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Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22 All You Need Is Love


Dear Cosmic Friends,

I want to thank so many of you who wrote or posted on my blog. It was nice to hear from Ken Peterson. Ken sat in one of my channeling classes at the United Metaphysical Chapel, in West Palm Beach. Like so many of my students, I would watch the Light of the cooperating Beings merge with the Light of the student . Ken was one of the few who had the courage to let the Being speak. I always hoped that he would get our of his own way, as I had to do in the beginning and just Let the words flow.

So once again I find myself being called to do just that, let the words flow. So many of you who wrote thanked me for the message, but the message comes from others than me and I, like all of you are trying to follow their guidance. So now I will let them speak.

Take you focus off of Armegedon and all that it implies. So many of you have been told that there is a was between the Light and the Darkness. That war does exist, but it is being fought within the heart of each of you.

The world around you is just window dressing, the people who irritate you are you teachers. For it is these brave souls who make you look at what you fear and Fear is the real enemy and fear is the lies that you create in your heart so that you won't have to exercise the Power that you have come here to exercise and that power is Love.

Expand your heart chakra and let the Love within you flow out to the world
Stop keeping score to check whether or not love is being returned. Give your blessing freely, without asking if you are being blessed in return.

The number one Cosmic Law is that everything is Energy, Everything is Power and all that exist in this world are made up of that Power. It comes in all forms, in plants and animals, in people you meet and people you work with, it can be people who irritate you and cause trouble in your world, it can be family children lovers and it should always be first and foremost,yourself.

Let yourself Love yourself. Feel in your heart those qualities that you admire about yourself. Let yourself acknowledge what you are proud of. Let your compassion open for those who are so annoying they are like a small child who is crying in a very irritating way, so that someone will pick him up and transmit a feeling of love to him

We hope that you will continue with last weeks exercise . Here is this weeks exercise:


They are gone now. So I will close by sending you all the Love that I feel in this room, to anyone and everyone who reads these words

Happy Journey


Friday, July 15, 2011

Mary's Special Blog for July

Into A New Adventure

*** This is YOUR Time ***

Dear Cosmic Friends,

First of all I want to thank those of you who took the time to send prayers and warmest wishes during these challenging times. Your messages really touched my heart. It was humbling to hear how many of you have been following my work since the 80’s and it is truly encouraging to also hear the kind wishes from some of you who have just found the web site.

Health continues to be an issue for me but I feel very strongly that this last cusp which we are in before 2012 is unlike any other time that we have experienced. So I am awed by those of you who have sent good thoughts my way because I know that there is not one person who reads these words who is not faced with major challenges (notice the plural) of their own.

Many of us are being asked to change our entire way of thinking, working and relating. If any of this feels familiar then please take a moment to congratulate yourself because you are firmly and surely on your way to fourth dimensional consciousness. The Rapture, the Ascension, no matter what you label it, you have elevated yourself spiritually. The wonderful Beings who called me to write these words to you tonight, want you to take some time to realize that you are at a point in your spiritual evolution that deserves a cheer. Take a well deserved bow and then just take a few moments to remove your attention from those habits that still need to be cleaned up while focusing it firmly on the amazing Being that you are. The Spiritual Seeker.

They want me to remind you that each of you started in some organized religion, or perhaps with no spiritual values at all, yet somehow you rebelled. You followed that call of your Soul to seek out Cosmic Truth and to align yourself with the Light.

Even getting these words to you has been a challenge. The first thing that happened is that Microsoft Word would not work in my computer so I couldn’t even begin to type this message. It wouldn’t work even though I had been using it without a glitch right up until yesterday. Then it was gone and gave me nothing but error messages! I looked at the clock, it was 6:00 pm. The person who I knew could fix this in a heartbeat lives in England. It was 11:00 pm his time and as I felt his energy I knew that today had been a tiring one. I also wasn’t even sure that he wanted to talk to me or anyone else for that matter as he likes to be left alone when he is working on a spiritual project.

