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Monday, June 2, 2014

You are the Person that You've been Waiting For

Dear Friends,

As I write these words, the mountains of North Carolina are lush with infinite shades of green while being silhouetted against the backdrop of a gentle blue sky. Through observing them, I also become aware of a variety of energetic bird songs which I wish that I knew much more about. In thinking this, I am reminded of my admiration for those around me, and many others, who are able to not only recognize their species from simply hearing them sing but also interpret their language as well.

These gifted souls, who can hear this ‘bird-speak’, are able to eavesdrop on their communications. Some even know if they are telling us rain is on the way or that it’s mating season or if there are any threats in the area. Birds and animals have the ability to discern the natural order of things while appreciating that there is an order to the entire world; just as there is an order to the Universe.

You will notice that I use the word ‘order’, rather than predictability. There is an order to our lives as well, even though they are not always predictable. These days, many of you I’m sure would be more inclined to apply the word ‘unpredictable’ to your experiences. I hear from so many of you who are having to cope with unexpected challenges, whether it be in family relationships or change in career or health. Things are definitely unpredictable and many of us cling to the raft of life as it gets tossed about in strong currents. We may try to paddle or steer, but sooner or later we learn that it is best to let the current take hold and see where we land.

It sounds scary, but like my mountain neighbors, we too can learn to read the signs and omens. The Universe speaks to us very clearly. I find this again and again as I see clients in stress. Signs and omens are there all along but factors prevent those signs from being accurately read. The first factor is that many do not believe that they are worthy of being given signs. Somewhere in their past they have picked up the idea of unworthiness. They believe that the Universe just dropped them into a set of seemingly impossible circumstances and then just left them to fend for themselves; this same Universe that communicates with its tiniest creatures. When you think about it that way, it doesn't make sense.

The second factor is that their own ego or intellect has decided ahead of time what ‘should be’ and so it does not listen to the signs, no matter how often they are repeated or how strongly they are communicated. Each one of you has incarnated upon this earth in this life at this time for a purpose. Many are out of touch with what that purpose is. I can't tell you how many of my clients ask me to tell them what their purpose is. But the truth is that your purpose is a life long journey of discovery, and it starts with consciously developing an intimate knowledge of yourself.

The first step of knowing yourself is asking your heart what makes you happy and then listening to it. Your journey this life time can be divided up into one of two things. You are either searching for your purpose in life, or you are fulfilling your purpose. The other thing I should tell you is that while your purpose often becomes your occupation, it doesn't necessarily start out that way. So don't associate your purpose with a job.


1.    It is always in the present moment. It will not be found in the future, such as when I get rich I will open a shelter for the homeless. It is not something that you must train for, although once you begin it you may opt for more training.
2.    If you have found it you will do it regardless of compensation. The activity itself will bring you such joy and happiness that you won't care if you make money at it. Of course when you let go of wanting something it often comes to you freely, so many people do make money fulfilling their purpose, but you must love it so much that you would do it whether there was money attached or not
3.    You will lose track of time and troubles. The activity will absorb your attention so much that it becomes like a meditation and you lose track of time going by and you forget any troubles in the world that you may have. Your happiness is in the moment.
4.    Your health will improve. Stress is at the root of many of our health problems. When stress disappears from our lives, so does illness.

If you want some hints as to what your purpose is, then here are some questions for you to ask yourself. I would suggest that you print this out and make a few copies. You may find that after you have meditated on your answers, you may want to answer differently.


1.    What do I read about or watch on television?
2.    If I could get a front row seat to hear a speaker on any subject, who would I listen to and what would the subject matter be?
3.    What do I do for fun?
4.    What have others told me I'm good at?
5.    What areas do I feel confident in?
6.    What do I wish I had an opportunity to learn more about or to experience?
7.    If I had all the money in the world and all the time in the world and knew that I wouldn’t fail at it, what would I do?

You were born into this life for a purpose. You discussed what you wanted to get out of this life with a team of loving beings. You came with the help of an angel who was assigned just to you, to guard you and to protect you and to light your way to find your Highest Good.

We are in the midst of an Age Change. Many of you were disappointed because the Mayan predictions were misinterpreted by many. But make no mistake, there was an energy shift at that time and you are living with the results of that shift whether you acknowledge it or not. One of the consequences is change and that includes you.

