THE TIME OF THE SOLSTICE As we look at the cycles of the earth, we are now in the time of darkness. It is the time when the seed is in the ground germinating. Just because it may look as though nothing is happening in your life, don’t fool yourself. There are powerful forces at work during this sacred time. These forces can create miracles and transform things. The Wonderful Beings of Light who watch over us knew that fear would come up for us at this time so they inspired our Spiritual leaders to create Feasts of Joy and Light in our time of darkness. So whether you are celebrating Christmas, Ramadan, Chanukah, Winter Solstice or Kwanza I wish for you the awareness of that magnificent seed which is germinating deep in your heart. May the Light of this Sacred Season inspire the awesome power from within this precious seed to burst forth while shining brightly out of your beautiful heart. In Love and Light, have a blessed holiday season. It is a time of miracles.
PRAYER FOR TIMES OF DARKNESS Infinite Presence Out of the depths of my uncertainty, my soul cries out to You. Hear my prayer Give me the awareness of your Love Help me to know that Your Love and Your Protection is always with me Open my heart and my soul; so that I may feel Your Guidance Fill me with the energy of these days of Light and Love Let me be Your Instrument to carry that Light forth to others For I know that where I put my attention is the energy my heart will dwell in Keep my attention focused on Your Infinite Wisdom and The knowledge that times of challenge can bring the greatest growth I am one with your Light and Your Love and I carry it forth to all that I meet.
ARIES: Like the old lyrics of the Rolling Stones caution, you can’t always get what you want, this month; but you will get what you need. It may not seem like you are having much fun but you are building your future so this month your creativity will be brilliant. You will even amaze yourself. To reach your goal will require diligence so you can’t afford to get bored with the process, although you may be tempted. You are also realigning what you value which means that you must pay attention to your thoughts and your feelings. Your inner teacher is definitely speaking to you this month. It’s also a good time to read inspirational material because words and ideas can transform you this month, either spoken or written. Look for lots of ‘Ah-ha’ moments. TAURUS: This is a powerful time for you where the main focus will be matters of health and of habit. You may be tempted to react more on emotion but trust that you will always know what the best thing to do really is; so listen to your inner voice. That’s the star by which you should be guiding your ship in December. You may have some tendency towards confusion as you try to sort out what your heart really wants. As much as you can journal, even if you don’t save it, there is a great connection this month between releasing confusion and nervous energy, through the written word. You will also be dealing with things from the past so look for the healing opportunity in all of these situations. GEMINI: Your seeds have been germinating for a couple of years so you, more than any of us, may be really feeling the transformational energy of this time. Do what you do best, let go and fly, trust your process. December shows that your focus is on moving into the world and on partnerships and perhaps even marriage. It begins a fourteen year cycle which will keep you visible in the world. Whatever you do will be noticed, but then you are a sign with a lot of natural integrity so it should not present many problems. Right now the polarity of your personal charisma, your surrender to transformation, and your ability to communicate are getting ready to launch you into the world after a fourteen year period out of hibernation. Go for it! You love to fly! CANCER: This could be a very emotional month for you. If you are in a relationship then you may not know where your partner stands, or you may imagine things that are not true. Make sure that you have all the facts before you act because the tendency to react from emotion will be there. It’s also a good time to pay attention to health and routines. Sometimes routines can become ruts. Things could be changing around you but, even though you don’t like change as a rule, these changes may be just what you need to get the energy going in the direction of your goals again. You’ve had cosmic gravity boots on for a few months now and you don’t like it. You may also find yourself looking at family through new eyes. LEO: You will find prosperity increasing for you this month but the real blessing comes in the form of your creativity. You are in a very creative cycle and the lifting of financial stress will enhance your creative flow. Be sure to take advantage of it in whatever way you can. You will have good work routines and health should hold up well for you. The challenges will come in trying to understand the people in your life. There will be a great tendency for you to blow things out of proportion or to misunderstand. Be certain that you take the time to really look at all the sides to a situation before you get upset over it. You are a wonderful care giver but it’s important to take time for yourself. Buy yourself a present this month. You not only deserve it, you need it. VIRGO: There will be great notice taken of what you do in the world, as your work goes public. You will have lots of opportunities to express yourself creatively in many aspects of your life. There will be a huge tendency to travel and you may find yourself taking more than one trip this month. They should all be pleasurable and fun. Health may cause some concerns with mysterious symptoms and unexpected changes. This cycle will be with you for a while as it calls to you to pay closer attention to nutrition and exercise. If you don’t then unhelpful levels of nervous energy will be the result. If you find yourself feeling jumpy this month; get physical! Your emotions and your energy are all tied up together this month. LIBRA: Work could really feel like work this month as you put a lot of energy into it without seeing many immediate results. The rewards will come later and they will be in direct proportion to your efforts now; so take heart. You will have new appreciation for home and the things that you value in your life, whether they be people, places or events. You may have been taking these things for granted but this month will teach you what you truly want. You may still be searching for what you do best but there will be many experiences to point you in the right direction, so don’t worry you could understand it a lot more before January. If you have any desire to write, this is the month to begin. SCORPIO: You might really have your nose to the grindstone this month. A lot of your energy seems to be tied up with making money. You also have the gift, this month, of being heard and respected by those with whom you communicate; especially if you are debating the heart of any matter. You will have mixed feelings about gathering with family and friends this year but, trust me, you will need the break from work; so go. If the parties make you nervous then it will just serve to show you that you have been alone too much. You will find that when you are out and conversing with others you will have moments of creative genius, so it is definitely worth the effort. It’s also a good time to meet that mysterious stranger from another lifetime. SAGITTARIUS: It’s an interesting time for you this month. On the one hand it may feel as though you have lost all of those who supported you in any way. The truth is you have, but, on the other hand, you will also find that you are better able to fly solo than you have ever been before. It’s time to take the training wheels off and see where you can go. You are one of the luckiest signs of the zodiac so what have you got to be afraid of? Take the time to journal; you will be very much in touch with your deepest thoughts and dreams. Your words are powerful this month so use them wisely. You are in a great cycle which could lift you to the pinnacle of your success. CAPRICORN: The world will see your beauty this month but the important thing is for you to