The Force from Spirit was so strong to get these words out to you NOW! that it compelled me to put aside all personal doubts, even the doubt of speaking for them so I called. No problem, it was fixed and these words flowed into my computer unimpeded and now they are flowing out to you. I took my own advice and followed what I felt to be the right thing to do. There are so many people writing their opinions or channellings about these times so why not one more? So once the computer hurdle was cleared I then had to deal with my own ego and the desire not to appear foolish or crazy.

The Energy which surrounded me was Irresistible. I felt the Presence of three Beings, one of who I’m certain was Omnia, but as I tried to figure out how many, and exactly who, they pushed me back with a powerful united shove. They considered their message more important than their identity.

Their message is this. They want you to wake up and remember who you are, especially in these difficult times. You are warriors. You are evolved souls who have brought yourself along against public opinion and even family support in some cases. You have sought for the truth and you have found that truth in your own hearts, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are reading these words then they have directed you here so that you will know who you are.

You now walk to a different beat of the drummer because you are ahead of the pack. I don’t mean to speak in a spiritually arrogant way, even though it may come across as my seeming to do so. Believe me, as I write these words I sound very unlike myself, which is how I know that it is the Beings who speak them.

We are an Army of Light and we are bringing in Heaven on Earth, or as the Hindu’s say, OM Shanti Shanti Shanti! Or to quote the Christ “As Above, so Below” Each of you has a unique creative talent. It may be in any area of your life. The biggest clue to finding it is to search for those activities which bring forth the passion of your heart. It must be your joy, your bliss and it must be something that you would love to do even if you were never known for doing it well or if you were never paid any money to do it.

There is an energy which tries to prevent you from finding that passion but fear not, for it is of your own creation. It can come from childhood fears, or low self esteem, or guilt and shame but it is a useless waste of time to look for the source. Take your attention away from your fears and failures while putting it firmly on your talent. The time to just sit on the fence while watching the battle is over. We need every soldier, NOW!

These Beings also want you to know that you are totally supported in every way, including financially, socially and physically but if you have fear in any one of these areas you will be facing it now. The fears of being bound have no place in Heaven. When you evolve into the Light you will be fearless, empowered and radiating love.

These Beings will speak to you more often, now that my health is improving. They have a lot to say but for tonight they want us all to remember who we are.

When you have a few moments

Stand in front of a mirror

Take enough deep breaths to calm you down

Relax your body as much as you can and look into your eyes

Say (aloud of possible)

I AM A Warrior of the Light

I AM an Expression and Manifestation of the Light on Earth

I Claim this Realm and this Dimension for the Light

Without Exception

I Join My Brothers and Sisters in Manifesting the Light

Together, we are the Light of the World!

Look deeply into your eyes as you do this exercise. Recognize who you are and why you are here. Once you truly know that, the rest will be easy.

If you have any questions about this process that you would like to ask these Beings, just log into the blog on my website and post them.

I will close with a request from the Beings. They ask that you forward this to any of your friends. They want me to advise you that since you are all evolved souls you will draw to you friends who are also seeking. They do not wish you to pass judgment on your friends in any way either by thinking this will be too far over their heads or it will be too simplistic.

Tonight, as you relax and ponder your evolution in this incarnation, as you see how magnificent you were as you followed your own spiritual search for the truth, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the feelings within your own Being. Allow yourself to be proud of the fact that you are now walking to the beat of a different drummer. Then, while you are in that consciousness, if the name or face of someone close to you draws your attention, just forward them this message.

So here we go - Off on a New Adventure!!!

In Love and Light as always



P.S. If you are in need of a personal reading and would like a recommendation; I am recommending my friend and fellow psychic Rena Mullins. Some of you may remember her as a healer at The Sanctuary. I have great respect for her accuracy and for those of you who want an “in person reading” she lives in Palm Bay Florida, however; her clients are all over the world, so phone consults are also available. Her fees are $65 per 30 min and her phone # is 772-341-6330.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mary's Blog for April

My Message to You in these Times of Great Change

Dear Cosmic Friends,

I have heard that some of you were surprised when you didn’t receive March’s Astrology Report. I’m also sure that many of you, who have been part of this community, know that I don’t always get them out on time. It wasn’t until I started to get questions from many of you that I realized I hadn’t written it.