It is no longer possible just to drift along in a state of unconsciousness. Every major event in your life is here to teach you something and every part of your life that disturbs you is a lesson. You can choose to see yourself as a victim as long as you appreciate that is indeed a choice. Certainly many have a history which makes that choice more than understandable. However; I have seen so many of my clients turn their lives around and achieve their happiness that I urge you to embrace your power. Learn to read the signs of your life. Make the course adjustments that you need to make and fulfill your destiny.

Remember, whenever you are facing your challenges, you never have to face them alone. Help is as close as your phone. I'm here to help you make sense of it all and to encourage you on your journey to express your highest good.

With love and light as always



If you would like a private consultation to discuss this or anything else which is personal to your life then please contact me at 828-252-7573 or by email at

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Recognize, Acknowledge, Accept, Release

Dear Friends,

With the combination of the full moon and this major cross still in effect, as the planets involved are slow movers, we are all experiencing a huge pull on our emotional and Akashic bodies. These subtle but powerful forces are completely irresistible where no one or no ‘thing’ is immune. So learn to accept what ‘is’ while going with the flow and giving up to the process which is now well underway.

This is a time to focus entirely on your own issues without feeling in any way guilty about doing so. It’s your time to find your true self without being concerned about whatever else is going on around you. There’s enough drama in your own experience to deal with and sort through without having to be concerned or conscious about that of others. As the energy intensifies and brings to the surface everything within us that holds us back from realizing our own Divinity, we need to look closely at our embedded belief systems and intuit whether or not they truly serve us well any longer.

Do they really support who we truly believe ourselves to be? If not, they have to go and this is the time to let this whole process happen while being an active and grateful participant in it. In doing so then it will serve to free us from this karmic-producing dance of longing and wanting for ‘ideals’ which were never of our making. Strive for acceptance of what is because ‘what is’, is perfect.

Yes I did say Perfect. And no, I'm not living a serene life with no bumps and precious little drama of my own. The difference is that over the years I have learned that the drama is a teacher and the lesson is to stay in my Divine consciousness. In other words, not to allow the drama to rattle me so much that I lose my cool and my objectivity. This is a time when keeping to the right path without straying from it is vital.

This is the path of freedom. It’s not an easy one, but it is a rewarding one. I urge you instead of hiding from the drama in your life to ask yourself, “What is this here to teach me?” If you are truly open-minded, and you can push the ‘ego’ to one side when you ask this question, the answers may well surprise you. The amazing thing is that we are all capable of getting those answers through a wonderful part of ourselves called The Higher Mental Body.

The sublime faculty of ourselves is the part that remembers and understands every life we have ever lived. It is keenly aware of each circumstance that has happened and what we hoped to learn from it and where we succeeded as well as where we are still a work in progress. The great thing is that you can communicate with this extremely valuable aspect of yourself whenever you feel the need to.

It’s best to do it right before sleep. There is no magic formula, simply say “Higher Mental Body, show me the truth of this situation.” Then take a deep breath and resolve that it will be okay for you to know that truth, even if it doesn't fit in with what you think it should be. Although the term ‘Higher Mental Body’ has the word ‘mental’ in it, in truth it’s more accurate to say that it’s aligned with the intuition than the mind. It will inspire you with the answer and you will feel its truth. It will never ‘dictate’ to you as the mind does.

Back in my earlier days, or as my kids call it … back in olden times, there was a song the lyrics of which really define a challenge that so many of us face today. Two of the lines were -
Tonight the look of magic's in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow

In the musical Annie, she optimistically tells us that ‘Tomorrow is only a day away’. When times seem difficult it is sometimes easy to want to escape into tomorrow. We make plans for tomorrow. When the job comes, or when financial serenity is restored, when the relationship or our dreams is present in our lives. One wise being said “Life is what happens to us, while we are busy making other plans.

Last week I talked about living consciously. It is so important to stay conscious and present in the moment. It is in the ‘moment’ where the power lies. A certain amount of visualization is healthy, but when most of our conversation and a great deal of our thoughts are centered around events that are not here yet, we tend to be ignoring what is right under our noses. This can very often prevent us from seeing the lessons that need to be cleared before we manifest what we desire.