see it. This time when the compliments come take a deep breath and savor them. You have an unhelpful tendency to dismiss what you may term to be flattery but which others call heartfelt appreciation. There could be great prosperity coming through your partner while your own may seem to be ebbing and flowing with the tides. Follow your instincts where finances are concerned. Your intuition will lead you well right now so trust it, even if it changes its mind suddenly. Be careful when you are feeling emotional. The more you can trust yourself the less likely you will be to feel nervous. AQUARIUS: You may feel all pumped up and raring to go but the trouble is you may not know which direction you want to go in. Be prepared to feel one way, one day and another way the next. If you don’t try to take action on these emotions then eventually they will lead you to your highest good. Keep a close eye on your health. You may also feel that you are stuck doing work which feels like drudgery but you will find that in about a year you will see the fruits of that labor. I know - a year! - and you are not the most patient sign but that is the cycle. Don’t worry there will be lots of help from others as you get through this time and there will be enough happening to keep you from getting bored. PISCES: Ordinarily you are one of the most sensitive signs in the zodiac and you feel things at a deeply emotional level. During the month of December you may find yourself riding an emotional roller-coaster. There will be a great desire to channel your energy into emotional issues but it may be best to just observe the feelings that come through you and to take note of them. You may also be feeling that you have to work very hard for everything you get but the Universe is just trying to tell you to focus. It’s time to bring forth your creativity and to make things manifest in the outer form instead of just in beautiful dreams. You could meet a partner who is practical enough to help you to manifest your dreams. A change of career is possible if you have the courage to reach for the stars. I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to – Mary's Blog With much Love and Light to you Mary
RELEASING "IF ONLY" I see so many clients who are struggling with the concept of "IF ONLY". If only I had the money, I would build my perfect retirement home and be happy forever. If only my spouse would behave in such a way, I would be happy. If only I could move to California, I just know things would be better for me there. When I find myself postponing my happiness, because of something that is not happening right now, in the way I would want it, I know that I am narrowing the possibility for the Universe to bless me. There are limitless ways for Life to bring us happiness, but many times we take the stance of seeing only one way for that to happen and, like stubborn two year olds, we stomp our feet while firmly refusing to be shown any alternative. If there is anywhere in your life, that you are holding back your happiness until certain conditions are satisfied then please take a moment to hold that picture in your mind. Take a deep breath and acknowledge how much you would like that condition to be fulfilled. As you release your breath, release the condition. Give it to God Say to yourself.
November's Astrology Report
ARIES: November brings duties and the kind of attention to detail that most Aries hate. It’s time to clear up old situations and take care of those things that need to be attended to so that you can clear the decks while preparing yourself for a new cycle. It doesn’t mean that you won’t be creatively inspired, but it does mean that those inspirations may have to wait until you cut the lawn, or clean the fish tank or balance the checkbook. In between sweeping and cleaning make sure that you engage your partner in conversation. Try not to make assumptions where romance is concerned and ask for any information that you may need. November is a good month to get clear on things; life direction, romance and desires of the heart. TAURUS: Home can be a pretty interesting place this month. You may find yourself taking short trips just to get away from some of the drama. It’s a good idea to remember that most of the drama is not yours. It is not yours to experience and it is not yours to solve. This is the big lesson that November brings to you. Trust in the Universal energy to sort things out while keeping your focus on your spouse or partner and any jointly held assets. November will see some financial relief in monies that are held jointly with someone else. Be flexible in your hopes and dreams as things can change suddenly in that area. There is a cleaning out process going on and what is not helpful will leave your life….Let it go! GEMINI: November brings lots of energy with it and you will feel more like getting on with things. It’s time to come to terms with financial issues, as money seems to ebb and flow. It may also be time to consider what you want from your home. Harness that energy and make some choices as November begins with a very noticeable degree of restlessness. Where are you in life and where do you want to be? What is important to you? It’s time for some rigorous self-honesty. The energy is also there for you to transform your life, if you are willing to let go of habit and move towards what you want. Spiritual studies are favored so much so that in November you could alternate between work and monk-like isolation. CANCER: November may bring you the opportunity to play the peacemaker in family difficulties. Others may look to you to solve their problems, but try to be helpful without taking things on or taking sides. It will help get your mind off finances. Money will be fine as long as you don’t give into fear. Many things in your life move in cycles and money is no exception. Trust in the natural rhythm of things. There may be an opportunity to make changes in work. A woman that you are friendly with may be instrumental in bringing this opportunity. You are naturally psychic so it’s good to trust your instincts now. Figure things out with the heart and not the head. LEO: November may be an emotional month for you. You may feel a sense of frustration as long range plans seem to be delayed. Try putting your attention on other things, remember a watched pot never boils. It’s time for you to sit and look at your finances and then make some long range projections to be sure that when the time comes for change, your finances will support your dreams. Home will be a place of contentment and you will be at your creative best when you feel comfortable in your nest. November also brings people into your life who you have known in past lives. Pay attention to what you have to learn from them and also what you have to teach. Be flexible, you are realigning your priorities. VIRGO: The good news is that November’s energy will inspire you to a healthier lifestyle. It will be easier for you to lose weight. At this time chronic fatigue or pains could just vanish. Your natural love of cycles and routine will get a boost from a force which will make work feel like play. But you are no stranger to work and if you apply your usual work ethic to any situation then you will find that the next years will bring you the benefit of the effort that you expend right now. It’s time to reassess your life and to figure out what you value as well as what you want to release. Life will show you, if you can learn to read the omens. Remember that you are laying the foundation so don’t be afraid to aim for what you want. LIBRA: You will find that you are particularly persuasive this month. People will respect your ideas. You have a talent for landing on your feet which will serve you well because November will bring a need for flexibility as there will be many changes around work, including the people you work with. Things and ideas can change suddenly so be ready to go with the flow. November favors creative pursuits, particularly those of an artistic or literary nature. There will be the opportunity for many short trips which will bring about changes in your way of living. There could be news of a new addition to the family and a healing of old wounds. Let your natural diplomatic talent shine through. SCORPIO: November brings news of prosperity and financial transformation. This may require a change on your part, perhaps even a change of residence. If it does not require a move then it may require you to travel. The challenge for you is to trust the way things are developing, even if events happen in an unusual way. Home becomes your retreat or your sanctuary and you should do all that you can to guard the energy there. An unexpected love may come into your life or an unplanned attraction to another. These feelings may not last, so be cautious about making long term commitments. It’s best to keep your focus on yourself and what you want from life. You are drawing in those conditions so as to make things happen. SAGITTARIUS: Be prepared for unexpected travel. Things will not be dull this month. You may have some financial worries but if you can keep a positive attitude you will see that finances not only hold their own but that they improve unexpectedly. There is a vast Universe that is the Source of your supply so try not to limit yourself by thinking that prosperity must only come through one avenue. You have more power than you know. Your horizons are expanding and opportunity is all around. There will be many helpful people who make matters run more smoothly. If you are not married, or in a serious relationship, then this is the month that you could meet someone special. CAPRICORN: November should be a peaceful month for you. You may feel more light hearted and relaxed as projects, which were begun in the last few months begin to show signs of bearing fruit. It’s a good time to meditate on what you really value and what’s important in your life. Try not to let your tendency to take care of others get out of hand. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to let someone else learn by their own mistakes. Anything that has to do with speaking or writing is favored this month and if you are making applications for anything then you are apt to be taken seriously. You are the master of making plans and figuring out a course of action. Now is the time to just let the wind take your sails and see where it goes. AQUARIUS: November is an unusual month for you. You will find unexpected windfalls of cash as well as unexpected expenses. Hopefully it will all even out as the month progresses. Don’t be surprised if your family drops in on you unexpectedly. Be warned that November is a month of unexpected surprises! Try to see it as fun. Speaking of the unexpected, you could find yourself falling in love this month, as you meet someone whom you are sexually attracted to. This could be a past life friend, so the energy is bound to be strong. Someone who made a promise to you may not fulfill that promise, but don’t give up. What you are turned down for today, you may be approved for tomorrow. PISCES: You may find lots of changes around you and life could get emotional. Try not to take it seriously and just be the observer. Think of it as a drama that the Universe has created just for your entertainment. You may feel that a partner is placing too many restrictions on you. You both want the same thing so maybe you can work it out. This is a time of expansion and there will be a variety of opportunities so don’t limit yourself. Dreams and meditations will be vivid and it is a good time to release blocks that have been set up for a lifetime. Remember, every experience is an opportunity to grow if you are ready, and those who annoy you the most mirror back something of yourself. I really do hope that this has been not only uplifting but helpful to you as well as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -
Mary's Blog
With much Love and Light to you
Hi Everyone, Fall is unveiling her magnificent beauty in the Blue Ridge Mountains. In the midst of all of this spectacular loveliness, the planet of beauty and love will goes retrograde on Oct the 8th in Scorpio. Venus going retrograde reminds us to take a look at our relationships, all of them parental, friendships and of course love. Almost immediately upon going retrograde, Venus will Conjunct with Mars ( the male and the female energies, coming together in sexy Scorpio) The energy of Scorpio can be pretty intense, so many of you may be experiencing intense interpersonal relationships. Many of our relationships man need a major overhaul. If yours is one of those then this is the perfect time to do it. Venus goes retrograde all the way back into the sign of Libra, where on November 18 it will return to direct motion again. If you aren't in a romantic relationship at this time, it is still the perfect time for you to completely overhaul the way you approach relationships in the first place. We watch the romantic movies and read romantic fiction from fairy tales all the way to present day best sellers. Unfortunately many of us get the idea that falling in love solves all of our problems and leads to unending happiness. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Close personal relationships are in our lives to teach us about ourselves. Nothing can show you where you give your power up faster than a loving relationship. When two people are both committed to their growth, relationships can be a powerful tool. This is the perfect time to sit down and ask yourself, what you want in a relationship and what you are willing to give to a relationship. If you need some help seeing how you approach all of your relationships, I heartily recommend Dr. Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages. Dr Chapman will show you how each of us wants to receive love in a primary love language. Its different with every person and we often come together with people who give and receive differently from our own way The 5 Languages are Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Quality time, Acts of Service and Physical touch.You can recognize what your parent or child or partner desires as their primary love language, because they will often express love to you in that language. Knowing your own, can help you to understand why even though love is present in a relationship, sometimes the communication breaks down. Above all don't fear retrograde planets. They aren't in that motion to make your life miserable. The Planets represent Cosmic teachers and if we do the work of the lessons that they present to us, the rewards are generous and evolve us spiritually. So take this time to examine all of your relationships so that when this period is over, we will all be expressing the powerful Love Energy that Venus wants to teach us about. Love can create miracles, it can heal and it will definitely improve all of our lives. Happy loving In Love and Light Mary
PRAYER TO EMPOWER THE MOMENT Life is made up of individual moments, each one of them precious and overflowing with information. Most of us get so caught up in our daily duties that we miss the true value of these moments in our quest for the future. So often I hear my clients say, “when I get that job, I’ll be happy” or “when I have enough money, I can enjoy life” or “if I could just find my soul mate I’d be happy” or enjoy good health, or any number of things. What are you waiting for in your life? Are you missing the beauty of the moment in your dreams of the future? The point of power for all of us, is in the moment. The moment is all that we really have; the future and the past are but insubstantial and unfulfilling dreams. Take a few seconds now to notice your breath, be aware of how it moves through your body and check to see if your body is comfortable or tense. Take a few seconds to relax and breathe. Feel your well being. No matter what has occurred in the past, not matter what may be coming in the future, in this moment you are well and whole and present. Breathe in the Divine Presence Infinite Presence, I open my heart to You, to fully experience Your Love for this instant. I observe the breath of my body, I observe Your Presence in every cell. I observe the magnificence of your world In this moment I send out my gratitude for the experience of being in Life. All things are God in Action and in this moment I take the opportunity to observe and give thanks. I am one with the Divine Presence and I know that I am Protected and Loved. In this moment All is Well.