Every now and then I need to get away to be quiet and to meditate and go within. If I don’t take the time to do that then my work suffers. So I was in a stressful time of burnout when miraculously I had a place to stay for a retreat; a whole week to get in touch with my soul, no phones or internet. It was a wonderful and much needed time for peace, creativity and introspection.

During my meditations I was once again able to see the necessity and importance of taking periods of time to just sit and unwind, to step out of the rat race while reconnecting with the gentle rhythms of nature. In doing this for myself I was able to get quiet enough and relaxed enough to really hear that still, quiet voice that remains waiting for any opportunity to be heard. It’s the same divinely inspired voice that eternally resides within all of us. Its wisdom is infallible while its patience is inexhaustible. Life is just so busy that we don’t always take the time to listen but when we do then our guide is ever eager to provide whatever we are in the greatest need to know while always serving our highest good.

People often ask me how they can know if the answers they receive are coming from their heart or coming from their imagination, their mind. There is only one way to be sure. When the quiet voice of your intuition speaks to you then there will be no difficulty in recognizing the truth of what is being said. You may only acknowledge it for a brief moment but within that space of a fleeting heartbeat you will know for certain the truth of what you have heard. For when that truth is present it comes with a peaceful but powerful ‘knowing’ which will settle deeply and reassuringly within your whole being. You will sense a certain ‘rightness’ to it which comes from outside of your thought processes. Your heart will always guide you as it knows the answer to your every question but it takes the courage to still yourself and your mind so as to listen carefully to its wisdom.

So be courageous my beloved brothers and sisters for you are here to bring in the Light, to lift the vibration of yourself and everyone around you, to usher in an age of peace which is why you must be ever more vigilant so as to pay attention to the urgings of your wonderful hearts.

During my quiet times of meditation I recognized my own truth in that I was able to appreciate that I needed to give up all my channeling work. For a while now I have been noticing how much of my energy full trance takes, and while I love you all, I have paid attention to my inner voice which tells me that it is unwise for me to attempt to sustain that level of energetic commitment. For the sake of my health, my physical and mental well being, I am honoring my wise guide which tells me that it is time to set aside my gift which has been of such service to so many for so long. All things have their cycles and rhythms and so it is with great gratitude that I lay down my mantel of full trance channel.

Melissa is busy going through all of the audio records we have of Omnia’s talks as well as posting a thought for the day on her site on Facebook. In this way we can still have access to all the timeless wisdom that is as relevant today as it was whenever she so graciously gifted us with it.

I also have to be honestly aware of how much energy mediumship takes from me, especially when one of the parties is very emotional and I have to be mediator as well as medium. From now on I must consider my health and well being first and foremost while limiting my efforts to situations where I can be of the greatest benefit. I must conserve my resources while still seeking to provide my very best when I am able. In this respect I am will no longer be involved with the search for missing children, or victims of crime, the energy of sadness which surrounds these situations is far too exhausting to work in at my time of life. I will of course continue to do the phone readings, the counseling and teaching that I have done for a great many years now.

I will make an effort to keep up this blog while sharing with you all the directions and spiritual wisdom that is given to me and which is offered so as to assist you in finding your life’s purpose. Part of the information I received during my retreat was that we are now in the countdown approaching 2012. Many things will be happening during these critical times and those wonderful Beings who have guided me for much of my life have things that they want to share with you.

You may not think of yourself as an important part of this transformation, but, if you are reading these words and visiting spiritual sites then please be assured that you and your radiant energy are very important indeed. You are an integral part of the whole and without you and your unique contribution then that whole is incomplete. Your influence is inevitable in being who you are so it is vital that you move towards the peacefulness of your heart’s intent so as to bring the greatest benefit to all of humanity and our wonderful Mother Earth.