So often I hear you say, I visualize every day. I say affirmations and decrees and nothing seems to be happening. If that is something that you are finding true in your life, I encourage you to explore staying in the now. Put down active visualization for a time. Tell yourself that you will have permission to pick it up later and then decide for yourself how long your experiment will last. Try it for a week. You may find it more challenging that you thought or it may be easy for you, but I do encourage you to try it.

An Experiment of Consciousness
  1. Notice what you are doing.
  2. Use your senses touch, taste, smell, and observe the color of the world that you live in
  3. Take a deep breath of gratitude, “In this moment I have EVERYTHING that I need.” I don't have everything except a relationship or a prosperous bank account. In this moment I have everything that I need to be alive and sentient on this planet.
  4. Look around and see all that you are grateful for. It’s true that there may be conditions of lack, but as we focus our Light and the energy of creation, it is the things that we are grateful for that we would like to empower with Divine Creative energy.
  5. When you find your mind wandering to the future, bring it back. It may happen that you are making that call many times a day. That's okay. You are practicing a new skill.

Here is how it may go. You may be sitting at the table looking at the patterns of your dishes and cups and thinking “How beautiful this breakfast is! I am grateful for this food, especially when so many in the world go hungry. Thank you God for this wonderful food. … When I get my new job, I will donate to ‘Feed the Hungry’ and perhaps I'll plant a garden with my brother and we can share vegetables. '

Those two things are kind thoughts, but you have propelled yourself from the present, where things happen, to the future, which is just a dream, most of which never materializes. Think back on your life. Most of what you dreamed didn't happen and most of what you feared didn't happen, that’s because the creative energy for both loses its power when it is held there away from the present.

The Power for change is in the present moment. It may create a future for you, but you don't live in the future. Your power is in the now and, as I have said, ‘now’ is in a process of great flux where, more than ever, you need to pay attention and stay focused.

Remember if you are facing challenges you are not alone. Help is as close as your phone. I'm here to help you make sense of it all and to encourage you on your journey to express your highest good.

With love and light as always



If you would like a private consultation to discuss this or anything else which is personal to your life then please contact me at 828-252-7573 or by email at

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Technology - Virtue or Vice?

Dear Friends,

Are you enjoying this time of transformation? Aren't you glad that you signed up to incarnate during such an incredibly 'interesting' time? I can assure you that there really is a very good reason why we made the choice that we did but the trouble is for many of you that it's proving increasingly difficult to remember just exactly what it is.

Never has it been more important to meditate on this so as to connect with the core truth of your glorious infinite being. This is what provides you with the necessary degree of spiritual stability when you are so much in need of it. While doing this it will also give you lots of opportunities to practice being present in the moment; what the teachers call, Conscious Living.

At the very same time that we have this pressing need to engage in conscious living, we find ourselves being pulled away from this necessary state of awareness by all manner of electronic devices like phones, iPads and computers. Our lives can get to feel like one long immersion in thoroughly distracting 'can't-possibly-live-without' gadgetry.

This is the point where I hold my hand up and say that I'm not immune either. My iPhone recently disappeared. It is most probably in the house. If you asked me before I lost it, I would have said that I barely used it; my data and minutes bear this out. However, once it was gone then I realize that I actually get a lot of texts from my children; and of course with the grandchildren visiting for Easter it was my camera and my music not to mention it is where I keep track of all of my appointments.

I still want it back, but I am resolved to become more conscious of doing everything, including using my phone. The world is changing and that is part of it. Those of us who remember the world without smart phones smugly comment tsk tsk, just as our parents did over tv, but technology is here to stay, until it is replaced by something else. In the future it will probably be todays children saying the very same tsk tsk and in a similar manner while adding - 'In my day we held the device in our hand and had control over what went in it and now we have a computer chip in our arm and now its all controlled from another source'.