ARIES: October shines the light on relationships for Aries. It becomes easier for you to speak your heart. It’s time for some emotional housecleaning. Keep what works and take a good hard look at possibly discarding what doesn’t work. Change is in the air and many of you may move or make plans to move at this time. There is a strong desire to nest and create a home and this will also be on your mind. Work will bring increased responsibilities, which provide an outlet for that Martian energy. This is the time to attend to creative projects where the results will amaze you. TAURUS: Your mind has been on finances for a while and October is no different. You succeed most readily in projects where you share a partnership with someone. Money comes through a partner or spouse and the opportunities in that area will be increasing. Ideals must be kept high in order for success to come. It may also be a time to let go of some joint ventures; time to cut like a good gardener and prune those projects which may be draining your energy and sense of well being. Let the rest go into the Hands of the Infinite. Faith is called for here. You have done the hard work, now sit back and see where the Universe brings in the Light. GEMINI: October may be emotional for you. The emphasis is on short trips made by car and examining how your truly feel about things. It’s a good month because your “feeling body” will be stronger than your “mental body” and that doesn’t happen too often for you. October could bring you insight. Lessons could be closer to home and you may also be in the market for a new home. This can bring responsibilities having to do with your immediate environment so if there is any fixing to do, its best to get at it. This is not the time to neglect the basics. It’s a creative time where you are going to be rethinking your work ethic and making changes in relationships. Look for the unexpected where career is concerned. CANCER: Career gets a real boost this month. Energy expended in this direction will bring you what you desire. Pay attention to projects around the house which makes things more beautiful. Beautiful surroundings are vital to your well being. This is the month to take care of anything that has been neglected. The good news is that there will be money available to do what you wish and if you keep really busy you may stay out of family disagreements. It is also an excellent time to pick up where you have left off on old creative projects. You may find yourself being re-inspired. Any sudden opportunity to learn something new should be taken advantage of. See it as a gift from the Universe; it could surprise you. LEO: October is the month for hopes and dreams. The ability to make some of your dreams come true should be presented to you this month. Any project begun at this time will be successful. It is also time to pay attention to you. Give yourself some me time, go to the spa or the hairdresser or just go shopping. Venus wants you to have some fun. Your heart seems to be longing to figure out where you are going. Focus on what you would love and forget the specifics. Your Higher Self will know what will make you happy, much more than your conscious mind. Those of you who write will find yourself truly creative at this time. The only difficulty will be getting started, if you can get by that, it will be great. VIRGO: This will be a month of soul searching and getting in touch with those things that form the basis of who you are. Things which may have been held in the subconscious will come up to see the Light and this will empower you and free you from knee jerk reactions. Finances should be good and healthy this month where work will provide more opportunities for emotional satisfaction than perhaps it has done in the past. You may have the opportunity to move to a larger place. It’s good to stay flexible where home is concerned because change is a distinct possibility. The work at this time is mostly internal, but it should not be neglected. You are setting up a fourteen year pattern so have the courage to change what you need. LIBRA: You may clear up old debts this month and so you may feel that you do not have the resources which you once believed that you had. Fear not! You have been cutting off ballast and once you have cleared things up your balloon will soar. It’s a time of births and weddings where you may hear that the family size is increasing. This does not mean a personal pregnancy, although you may be thinking along the lines of children; they may not appear until later. This is the time to think about you and what you want in life and to get moving on your career. You are ambitious at this time and opportunities for advancement are presented to you. Trust and follow your heart. SCORPIO: You may find yourself going over and over past situations, trying to find out the meaning of them. It’s not a time of clarity but it is a time for lots of thought. Be flexible enough to allow yourself to change your mind at this time. Do not follow the course of any situation in which you hold great doubts. Finances should be fine as long as you are aware of what you value and willing to let go of what you don’t. It’s time to seek the garden of prosperity. If you can’t decide whether or not to move, it may be a time to stay put. Look for unexpected bursts of creativity and see where they lead you. It is also a good time to go back and heal those past issues which are holding you back. SAGITTARIUS: Things tend to be a little crazy and you are extra sensitive at this time. There are personal changes that need to be made and you will either make them gracefully or the situation will be taken out of your hands. Don’t mourn any losses which occur; if loss happens then it will lead to a higher good for you. Trust the Divine Presence on that one. You could find yourself in the midst of a family discussion so try to stay neutral. The more you hear, the more you will see the wisdom of this. There can be a raise or a promotion at this time. People view you as competent and if you want to ask for a raise or a new position, now is the time to do it. Discover what you want and go for it. CAPRICORN: October could be a difficult month for you. You could be going over the past and second guessing your choices and decisions. Try to let go of self criticism. There are no bad choices; all choices have consequences which lead us to where we need to learn. Working on your career will balance you and help you to gain some perspective. Finances will be alright. You may feel a bit of a squeeze at the moment but that will ease unexpectedly. Things are not as bad as you think. The tendency to worry is one of the things that you are on this earth to let go of. If you enter into a partnership, or if you have a present partner, make sure the work is equally divided. It’s time to share responsibilities. AQUARIUS: It’s a good month to go within and commune with the spiritual forces that surround you. It’s not a good time to try to make yourself understood where your career is concerned. You will probably be misunderstood. They will love you at work and they will love your work, but if you want to express an opinion, it might be better to wait for another month. If you are looking for romance then you may find it in the form of someone you have known and loved in another lifetime. This could be a very special relationship and at the very least it will be here to bless you so be aware. Do not fear for finances. Any sources, which have dried up, will be replaced. PISCES: It’s all about the work this month. October will be busy for you. You will find yourself bogged down in details as you create from the foundation up. If you pay attention to the little things today then the large things will go well tomorrow. It’s worth the effort. Someone will enter your life who will ground you and keep you focused. This is someone who stimulates you to cross all of the tees and dot ever I. If you are single then there may be an attraction this month. The question of home is also very much on your mind. Where will I live? You probably have a different answer for that for each day of the week. Move back from specifics and see what you value about your home. List 10 things you desire in a home and then cross of 5. What’s left on the list may tell you a lot. I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -
Mary's Blog
With much Love and Light to you
Hello Everyone, I get a lot of questions on Mercury Retrograde. Since mercury is retrograde now, I thought it would be a good time to post this article. Dictionary meanings of Retrograde: 1. Moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating. 2. Inverse of reverse, as order. 3. Exhibiting degeneration or deterioration. 4. a) Moving in an orbit in the direction opposite to that of the earth in its revolution around the sun. b) appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction opposite to the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, or from east to west. 5. To move or go backward; retire or retreat. 6. To decline to a worse condition; degenerate. When Mercury is in retrograde things seem to get confused and don't work or go well for you. The telephone can break down, letters can be lost for weeks, you could sign a document and the information could be misplaced. When typing then the work may give incorrect information. Timing can seem to be off, like short trips can seem to be difficult or we leave the directions at home. It is important to remember that when you are planning to do something in retrograde make sure that it is something that you don't mind doing twice. DO NOT: Don't start anything new. Don't buy anything electrical or mechanical. DO: Return things you have purchased. Repair things that have broken. It's a wonderful time to study, research or take a class. If you go some place during this time you will return. Take time to reflect what has happened to you over the past three months. Take it all in and learn from it. It's a time to 're': Reschedule, Repair, Return, Rewrite, Redecorate, Restore, Replace, Renovate, Renew, Research, Remodel, Remember, Relocate, Release, Relax, Return, Re-examine, Reject, Rejoice, Rejoin, Rejuvenate, Relate, Reassemble, Reattempt, Reawaken, Rebalance, Rebuild, Recede, Recall, Recovery, Recuperate, Recycle, Rebound, Redeem, Reframe, Refurbish, Remote, Renewal, Reorganise, Renounce, Replenish, Respect, Resolve, Resource, Respire (simply breathe), Retreat, Revise, Revive, Revel.