We are in a time of great change and one aspect of this new energetic vibration is how it influences me and, consequently, how I approach my work. I know the Astrology report has been well received and I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who were kind enough to take your precious time to write to me and thank me for the monthly guidance. However; if you prefer a monthly astrology site I trust that your Divine guidance will lead you to the one that’s right for you.

In Love and Light as always



Greetings Light Warriors

You have taken incarnation at this time in order to contribute your energy and assist in raising the planet from third vibrational consciousness to fourth. Many of you have been under the misconception that in order to be helpful you have to bring about changes in a public way such as teaching, healing, or offering spiritual communication. However, this is simply not the case. What lifts the planet in vibration is the energy of joy and love. The happier you are then the higher the vibration gets where just one very happy person touches the vibrational fields of all who are within a 30 mile radius. So you see, even in the quiet of your home you will be assisting the Masters, Teachers and Guides to bring about a World of Peace and Love just by moving into the vibration of your greatest joy.

The first step in this process is to search your own life and find what makes you the happiest. That special circumstance that when you are engaged in it then you forget about time, you may even forget to eat and it makes you so happy that you forget your worldly concerns. We will call this your Bliss.

Often when I have discussed this in workshops I have given then I get the response of “well I think I know what it is, but how can I make any money at it?” Another question is “I know what it is but I may not be very good at it. I’ve tried but the world doesn’t notice me.” Remember it’s not important for you to get famous or even for anyone to like or even notice what you are doing. It is only important that you enjoy it.

When the Light Beings spoke about this, they emphasized that the important thing is first to find what your bliss is. Once you have found it then begin to perfect it to the very best of your ability and then practice it as often as you are able to. Do it for no other reason than it’s purely fun to do and that you enjoy doing it with all your heart. Allow yourself to get thoroughly lost in it while letting the world go by without you.

They want to remind you that finding your true bliss may be a process of trial and error but not to worry if it takes you a little while to discover. Just keep thinking of all the fun that you can have along the way! I appreciate that you may be in a situation where your needs are not always the first to be considered so you may have to be creative in addressing your own time and space requirements. You may be taking care of aging parents or you may be a parent yourself. If you are married then you may often have to take your spouses needs and desires into consideration. So you probably aren’t used to putting yourself first but to be successful at achieving this state of being then it’s important to persevere. Here are some questions that are suggested which will help you find your way to realizing your ultimate bliss.

  1. If I had all the money in the world and all the time in the world, what would I do?
  2. What activities or subjects do I find myself drawn to again and again?
  3. What things have people told me that I am good at?
  4. What am I passionate about?

Another way to find clues is to look through the newspapers that advertise activities in your area. Notice which ones your eye goes back to more than once. Don’t be afraid to be wrong. You might not hit it correctly on your first try but the worst that can happen is that you get to explore things that have interested you for all of your life. Keep a notebook in which you list the activity along with what appealed to you about it, what the experience was like and if you might want to try it again.

Good luck with this quest. If you have any questions then please be sure to sign onto my blog and ask them. I will answer you in the same space so that others who may have the same or similar questions can read the answers. It is always possible to ask anonymously, if you prefer.

Good Luck on your quest

The Masters, Teachers and Guides express their gratitude

In Love and Light

Mary and very special Friends

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Barbara Ann Price

Those of you who used to come to hear Omnia at The Sanctuary will remember Barbara Ann Price. She never missed an Omnia night in twenty three years, and she arrived early so that the atmosphere would be lovely and candle lit. If you attended my 50th birthday party, it was Barbara Ann and Mollie Pratt who organized it. It is difficult to surprise a psychic but she managed to pull it off.