We aren't going to stop technology and things aren't going to go back the way they were when we were kids, that's not the way life works. Here are some tips for staying conscious as you use your devices

  1. Breathe - Make it a habit to take a deep cleansing breath every time you pick up your phone or laptop or iPad. Take another deep breath when you change from texting to reading your e-mail.
  2. Use the games as meditation. When your mind starts thinking of other things, go back to what you are doing in the game.
  3. If you are using a hand held device, be aware of what it feels like against your hands.
  4. If you are having lunch with someone, leave your phone in your purse; put it on silent and enjoy real human company

All of this is leading someplace. This is a time of transformation. Its important for you to discover what it is about you that is special, unique and joyful. If you are preoccupied, you will miss potential sources for happiness.

One of the great opportunities of this world is that we can go as far as our creativity and our persistence can take us. It is our feelings fear or unworthiness that limits us; that and distractions. Balance is the key. Work balanced with fun. Diligence balanced with humor, activity balanced with silence. Inspiration comes in those moments of silence when the television and the music are turned off and our technological devices are recharging. Take advantage of those moments of power to get involved in the world.

You are here for a purpose. So many of you who consult me already have a feeling of this. You sense that there is a purpose, you just have not discovered or remembered what that purpose is yet. The awareness of your purpose comes through the feeling world. Your body will give you hints, your heart might beat a little faster, your eyes might want to examine a little closer, you will feel excited, curious you will want to examine it and perhaps even to try. It is not important if you find your purpose with the first experience that draws your attention. The search and the journey is more important. Its more important because when you get used to what interest feels like, your own senses will lead you to where you are meant to be. Trust the journey.

Too often I hear things like, “ I took a class and I thought that was going to be it” this is almost always followed by a sad, downcast “ but it wasn't.” How wonderful. You got to scratch something off of your list. Perhaps it was something that you mastered in another lifetime, perhaps it was your last occupation.

There may be false starts, but those false starts will teach you something. They may teach you that you have more ability than you thought. They may be teaching you that it is safe to let the world know something about you, even if it doesn't lead to your true purpose. So many of you were raised in environments where it was necessary to fit in, otherwise you risked ridicule. It takes a while to overcome such things. Be patient with yourself.

That critical voice in your head has got to go. It doesn't matter if it came from mom or dad , or the school authorities, or your pastor or rabbi. It has to go. Whoever initiated it is long gone. Why carry their negative fears for them. The truth is, you were put here magnificent and unique to make a contribution to life. You may not know what that contribution is yet, but if you stay conscious you will find it.

The good news is that its never too late. Many of us who are enjoying the upper digits of aging will have another twenty years to discover what we want to do with our lives. More and more age is just a number and that is only going to get better.

Remember if you are facing challenges you are not alone. Help is as close as your phone. I'm here to help you make sense of it all and to encourage you on your journey to express your highest good.

With love and light as always



If you would like a private consultation to discuss this or anything else which is personal to your life then please contact me at 828-252-7573 or by email at 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Inner Peace - another perspective

Dear Clients and Friends

Today I have a real treat for you. Today's column is not written by me. It is written by someone I have come to have a great deal of respect for. When I asked him what it was I should put in his blurb, he suggested that I look on Amazon and see what was there. I did, but what I found there was so not the essence of the man I have come to know through his blogs, that I have decided to tell you why it is that I have chosen to share his work with you.

When I first moved to Asheville, I decided that if I was going to be a part of the spiritual community up here that I wanted to experience it as a member and not a teacher. I thought it would do my ego some good not to be the authority and I felt it was important for every teacher to spend time as a student, for perspective.

I searched for a group and the one that drew my attention was the Eckhart Tolle meditation group. The young man who led the group, did so with pure absence of ego, more so than I had ever experienced outside of India. Each week, the way he conducted the discussions and led us to experience the material taught me even more than the material itself.

I have great respect for Trey Carland as a man, as a teacher, as a fellow seeker. I encourage you all to read his blogs and his book A Seakers Guide to Inner Peace, which you will find helpful no matter where you are on the path.

Trey sees life as the experiences which teach us and in the following peace we can see how his young daughter is teaching him how desire gets so fixed in our mind that we decide things must be a certain fixed way in order for us to find happiness.