I hope that this has been helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -Mary's BlogWith very much Love and LightMary
PRAYER TO BRING HEALING So many of you have called and written this month to tell me about challenges in your physical body. It’s important to remember that our bodies are created by pure Divine energy. As we reaffirm this eternal aspect of ourselves then we qualify each cell with Cosmic Light and Love, and we call it into perfect balance. If health is your challenge this month then these words will be very helpful as you take them deep within your heart where they may be expressed in the fullness of their Divine vibration. You will notice that this prayer does not speak of healing but rather it focuses on the perfect balance which we can achieve through love and forgiveness. Embrace these words as your own while qualifying them with the energy of your true intent as you set them forth within the infinitely creative energies of your wonderful heart. I AM A PART OF THE INFINITE CREATIVE ENERGY I BREATHE IN THE ESSENCE OF THE UNIVERSAL FORCE OF ALL CREATION. I OPEN MY HEART AND FILL IT WITH ALL OF THE LOVE THAT I AM Thank you, thank you, thank you……. for my life. For all of those experiences that have brought me to this moment. ……….Thank you. Thank you, Thank you. Give me the courage to look at my mistakes Give me the compassion to forgive myself and any others against whom I hold any resentment. Give me the wisdom to see them as my honored teachers. Thank you for all my challenges and for the growth that has come with them With each breath I exhale my love to the loving energy that has brought me to this moment. In humble reverence, I silence all regrets. I command stillness in the Presence of the Force of all creation. ARIES: It is a magical month for you. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for spiritual growth. Circumstances will guide your steps. Let your intuition lead the way. You will have lots of opportunities to expand your horizons, particularly if you are in the company of a lover or a good friend. If you are in a love relationship, look for your partner to reveal deep feelings to you. This is also an excellent time to make money and manifest those things in life that you value. Emotional reunions with family members give you lots of warm feelings of contentment. You also have lots of energy behind your creativity this month as Saturn helps you to manifest your creative visions. TAURUS: You have more energy than usual this month and it enables you to get a lot done. You may be having a difficult time deciding what you really want and emotions are apt to feel several ways about the same situation. Although it may be only a temporary annoyance it does give you the opportunity to examine all your emotions on any given subject. Remember feelings are neither good, nor bad, they just are. Allow yourself to feel. The Universe smiles on you this month and brings lots of admiration and flirtation into your life. You could find yourself exploring spiritual subjects which will help prepare you for the miracles manifesting suddenly in your career. GEMINI: Emotions run high this month, and you find yourself facing lots of growth lessons as you deal with family situations. You may not know what to feel from one moment to the next. It is fortunate that your nature is mercurial and easily adaptable. This trait will come in handy, as there will be many changes in your life. It is also time to focus on your living space and to beautify it to reflect what you value. Allow yourself to make changes without self-criticism and you will come to know much about yourself by the outer changes that you make. Pay close attention to where your priorities lie. The Universe expands your creativity and uses your love interest to transform you. CANCER: Lots of focus on money and assets this month. Things may appear to be limited, so it is best to prepare and handle things wisely. Look for communications to arrive regarding finance, this will help you to understand what you will need to do to prepare for the future. Karma is also working in your life and there will be opportunities to let go of old conditioning. Life will keep bringing you opportunities for change until you learn to set new patterns. I know the past few years have been difficult for you, but now you are under a very blessed aspect which unites grace with the energy of your mind to achieve the purpose of transformation. LEO:It is a time to examine your life and your goals. You are ending a cycle and beginning a new one with regards to how you express yourself in the world. Now is the time to use the power of your mind to examine your goals and your methods for reaching them. All good things that you value should be increasing in your life, including your prosperity. All in all your journey to transformation is supported by some very gentle aspects which should make the ride much easier than it has been in the past two years. Keep your eyes out for a soul mate who comes back into your life. Sometimes history repeats itself, especially if you didn't learn from it the first time. VIRGO: What a good month for you! Life teaches you to look out for yourself and blesses you with love. Health and vitality should improve and even critical you should look upon yourself and see your beauty. Work situations will change suddenly, sometimes keeping you very busy and sometimes seeming to all but disappear. Just let the energy flow. Finances look good for you no matter what as benevolent Jupiter brings you money that is not necessarily earned from work. Enjoy it! You deserve it! It is a time of discovery and the Universe will support your inner exploration, by lifting some of the day-to-day stress from you. Use this time wisely. LIBRA: You may be entering a new work situation or things may change in your present situation. You should be more respected and talents, which you have had all along will be recognized. Health or work could show signs of frequent changes as the planets effect your house of health and work. Try not to let your fears run away from you. This is a cycle, which is leading you to good things. Trust your intuition on all creative projects. You may find moments of inspiration when your mind is occupied on mundane tasks such as driving. The moon is at the highest part of your chart this month, so your feelings should lead the way. SCORPIO: This month has you looking at your career and reassessing how things are going. It will be especially helpful for you to see how the past fourteen years have gone for you in reference to your career. For the next two years you will be setting a new pattern, which will lay the foundation for the next fourteen years. It may seem like you are putting a lot of effort in and not reaping the rewards, but fear not, the rewards will be there for you down the line. Look for your love life to warm up considerably as the Universe brings its passion into your house of marriage. Those of you who have been considering a committed relationship may make that commitment at this time. SAGITTARIUS: This is not the month to take chances and trust to luck. It is however a good time to sit back and see what the Universe brings to your door. There is a difference to trusting the path of your soul to show you the right way and just trusting to luck. I know it may be a subtle difference, but the more you go within and just allow things to work out, the more you will surprise yourself by what you can accomplish. You could find yourself romantically attracted to someone you work with at this time. Try not to let it distract you from your true purpose in this cycle, which is transformation. Fortunate opportunities could appear suddenly and it may even cause a move. CAPRICORN: If you are married or have a close partner you may find yourself