Barbara Ann made her transition into Spirit on Sunday Feb 20, 2011 at 4:23 AM. I’m sure that OMNIA was waiting to see her through her transition. Those of us who were blessed by her kindness and her love, will miss her presence in this incarnation. Her memorial service will be Friday, a private service, just for the family, just what she would have wanted. If you remember Barbara Ann then please join us by visualizing her Ascended in the Light.

My thanks and love to you as always


Friday, February 11, 2011

Omnia News



(as Omnia would say)

If you are a fan of Omnia then I have some good news for you. She now has a page of her own on Facebook. We have just started a group called Omnia Light and you can add her as a friend if you click on this link here -


If you would like to have access to regular messages from Omnia then just by adding her to your own Facebook page you will get whatever is posted to her page as soon as it happens. You will also receive it in your email if this is the option that you have set in your Personal Preferences on your FB account.

I hope that you will join her group where once again she can gift you with her wonderful wisdom and kindheartedness in these somewhat challenging times. Please let anyone else know who may like to join her on FB but who may not have signed up to receive my blog messages.

In love and light as always


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mary's Astrology Blog for February 2011


These are challenging times that we are going through. We can either allow the energies that are intensifying to toss us around like flotsam and jetsam, or we can unite with the Divine Creative Force that is in charge of this energy. The members of Unity say a simple prayer:

The Light of God surrounds me

The Love of God enfolds me

The Power of God protects me

Where ever I am, God is and all is well

In these challenging times, it is helpful to take time away from our stress and affirm our connection with the Source of All Things.




Thank you, thank you, thank you……. for my life. For all of those experiences that have brought me to this moment. ……….Thank you. Thank you, Thank you.

Give me the courage to look at my mistakes

Give me the compassion to forgive myself and all against whom I hold any resentment. Give me the wisdom to see them as my honored teachers.

Thank you for my challenges and the growth that came with them

With each breath I exhale my love to the loving energy that has brought me to this moment. In humble reverence, I silence all regrets. I command stillness in the Presence of the Force of all creation.



Astrology Report for February 2011


ARIES: February is a good month for you, in fact it just doesn’t get much better than this. The emphasis is on your hopes and dreams and you have lots of help to bring them into manifestation, especially if they relate to your career. Interesting people will show up in your life and open doors, which will take you into new arenas where you can express your talents. There is a good chance that you will enter into a money making project that will be beneficial to you and your partners. You have worked hard for quite a while now where February will allow you to begin to reap what you have sown. Travel is indicated, but it is best if it is for the purpose of personal transformation.

TAURUS: If your car is giving you trouble then this is the perfect time for repairs but, if you are considering a new purchase you may want to wait until March. Frustration is definitely a factor and you may find yourself having to repeat what you are trying to communicate because you are not being understood. There is a lesson here and it would be good to take a deeper look past the frustration and see what you are learning at a deeper level. There is a lot of focus on career and you could find yourself working without defined goals. Work may seem endless but romance is also on the horizon so don’t forget to take some time to play.

GEMINI: The focus in Feb is on your house of money. For the past two years the Universe has been attempting to teach you new ways of looking at your finances and what you value. This is a good month to meditate on what you have learned. Here is a hint. If you have the courage to come face to face with what you fear it will teach you about your power. If you have learned the lesson you should look for the reward to manifest sometime this summer. Another good hint is to look at what was going on financially fourteen years ago and then to see how you can improve your choices today. The good news is that all the factors are there to support transformation.

CANCER: Where were you fourteen years ago and what was going on. In some way you are getting another opportunity to live through a similar drama. The players may have changed but the lesson remains the same. If you have partners in finance then you can expect them to come through for you. This is a time of sudden changes and magical solutions. Now is the perfect time to expand your home or even perhaps to purchase a new and larger place to live. I know you hate change but you may have outgrown your surroundings.There may be times of dreaming and day dreaming but these dreams will carry a message and open up your creativity. It’s a time of endings and beginnings.

