truth and the ‘way’ are open to everyone who seeks them and are never exclusive.

The kingdom of heaven is within each of us and we know how to get there. It’s where we have come from and where we shall return to. Trust that quiet voice within you which recognizes the truth and the ‘way’ and don’t allow yourself to be confused by all the noise on the Internet

Follow the pathway of your truth to wherever your heart is drawing you towards and always beware of your intellect trying to change the direction that your intuition has set for your highest good. You deserve to be happy while finding the way forward which leads you to the place of your ultimate contentment.

If you feel you could use some help figuring out what is coming to you. If I can help you on your spiritual journey in any way, I am available to you in phone consults 30 or 60 min on 828-252-7573. Or if you prefer you can contact me by email at

If you would just like to comment on this blog then is the best way.

Enjoy the journey
In Love and Light as always

My New Book - Everyday Prayers for Everyday Miracles - will be out shortly. If all goes according to plan, it will be published in paperback at the end of July. An eBook is planned to follow soon after that.

I have created it with a lot of love so that you can have something to keep with you every day and then use it in these challenging times where it will be your little helper, like having me with you.

Just send me an email if you would like to reserve a copy, or look for it on Amazon etc. in a few weeks time.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Solstice Energies and You

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

As you are probably aware, we are at that powerful time of year once more, the Summer Solstice. It seems to have come around so quickly again doesn’t it, but that’s because time is speeding by as we head relentlessly onwards towards our ultimate destination.

Many of you may be getting ready for graduation, or to send your baby out of the nest and off to college. Some are getting ready for weddings while others think about vacations or even just taking stock of their lives while making benefit from the renewed sense of optimism and promise.

June is historically a busy month and so, inevitably, it seems to come thundering through our life like a strong wind. This energy carries with it the encouragement to change while being faced with different and sometimes difficult choices.

Even if you pay no attention to the placement of the planets and the moon, it might be good to realize what is happening in the physical world. I won’t confuse you by telling you it’s the longest and shortest day of the year. Our brothers and sisters below the equator are enjoying the winter solstice and we in the north are enjoying summer; so perceptions are far from universal. It’s part of life and why we all see things so differently. This in turn contributes to the richness of experience which makes life such a challenge.

With this in mind I felt that it might be an idea to offer some guidance in the respect of what you can do so as to feel grounded at a time which may have its moments of seeming to be overwhelming. Here is what I would suggest –


1)    Enjoy your family and friends – take the time to truly appreciate all that you have been blessed with. Remember that everyone in your life is there for a purpose so as to teach you valuable lessons ( whether you label them as being positive or negative. )

2)    Make a determined effort to leave your work at work; where it belongs – this is not a time to clutter up your mind with the energy of worry and stress. The Solstice brings the opportunity of renewal and re-energization so that you are able to see your chosen path more clearly. To help you do this - 

3)    Get a very small plant and nurture it. As you put it in good soil imagine that it represents your hopes for the future. Tend it and watch it grow. If you don’t necessarily have green fingers, pick a hardy plant.

This is the time to think about dreams and where you might want things to go. Don’t stay in dreamland, come back to the power of the moment because that is where your dreams will manifest from.

This is also the time of year to renew your commitment to yourself. So many of you beautiful souls have spent your lifetime in care of others where you often give up your own desires so that everyone else will be happy. In doing so, you don’t even take a moment to ask what it is that your desire would be. This is so important, especially at this time of our year. So, I have a request.

I am asking you to write down three activities that would cost no money to do, but that would bring you happiness. Think about this please. Take some time to really search within yourself for what this means to you. Don’t be tempted to take the easy route and just say ‘world peace’; I know you all want that. Keep it intimately personal. What is it that would make ‘you’ really happy in a very practical and meaningful sense?

After having written your list, then ask yourself when was the last time you did these three things? You may be surprised to find out that it has been a while. So the next thing I would say is what is more important than giving yourself the same love that you give to everyone else. Try to make it a habit of giving your internal spirit the uplifting sense of joy, at least once a week; preferably every day.

So, as you nurture your solstice plant, talk to it while encouraging it to take the air that it needs and the moisture that it wants. If you over or underwater it, ask its forgiveness while doing the same for yourself in regards to the omissions and errors which have crept unconsciously into your life. Remember, growth is about progress, not perfection. We are all in a continuous process of learning as we mature and blossom, like your plant. Let it grow, prosper and achieve its full expression of beauty in the warmth of the life-giving sunlight as you do the same.

Happy Solstice and may your coming year bring health happiness and prosperity.

With much to you love and light as always


My New Book - Everyday Prayers for Everyday Miracles - will be out shortly. If all goes according to plan, it will be published in paperback at the end of July. An eBook is planned to follow soon after that.

I have created it with a lot of love so that you can have something to keep with you every day and then use it in these challenging times where it will be your little helper, like having me with you.

Just send me an email if you would like to reserve a copy, or look for it on Amazon etc. in a few weeks time.