swept along in the energy of success that will come to you through someone who is close to your heart. Plans may seem to be delayed, but eventually the manifestation will bring success and happiness to you in a visible tangible form. Look for sudden trips to visit family members. Do not fear for your finances even if they seem unstable, prosperity is right around the corner. You may have been dreaming about expanding your career in a new way this month will bring you opportunity and open up horizons that you may only have been dreaming about. AQUARIUS: Love and relationships become very important to you this month. Your heart is speaking to you and you can no longer talk yourself into emotions that you may not feel in your soul. Unless your relationship is truly meant to be, it may not survive this transit. On the other hand, any new love who comes in on this cycle could very well last for a lifetime. Trust your inner voice and pay attention to your dreams. Expect sudden changes in what you value. Things, which seem important; may suddenly be seen in a new light. At the same time changes, which will lead you to your happiness; come out of the blue. This month will be anything, but dull. PISCES: You could be feeling a lot of nervous energy this month as you suddenly feel that there are no limits.. Energy and stamina could be erratic and you are more apt to be helped by energy workers than by doctors. Many of your physical symptoms have emotional roots. It is important for you to stick with any health regime that you may have begun. Due diligence to your plan may very well heal you. If you are in a love relationship, try to avoid criticizing your partner and take stock of the things you are grateful for. If you are wanting to manifest love, take your attention of the feeling that you lack it. Your creative power is very strong this month, what you truly feel will manifest.
I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -Mary's BlogWith much Love and Light to you Mary
A PRAYER FOR AWARENESSMany of you are releasing old conditions. The origin of some of these conditions lay in your past, sometimes it is the past of this incarnation and sometimes it is the past of another. It is important as you challenge these issues, that you become gentle and free of judgment. Whatever you have done or whatever habits that you may have outgrown, at one time, you believed that these activities were for your highest good. Since we are all one, the less you judge others, the less you judge yourself. Everything that happens, will eventually lead to God. Since all things are an expression of the Divine, Creative Force, all is God in Action. It is not always easy to come to this awareness. Judgment is often a very subtle thing. Today, as you read these words, open your heart and allow the healing energy of Divine Compassionate Understanding to enter and free you from all situations where you are hard on yourself. You are a Perfect Child of God, Unconditionally loved for all Eternity. Infinite Spirit, with every breath, I bring you deep into my heart. I fill myself with Divine Love Help me to let go of all preconceived ideas of how the world should be Help me to know at the deepest level of my being, that there are no mistakes in life, only opportunities of growth Free me from the Spiritual Arrogance in which I judge myself and the world, forgetting that there is a Divine Plan for all, which I may not fully understand. Open my heart so that I see myself through Your Eyes Fill me with Your Love, so that I can project it forth to all that I encounter Open my awareness, so that I fully know that even perceived mistakes are tools that you will use to lift All to Our Highest Good. I Am Your Healing Force, now made manifest.
ARIES: Look for breakthroughs, which have to do with family relationships and speaking your truth. You may feel that you have been working hard to reach your goals, but this month could give you a little leg up and give you the awareness of what direction you really want to go in. The answers lie within. Spend some alone time and some quiet time, which we all know does not come easily to you rams, but it is essential for you this month. The Universe does still seem to be keeping you in one place and although that can be difficult for you, it will work out favorably in the long run. There is a purpose to your life and the Universal energy is going to hold you still so that you can figure out what that purpose is and so you don’t spin your wheels wasting energy on false starts. TAURUS: You may discover that you have been holding on to things, which are actually slowing you down as you strive towards your goals, particularly your financial goals. What do you really value? This is a question that keeps coming back to you again and again. It is time to step outside of your comfort zone and this transit will open up opportunities for you to do just that. Don’t let fear or patterns that have become old habits hold you back. This includes romantic things as well. What do you want in romance? Now is the time to get clear about that and to honor your own emotions. All of these things and a wonderful energy of creativity is yours for the asking, but you have to let go of the old, before the new can come in. Try it! You may surprise yourself. GEMINI: There is a shift in energy this month, all of it leading to a breakthrough and deeper communication with your higher self is felt internally. You will know yourself as you have never known yourself before and it will allow you to expand in new and wonderful directions. You have one of the most creative minds in the zodiac, but you are often fascinated with things, which are outside of yourself. Now you will find yourself looking deep within and delving into the depths of your own mystery. Great changes are about to occur in your life and great transformation is possible at this time if you work with the circumstances that come before you. You are your own best teacher at this time. CANCER: This may be a time of great confusion for you, and at times like these it is often best to just stay in the moment and respond as things are. You have been reassessing your life for a while now and you may feel ready to move forward, but no matter how much you push yourself, you may find that for now it is best to wait and see. You may find plans in the talking stage at this time. Truth about past events may be revealed to you in unexpected ways, and always it will be truth that heals. Information will come your way which will bring you greater understanding if you will allow it to. Take some time to reconnect with whatever brings you spiritual comfort. You may find yourself embracing new spiritual practices try not to judge or think too much. Just experience it. LEO: For much of this year, you have been searching for your hearts desire, your place in the world. You often let yourself be distracted by what others need from you, but this month will give you the ability to look at yourself and see what it is that you want from life and how you will find your greatest happiness. Try to let go of the past, as much as you can. It doesn’t matter if the past represents pain or success for you, if you dwell there, it will hold you back from seeing the path of the future. You are a great thinker, but now is the time to let your heart feel the way. Finances will be there when you need them, even though you may have the illusion of lack. Change is all around you and you will be led into it gracefully and gently, relax you can not miss it. VIRGO: Look for your opening to come in the area of career. You may be better able to communicate what it is you want to do for the world, and therefore; better able to manifest it. People and situations will enter your life, which will have long-term results. When you speak, you will