LEO: Just when you were ready to give up ever finding a kindred spirit, here comes a soul-mate right in your path. Be on the lookout for someone who shares your values at a soul level and who will help you achieve a sense of fairness and justice in your life and perhaps even on into the world. Finances improve either through inheritance or through the help of someone who acts like a partner. You may not be getting out in the world as much as you would like but there is great wisdom and power in going within; so use this time of solitude wisely. There is someone in your life that you may be paying a past life debt to and if you give your service willingly then the rewards will be many.

VIRGO: You could feel like a bit of a hermit this month but it won’t be an uncomfortable feeling. You may find that you prefer to be in quiet solitude as you open to the messages from the Universe which will spark your creativity. It is also a time to get your health in balance and to make changes in your routine and your life style which support your well-being. Work becomes an artistic way to express yourself as your attitude changes. Bringing all of this together in harmony will take times of quiet contemplation so don’t criticize yourself if you find you are daydreaming. Yours is a sign of service but for this month try to give that service to yourself.

LIBRA: February brings you into a period where you will find yourself happier and with a bit more time and freedom to explore this wonderful world. Do not be concerned about your finances, even if you have had to spend a lot lately. Money is a fluid thing and like the tides in the ocean, when it seems to go out, it will soon come back in. You will find the nesting instinct is working in you and you will want to make your home or your workspace a more pleasant place to be. If there are misunderstandings with your siblings then this is the time to straighten them out; start fresh and let go of any past baggage that you have been carrying around. You are the peacemaker at heart so this should be easy for you.

SCORPIO: Feeling a bit emotional this month; picking up the emotions of others like a psychic sponge? If you can find those things that help to ground you then it will make it easier. Because you have a sense of what people are feeling you are able to be very persuasive as you speak. Don’t be afraid to stand up and let the world know how you feel, especially if you perceive an injustice is occurring. You will be very effective. Sleep patterns may also be a bit off. You are in a very creative period and these bouts of creativity may strike you in the middle of the night or early in the morning. This is definitely the time to express yourself and to do it on a grand scale.

SAGITTARIUS: Energy is high and so are any insights that you may have about how to approach things differently. You are becoming very much aware of what works for you and what doesn’t and you will find that your communications to others will reflect that. This is a time of hope and a time of moving forward on projects that have been stalled for a bit. Just remember to let your words reflect your heart and you will be empowered. If you are shopping for a new car, but having trouble trying to decide what you want, use your heart and not your head. This is a cycle of great change for you and it is all good, so if things move out of your life, they are only making room for the good to come.

CAPRICORN: Love is in the air but right now the best love will be the love you are developing for yourself. You have been learning to value yourself and as you do that then you will find others reflect those feelings. If you are unattached, you could meet the love of your life at this time and develop a long term relationship. It is also time to reassess how you feel about what in the past has been very important to you. You may find that your standards have changed and what you value is what nurtures your soul. It’s a healing time for on-going family disagreements. Forgetting the past is not easy for you but under these influences it is possible and will bring good results.

AQUARIUS: This is a time when body mind and spirit will come together as they have never done before. Any work you have been doing to facilitate the understanding of yourself and the freeing of your basic nature will bear fruit in this cycle. Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings and random encounters. There is a spiritual force working behind everything that happens at this time. Trust it. Travel or education may be in the picture to help you achieve your hopes and dreams. The key through this entire cycle is to follow your inner voice and listen to your heart.

PISCES: February will find you emerging from a long period of sleep. It’s important not to fall into old habits as the pace of life begins to quicken. There are things about yourself that you will be delving into on a deep soul level and emotions or behaviors, which have been blocking your happiness, will surface at this time for you to examine them. Don’t sweep it all under the rug and let habit take over. Female friends figure very much in the scheme of things as you work towards goals. Be alert to any wisdom that they may pass on. You will have lots of energy when it comes to career but it may be necessary to take a long hard look at what you want and whether or not your choices are leading to your goals.