So without further hesitation. I share with you Trey Carland

Subject: I Want: The Birth of Desire

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope you and yours are doing well.  Spring is in the air now, I think.  We’ve been teased a bit here in WNC with dramatic swings in temperatures, but the flowers are waking up and reminding us it’s time for us to do the same :)

So, in case you hadn’t heard, our little Adorabella is almost two years old (hard to believe I know), and is learning the ropes of being a human.  She is talking up a storm and it’s so much fun to listen to her pronounce things.  It’s like she has a foreign accent that you can put your finger on, but she picks up on words so quickly.  She’s a happy little sponge and loves to have fun singing, dancing, smiling, making funny noises, laughing, and let’s not forget crying.  Despite what a happy toddler she is, she has her moments of frustration.  The underlying cause seems to be the “desire” for something other than what’s happening at a given moment.

As best as I can tell, desire is born very early and just gets stronger and more well refined.  At first it’s just preferences (i.e. I like this, not so much that).  Then, entertaining activities enter the picture, like things that she seemingly can’t get enough of.  For example, after we had our first big snow (which she loved), all she could say was, “I want walk snow all day.”  She said this for weeks despite the disappearance of the snow.  She would wake up and look out the window and say, “Hi snow,” even after it had all melted.  It was sooo cute.  She seemed okay with the snow leaving because we didn’t make a big deal out of it.

However, at a certain point desire brings on some attitude.  “I want...” is the way our little girl begins most of her sentences these days.  In some cases, if the want isn’t satisfied, screaming and crying can occur.  That’s never fun, but it comes with the territory, and we’re all learning how to cope with a life that doesn’t always give us what we want.  The only difference is that most adults don’t scream and cry if they can’t go watch DeeDee (Daniel Tiger) with Uncle NoNo (Shelby’s brother Norn).

It’s interesting to see the development of desire through an infant’s eyes.  There can be such great intensity behind not getting what they want, and it’s just a magnified version of the human adult’s reaction.  By the time we’re older, we’ve mostly toned it down a bit because we learn that we don’t get what we want by screaming and crying about it.  In general, we’re taught to ask nicely for things and learn new ways of getting what we want (maybe even by being manipulative).  Ultimately we become more civilized, but we are still adversely affected when all of our efforts fail to bring about the desired outcome.

Maybe I’m naive, but I think humankind has become worn down enough by not getting what we want for so long that we’re ready to be done with the pain that that causes.  That readiness, that ripeness, is where real change can happen.  When we run out of answers, when nothing we do seems to do any good, we may decide to open ourselves up to the unthinkable – give up on desires.  We’ve been crafting them since we were knee high to a grasshopper, so that’s a tough pill to swallow.  Our desires have become ingrained in who we think we are, so you may need to be at the end of your rope before you even consider giving up.  Plus, once you’re ready to give up, it may be too scary or you may not even know how.

Here is what I can offer if you are up to the challenge.  Things are not as bad as you think.  Not getting what you want is more important than getting what you want.  You are not being mistreated or punished by anyone other than yourself.  Take a close look at a desire that seems out of reach and see if it’s actually a need or just a want.  What’s the worst thing that could happen if a desire is not met?  How would you feel if you wanted what you already had?  How would you feel if you didn’t want anything other than what you have right now?  Would you feel complete?  Pick a desire and take a deep look at this.

The mind’s job is to step in here and say, “Without desire I wouldn’t have anything to work toward.  I wouldn’t get anything done.  I’d be stuck, complacent, etc.”  What if your mind is completely wrong about all of this stuff?  Have you ever been wrong about anything?  Be honest now.  What if Life has your best interest at heart and will not steer you wrong?  What if you can’t steer at all?  Can you trust Life enough to let it do the steering?  It already is, after all.

There is nothing wrong with desire, but if you get too attached to the outcome it can lead to stress and suffering when things don’t work out.  Desires come and go whether you like it or not, so let a desire serve as a sign post and watch to see if it was meant to be attained or not.  If not, no big deal.  You’ve just gained more insight by not getting what you want, and Life may have created a new direction for you, which has it’s own sense of desire.  Life’s desire for you is for you to stop making your happiness contingent on attaining some future goal and to be happy Now.  Everything else will fall into place just as it should and when it should.  Trust me ;)

Yours Truly,



With love and light as always
If you would like a private consultation to discuss this or anything else which is personal to your life then please contact me at 828-252-7573 or by email at