create a sympathetic vibration in like- minded souls and doors will open as you recognize others who are here on similar soul paths. The key this month is cooperation and the Universe cooperates in helping you to achieve your goals especially as you learn to articulate them. You may find yourself working with unusual people and even traveling to foreign lands because of business. Do not limit your thinking. It is possible to do what you love and still create prosperity for yourself. LIBRA: You will find breakthroughs in your life in areas of higher learning and travel. If you have any desire to take additional training or education, now is the time to put those plans in motion, they will open up new horizons for you. You may be frustrated with finances lately, but June will bring opportunities to improve your prosperity through unusual changes. Someone in the family may turn to you for help and you will be instrumental in putting a difficult situation back into balance. Don’t be afraid to cherish those secret desires in your heart. Your goals may be easier to reach this month and the end of the month may bring good news. Change is the word this month and the changes lead you to a much more comfortable inner peace. SCORPIO: Don’t be disturbed if this month brings you dreams and visions and perhaps allows you to communicate with Beings from other worlds or dimensions. You will find that the veil between this life and the next is easy for you to see through, so trust any messages you may receive this way. It is NOT your imagination. An old love may return to your life, or you may understand more fully a past love relationship removing any blocks it has created in your life. You are the one sign that is not afraid of the deep mysteries of life and you may get a glimpse into their depths in June. Creativity will come to you in spontaneous ways, so be ready for it and let yourself go with the flow. You may feel restricted from making a move, but it is all a matter of timing. Trust it. SAGITTARIUS: Look for new understandings with lovers and partners. Communication will occur at a more intimate level and you may be able to make yourself understood at a level, which is far deeper than before. You desire love and fear being tied down both energies operate in you at the same time. This month you will have more understanding, and you will be able to know those forces within you, that prevent you from having your ideal partnership and bring them into peaceful alignment. There may be man changes, especially around home, just remember they are all leading to a good place. CAPRICORN: Work may seem like drudgery, but your big breakthrough is coming in the area of creativity, so pay close attention to any creative thoughts or impulsive ideas. You are not impulsive by nature, so sometimes the Universe needs to shake you up to get you to change direction. You may need to pay closer attention to financial matters. Usually that is where you shine, but unexpected expenses may make it difficult for you to know exactly what you have. All will be well, but it will be an exercise in Trust. You will have the opportunity to learn from gifted teachers but they may not come to you in the traditional sense. Everyone you meet is your teacher. You will have the gift this month of understanding your emotions, something that is not always easy for you. AQUARIUS: Remember that it is at those times of greatest confusion, that the Universal energy can step in and create the perfect solution. You are in a period of great change, sometimes it happens almost daily. Stay as flexible as you can, you are also at a time of great creativity and tremendous opportunity. Luck will open doors for you in ways that you would not have dreamed. The best thing now is to just do what is in front of you to the best of your ability and be ready to change in the blink of an eye. What may seem like hard work, is just the energy building momentum. The resolution will be an unusual surprise, but you like surprises. You are not in this alone, you will notice help coming from others in ways that bless you. PISCES: Deeper understanding about how home and family have effected you will enter your awareness like a flash of the sun. This is your opportunity to let go of all past baggage, which you are ready to release. The time has come to let go of those blocks, which are keeping you from doing what you were meant to do in this lifetime. You want to get out in the world and find your success and yet you may feel stuck by your present circumstances. There is nothing you are doing wrong, it is the Divine order of things relax and let it manifest its miracles. Your heart cries out for love, but first you must love yourself. Treat yourself as you would wish your loved one to treat you, that will open the door for love to find you. I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with a great deal of love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to - Mary's BlogWith very much Love and Light to you all Mary
PRAYER TO STAY CONNECTED WITH THE SOURCE OF ALL THINGSIn ancient times May 1 was the feast of Beltane, a time when the ancient goddesses gathered together and through the use of fire, they sent signals from hill to hill to remind each other that another winter was completed and the hopes for a bountiful harvest were beginning to show signs of growth and fruitfulness. This past winter has been a very challenging one, not only because in many parts of the world, the weather has been colder than usual, but also because of the additional pressure that finances, health and emotional challenges. It takes a decided effort to remember that we are spiritual beings, having one incarnation; and no matter what is going on, we are always connected to The Source of our highest good. If the outer drama of life has been overwhelming your spiritual strength, take a moment out of your day, right now. Put your attention on your breath and slow it down, taking deep relaxing breaths. Allow your chair to support your body and if you can feel tension anywhere, take a moment to flex the muscles that are tense, letting go of your physical tension as you exhale your breath. Turn your heart to The Eternal Source of Life and reaffirm your connection with that Source. Oh Infinite Presence, I open my heart to You and breathe in the Power of Your Unconditional Love Help me to always be aware of my eternal connection to Your Love Help me to know that I am one with You, not only at this moment, but for all eternity Help me to remember that in Your Presence, is the Source of Health and Vitality, both physically and emotionally Your Presence is the Source of all Good Things in Life, including money. Your Presence inspires my intuition and leads me to my highest good. Your Presence brings balance and justice into all of my existence. When I feel sad or frightened, awaken in me, the remembrance that we are eternally connected. In this moment I renew my connection with Divine Eternal Love. In Your Presence I command Harmony, Happiness and the Presence of God’s Abundance In my Mind, my Being, and my World