I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to –

Mary's Blog

With very much love and my best wishes for a wonderful month ahead


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mary's Astrology Blog for January 2011

Happy New Year to All of You

It certainly is a time of intense changes and challenges. Not to mention flu which is going around and the reason why this column is a little late. So many of you seem to be facing huge challenges in your life so I have included a prayer which I hope you will find helpful.

New Year is a time for change and lightheartedness so I have also included a formula for you to check out your number for this year. By using this then you will be able to see what vibration the year will hold for you. Whatever number comes up for you then it’s up to you to use the energy of the year to assist in the evolvement of your soul.


In this moment I stop and take a deep breath and feel my connection to the energy of Diving Creation

I am One with that energy and as I take in the breath I let a sense of well being fill my body.

I AM this energy of Light and I can trust it to bring me all that I need

I AM this energy of Light and I can trust it to know what I most need for my highest good and my greatest happiness

I AM this energy of Light, pure love, in every organ and cell of my body

I take a breath and let that Love in

I AM one with the energy of Divine creation and eagerly look forward to the new beginnings that await me

I trust Divine evolution, I release the past

I eagerly anticipate what is to come and I rejoice in the wonder of this moment


Numerology, which is a sister science to astrology, sees the world in terms of mathematical vibration. The year 2011 is a 'four' year in numerology. It is often a year of manifestation and creativity; a year when you complete projects you've been working on for several years; when the fruits of your labors come to fruition. Numerology reduces everything to a single digit number from one to nine. For example if numbers added up to 14 the '4' and the '1' would be added together to make 5.

It is easy to check out your personal vibration for the New Year by adding the month of your birth to the day of your birth and adding it all to 4 for 2011. For example someone born on April 15 would add 4 + 15 + 4 = 14 which gets reduced to 5 by adding the 1 and 4 together. September 4 would be 9 + 4 + 4=17 or 8. Here are some key words for your individual years

1= new beginnings, fresh starts

2 = help from partners, marriage,

3 = creativity and self expression

4 = manifestation of creativity

5 = a year of changes

6 = service and family

7 = meditation, specialization

8 = finance and things of value

9 = endings and letting go of things which no longer work

ARIES: It is a time of destiny; time when you are ending old karma, which goes back lifetimes. Ask yourself what you have learned in the last two years. It is a time to look at what is going on now and ask yourself if you are slipping back to repeat old patterns. It is also a time of freedom and transformation. The energy of the Universe supports your evolvement. New people will enter your life and many of them will prove to be helpful to you in one way or the other. If you follow your heart and stay true to what you believe spiritually and ethically, you will find yourself reaping success and prosperity. If you do what you love, you will become well known for doing it well.

TAURUS: This is a time of balance for you. There will be a lot of activity around your partner or around family members, whether siblings or in-laws, everyone seems to need your nurturing ways. The lesson is of course to look after yourself. It may be a time of serious considerations and that makes it all the more important for you to be well balanced when action is called for. If you have wanted to make some choices around career; you may find yourself too distracted by other things to really give it serious thought. Trust the Universal timing. There is a force within your heart which will lead you through these times and the more in balance you are, the more you will be able to stay in tune with it.

GEMINI: Whether it is your lover or your best friend, good things come to you this month through your partner. Your partner will bring you energy and drive. Your partner will help you understand what you really value in life. Your partner will be the catalyst that stimulates your intellect and your creativity. Great transformation is possible at this time through your association with someone close to you. This may also be a time of love and romance, but the true gifts of this month are more transformational than even love. Great success will come to you through going back to fundamentals if you encounter roadblocks go back to the basics.

CANCER: You have nearly completed a two-year cycle. Now is the time to take a moment and look back and ask yourself where you have felt most restricted and you will find that these are also the areas of your greatest growth. What did you learn? What you learned will set the pattern for the next fourteen years. You will have a tendency to look at finances in a critical or even fearful light. Just know that most of your fear is in your imagination. Travel will figure well in this month. You may also find you have more interaction with siblings. If you are a writer this is a time of fertile ideas and the ability to get a lot of things down in a way that pleases you.