Sunday, May 29, 2016



Love to All of You Fellow Travellers,

Just when you think it is safe to go out of the house, 5, count them, 5 planets went retrograde on you. Retrograde is when the planet appears to be going backwards from our stance on the earth. The planet actually continues in its orbit, but its energy hits us in a pushing inward motion rather than a pulling out of our inner reactions.

We have all experienced the fun that Mercury retrograde can cause with messages, appointments, travel arrangements, computers and automobiles; just to name a few things. Well just wait … it gets better.

Jupiter, which governs our prosperity, was retrograde, but has now gone direct. However, Mars, Saturn and Pluto remain in retrograde, although Mercury just joined Jupiter in direct motion. Now remember, all of this energy is directed into your heart and soul and requires quiet time from you to sort things out. If you do that, you should make huge inroads in your life direction. If you continue to fight the flow of the energy, you will find yourself swimming upstream and making progress at the rate of a Cohoe Salmon. Which, for those of you who did not grow up in salmon country, is pretty darn slow.

It’s wake-up time, and those of you who have bravely chosen to remain and see this grand transformation through, you need to get off the fence and quit waiting for the leader to come to show you the way. The time is now and the leader is you. What’s more, I see such amazing growth in so many of my clients that I am more than convinced that you all have whatever wisdom is needed to navigate this adventure.

I’m excited for all of us. I can’t wait to see where and on what adventures it takes you. I thought I’d drop some hints for those of you who may be wondering.

ARIES: Can we say explosion? You’re angry at yourself.  You’re angry at others and the energy is directing you to take a good hard look at your life path. Anger and sexual tension may be disguising itself at the moment. It’s time to get clear.

TAURUS: You are probably navigating the storm better than most. Mercury was retrograde and messed you up a bit and your finances required some prudent attention, but Jupiter was the first to go direct and Mercury followed so for you the worst is over. Try to remember what you learned, particularly about money, because there will be a test. 

GEMINI: Silence is golden for you right now, however; it may also be nearly impossible. You will find the need to share your insights. Please take a look at the pronoun, they are YOUR insights; take some quiet time to see how they apply. Mars and Saturn Oppose you right now, not to be mean, but to slow you down so you can process what you’ve learned. 

CANCER: Time to look at finances and make some changes. Who is undermining you? How does the rug get pulled out from under your feet just when you are getting ahead? There is a pattern here. Go within and find it. I’ve no doubt you will figure it out.

LEO: This is an exceptionally good time for you. It is a time of great change and you may not like that you have to look at situations through new eyes. The energy is a Trine so it will be gentle, but you will see how you are undervalued and when the realization comes strongly into your heart, change will be right behind. You won’t have to do a thing. You will recognize it on sight.

VIRGO: You have just come through a time of deep contemplation of finances and how you want to have more serenity in that area of your life. Take a deep breath, it’s on your doorstep. Change may not always be peaceful, but if you let the bricks fall, the transition can be swift.

LIBRA: You are the peacemaker, the balancer. Let’s try to be a little more peaceful in relationships, especially those closest to you. You don’t have to carry it all by yourself. It’s time to realize that most of what you worry about never comes true. Like the song says … Let It Go!

SCORPIO: You never forget a slight or a snub, but try not to burn your bridges. There are those from your past who are willing to help you advance. You’re ready for the changes. Prosperity and travel bring happiness; if you handle these times well. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are wrong, it just means you are done wasting any more energy on things that are far in the past.

SAGITTARIUS: Mars and Saturn are retrograde and opposing the Sun and Venus. Time to tread lightly, especially if you are in the mood to be critical; it is very likely to come out meaner than you intend. You like to have the last word, but right now silence is golden and meditation is crucial.

CAPRICORN: Although not a gambler by nature, in fact often cautious to your detriment, it is nevertheless important to think deeply about a proposed investment. Unexpected conditions may derail predicted profits. You are honest and hard working, but not everyone shares your integrity.

AQUARIUS: You the idealist of the zodiac. You want a perfect world, but often that perfect world starts at home. Many things have been challenging over the past few weeks. Finances, work, health issues and relationships have all caused their own brand of stress. Forget the world for a moment and look within to how you can improve relationships closer to home.

PISCES: This is a crazy time for you and yet you could not even know it. You take closing your eyes to personal truth to an art form. But, be gentle with yourself because the motivation is a fear of being alone and unloved as life goes on. You need to look within and look hard. Stop trying to prove to others that you are lovable; prove it to yourself to the point where you don’t need the approval of anyone except your own heart.

I hope this has been helpful and as always I am here to help you make sense of your challenges. Let your heart lead you and if you need me, you can call 828-252-7573 for an appointment.

With much to you love and light as always 


My New Book - Everyday Prayers for Everyday Miracles - will be out shortly. If all goes according to plan, it will be published in paperback at the end of July. An eBook is planned to follow soon after that.

I have created it with a lot of love so that you can have something to keep with you every day and then use it in these challenging times where it will be your little helper, like having me with you.

Just send me an email if you would like to reserve a copy, or look for it on Amazon etc. in a few weeks time.