ARIES: Do you feel like you are in jail? You may as well be. Try not to give any power to those places in your life where you feel stuck. You are not really stuck, you’re wonderful fiery Aries energy is just being held tight and forced to examine the past. That way the future can be shaped in a more beneficial way. I know that you hate that. You prefer to be spontaneous, and no one has more spontaneous courage than you do; but sometimes it is important to take the time to draw the wisdom from your experiences At about mid month the energy will begin to move you forward. It’s been a stressful few months, so let that magnificent playfulness come out whenever you can. It will keep you balanced. TAURUS: This is a very powerful time for you. There is a great influence around you which speaks of past lives, relationships being reunited or old rivalries being resolved. You’ve had some time now to examine what your past patterns have been and now you are ready for manifestation. Long term projects, will come to manifestation or they will fall by the way side. Whatever falls will be dead energy trimmed away to make way for success. Have faith in your process. It is truly a time to live your spirituality in practice as well as in words or thoughts. It will channel much grace to you if you open the door. The Force is absolutely with you this month, learn to use the energy to your advantage. GEMINI: You may feel like you are in a steel vice this month as most of the planetary influences are focused straight at you and sending laser beams of energy. You have been spending a lot of time looking backward, so much so that you may have confused yourself as to what your true direction is. But you are very clever Gemini, and this momentary time of confusion will allow you to become more conscious of where your heart really wants you to go. Follow that path. This is your time of creation from mid month into June you will have the opportunity to transform your life. You have one of the best minds in the zodiac, but this is the time to follow your intuition. CANCER: This is a time of hard work, but that doesn’t mean it has to be unpleasant. Apply yourself to those areas of life, which hold your interest and give you great joy. You will reap rewards later on in this cycle and they will be totally dependent on the energy that you put into things now. You are a great care- giver, but it may be time to take care of yourself first. You may find yourself using those fine cooking skills of yours to give yourself a healthier diet. Whatever foundation you build now will be with you for the next fourteen years, so this is the time to form good habits. You have strong and sensitive emotions and it may be helpful to start keeping a journal as a way of letting some of that energy out. LEO: Things begin to look a bit better financially in mid month. The Universal energy of life is in your house of travel and higher education. It is also possible that you may find love or romance in areas that have to do with either of these subjects. You have been looking into your heart trying to discover the reason for being here. It is time now to begin to move forward and expand your horizons. Don’t expect final answers all at once, life will lead you one step at a time, but if you follow your intuition it will always lead you toward your greatest happiness. You may feel a longing for love this month, but that may be intensified because you are looking for someone else to do what you are not doing for yourself. VIRGO: You are standing in the midst of a creative vortex this month. Do not fear your creativity. The Universal energy of life is dancing with you. Find a way to give it expression. You will feel drawn to do this for society as well as for yourself. You may find yourself politically active or joining groups, which nurture the environment. All of this will enhance the way the energy is flowing for you right now. You can tend to be a workaholic, and this month will teach you that there is power in walking away, and playing as passionately as you work. Many things around you will be changing, but all changes are for the best. This is a time of great and positive transformation. LIBRA: You may have the consequences of past actions confronting you at the moment. Although you can’t change the past, it is possible to use the wisdom that it has taught you to undo some of those actions, which you regret. Now is the perfect opportunity to reach out and make that happen. You may be discovering new ways to be creative. As much as possible it is important to keep your attention on the future and those things, which bring you joy and happiness. Your success will depend greatly on your attitude and at this time the sky is the limit. Take advantage of the cycle and try something new. There may be change in long-range plans, but these changes will be in your best interest in the long run. SCORPIO: This could very well be a month for romance, especially after the 15th. If you are single you could meet your soul mate at this time and if you are married, you may discover karmic patterns being played out which you have been through before. This will not be love from afar, but love in the truly physical sense. It is the beginning of a good cycle where business and finance are concerned as well. You may find finances transforming although that transformation may be brought about by things which will at first appear to be losses. It is just the old dead energy leaving to make way for the new and more expansive future. Balance all of this activity with some good times of rest and you should be fine. SAGITTARIUS: This is a power time for you, a time of real transformation. The tension has been building for a few months now and the spring is about to release and totally turn things around. Whatever has been holding you back in the areas of business, family, romance, or personal presentation to the world will be identified and released if you are willing to let them go. The change will be propelled by the strength of your ability to release. Of all the fire signs you are least afraid of change, let this courage carry you along with your excellent sense of humor. If you are seeking to start a family this is a very fertile cycle. It is fertile for partnerships and business as well. The creation is up to you. CAPRICORN: This month you will find your intuition and sensitivity expanding and intensifying. Pay careful attention to any hunches or information that comes to you through these senses. Money will be increasing and you will have the gift to be able to communicate just what you want people to understand. You are never one to be afraid of the grunt work that leads to success, but this month take a step back and get in touch with your creative process. Give some thought to long range plans, where do you want to be fourteen years from now. Take the time to mend fences at home. It is also an excellent time to take a trip or a vacation. AQUARIUS: You may start out this month questioning a lot of your beliefs and assumptions about life. It is important for you to decide what you truly believe and what you believe only out of habit. It is the latter beliefs that will most be under fire. You could also quite suddenly fall in love this month. This may not be the stuff of happily ever after, but you will have happy times with a fun companion for much of the summer. Don’t worry if you are experiencing blocks in your creativity you will reconnect after a much needed rest. A new closeness will result in the family as old wounds are healed and new bridges formed. It is also time to examine your spiritual practices, especially if you have been neglecting that are of your life. PISCES: Expect the unexpected this month, but don’t fear it. People will come and go quite suddenly in your life, but they will leave behind them a legacy of power and freedom for you. You will be able to clearly articulate your values to others and without apology. This is the beginning of a cycle where you recognize your value and the world will see it as well. You will feel this more intensely near the middle of the month and beyond. It is good to make plans, but it is also good to remain flexible. There will be changes in your life style, either where you are living will change or your surroundings will be expanded in some way. Love and romance may be emotional, but being in touch with your feelings will help you to define your goals. I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to - Mary's BlogWith much Love and Light to you all Mary