LEO: This is a month when you may find yourself confined to home and not getting out much into the world. When you get out at all you will find that there is a purpose and each experience may be widely different from the last. Most of your work will be within this month. You could be dealing with health issues, either yours or someone close to you, especially having to do with the bones. It would be good to keep a notebook or a journal. You will have lots of creative ideas flow through you at this time, although you may not be able to put them into action until later. Just because nothing may seem to be happening, don’t be discouraged. Your germinating seed will burst into bloom by spring.

VIRGO: You could find your dreams manifesting this month, as long cherished desires come forth and find outer form. Your intuition is nearly mystical, so it is important that you pay close attention to where your heart leads you and to maintain your own presence, even in groups or organizations. This is a time of great sensitivity, but it may also allow you to find those areas in your life where people can still push your buttons and you could find those emotions that you try so hard to keep a lid on, rising up and demanding recognition. Remember, there is power in knowing your vulnerable spots, because they have a lot to teach you about yourself.

LIBRA: This is a time of great expansion for you. Others will see you as someone with great authority and experience and they will tend to listen to what you have to say. The emphasis this month is on travel and communication. You may find yourself saying things that almost come through you and not from you. You are able to access your inner wisdom when you speak or write and who you are and what you value will be communicated, as well as the ideas that you speak of. This is an excellent time to write, because your writing will carry the extra weight of authority. Changes can happen quickly around you and they will lead you to your hearts desire.

SCORPIO: You could feel restricted from learning all you need to know on a subject or from traveling, especially for long distances. Try to be patient, because you are building a foundation, which will manifest around your career next month. This is the time to go back to basics and review not only your direction, but how you plan to get there. Special care will be given to financial matters this month and you could find long term plans paying off for you. All your ideas could make money for you, so it will be important to pay attention to your fertile imagination and to only travel those paths, which support your basic values. You could find yourself feeling very at home in unusual places.

SAGITTARIUS: You will feel both restless and energized as many of the planets move into your sign for the beginning of the year. Love can hit you out of the blue and you may find yourself opening up to a partner and sharing feelings from your heart. It is time to keep the focus on you, however; don’t lose yourself in the fascination with someone else. January is ripe with opportunity and some of it is life-changing. You have never been afraid of adventure and now is the time to give your freedom loving nature full reign. Old ideas and projects will return with new slants to them and this time you will find success.

CAPRICORN: The connection between past and present becomes very clear to you this month and you may find yourself going back and making peace with relationships that you have let go of in the past. You have a habit of avoiding deeply personal emotions that are associated with your past, especially if they are painful, but you will not be able to ignore the effects they have, especially if they are preventing you from finding happiness in the present. You are a great fan of tradition, but in the case of your spirituality, you may find yourself rejecting tradition and replacing it with what you feel in your heart. Your intuition will guide you well this month.

AQUARIUS: You will wear your individuality proudly this month and others will feel in harmony with you on an emotional level. Things tend to happen on the spur of the moment and you have great opportunity to express yourself creatively and spiritually. Even if your life’s ambition is something easy like changing the world, you could find yourself on the way to fulfilling it by moving others to take up your cause. If there is any area of your life that you need to be persuasive about, now is the time to speak your heart. An old love may reappear from the past and desire to resume a romance that you had thought was long gone. Explore all aspects of this before you leap there may be hidden meanings.

PISCES: January could see you cleaning up old business, especially if it is legal or official in any way. You are closing down old cycles and preparing for the new and you will find your sensitive heart expressing its desires to a close partner or friend. The world smiles kindly on you at this time and you will find yourself coming out of the chrysalis and dancing through life once more. How you will make your mark in the world will move from theory to practical application as you make great strides in career. Try not to dwell too much in the past. It will be more difficult for you to incorporate the wonderful new changes you are making if you keep looking back to old mistakes.

I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to –

Mary's Blog

Much love and Good Wishes for a spectacular year
