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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mary's Astrology Blog for October 2009


I hear so many of your stories; and each one touches my heart. I have been meditating for understanding. Asking the Divine Creative Energy, which is in all things, just what we need to know.

The answer came quite quickly and with a great deal of power. It reminded me of that famous card that you see in stationery stores. This is the one which shows a long trail of footprints along the seashore. There are two sets of footprints for quite a while which then suddenly change to just one set for a little way and then they change back to two sets once again. The caption states:

“You promised me Lord that you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

Whatever spiritual tradition you may follow, there is some part of your teachings that encourages you to trust that Eternal Divine Healing Energy, Our Father Mother God, the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies, which are in all of us.

Take a deep breath and just BE with that energy as it dwells within you.
Breathe in the Love
Trust that Love

We are Eternal Beings of Light
We are far more connected to Eternity, than we are connected to a finite world.
Take a moment to remember that you are a Soul who is having an earthly experience
You are here in this body in order to learn that nothing in this realm can harm you in any significant way.
Your Home is in Eternity dwelling in joy and happiness
Feel the reality of that.

Let your Soul Cry out to the Force which created it.
Heavenly Father, I have been working so hard to manifest change in my life,
Help me to remember that upheaval is a part of that change
Open my eyes Lord and Let me see everything as Your creation
Let me know truly in every fiber of my being
That you see all things, You see the journey while I see only the steps
Give me the courage to trust your steps and to know that they will lead me to my highest good.
Hear my Prayer for Manifestation and
Help me to let go of my fear of change and upheaval
It is all God in Action

ARIES: You may feel like you are walking up a steep hill this month as nothing comes the easy way. I know patience isn't your strong suit, but if you are mentally prepared to have to take a closer look at the details it could save you a lot of frustration. You may feel that your efforts are benefiting everyone else, except you; but that is not true. Assistance will come just when you need it from unexpected places. If nothing else this month should teach you that you are not alone in this world. Guidance and help appear out of nowhere leading you to your heart's desire. Follow your heart and your instincts and don't let your head worry you too much. You will achieve your goals in the end.

TAURUS: It is a mystical month for you, full of visions and inspiration. All the plans and analysis of previous months will turn into action in October. You will see the truth and it will set you free on your path of destiny. You may find that you are held back from attending a family function, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to experience closure. Work will hold a lot of your attention this month, but the path to better health and less stress is found in attending to details. If it becomes difficult for you to travel, then perhaps you should reconsider the trip, the energy will pull you where you need to be and if that isn't where you think it should be, don't second guess the flow of the river.

GEMINI: This month is about change for you. You are coming to the end of a cycle of worry over finances. Things should begin to materialize for you at the end of this month. Your creative inspiration will border on the mystical and if you need to express yourself or get your ideas across, it should be easy for you. Love relationships may go through a series of changes and only those, which were truly meant to be will survive. Letting go of fixed ideas about your love life will open the door for transformation. Spiritual education is the key to everything and if you follow your truth it will lead you to solve some career puzzles, which have been on your mind. Past emotions come up to be healed, you are ready for it now.

CANCER: It is time to pay close attention to your health. If there is a chronic problem it will surface now, but the means to deal with it will also be there. Your beliefs about life and death will be in your awareness and it is time to discard those, which you only give lip service to and to embrace the truth of your heart. The opportunity to take an unexpected journey will arise and if it is possible for you to go, you should take advantage of it. It has been a difficult two years and the journey will bring you freedom and peace. Trust is sometimes difficult for you, unless you are in control; but trust is exactly what you will be called upon to learn this month and if you can do it the rewards are great.

LEO: Your mind is very active this month and the focus is on communication. There will be a great drive in you to get your ideas out to the world and your mind will help you to expand your vistas. Lots of travel, although most of the trips will be short ones. There is a lot going on in your mind right now and the clearest path through it is a written one. Journaling will open the door to insight. If work or pleasure involves writing you will be gifted at this time. This is a great time to pay attention to you. Learn to lovingly express who you are. It will be easier for you to value your own style and not try to duplicate the crowd. Past relationships appear, but if love isn't working on the spiritual level, it won't last.

VIRGO: Work should get very interesting this month as you will be dealing with unusual people and perhaps even foreign places. There will also be spiritual overtones to your work as work and spiritual practice merge. If you can let this happen you should be very successful. Money will come to you effortlessly, but it is a good idea to take note of how you accomplish that. You have been working on prosperity issues for a while and the key to success will be there this month. To move or not to move, that is the question for October, but even if you don't move physically, changes will occur around the home. It is important that you don't try to hang on to what wants to go. Change is often a positive thing, even when it breaks up your routine.

LIBRA: You often view your life through your relationships, or lack of them, but this month the focus is all on you. You are outstanding this month, Libra, and the force is with you. Avoid your usual endless examination of all aspects of a situation and just go with it. If you follow your heart, you will amaze yourself. Work may seem difficult, but you are coming down the home stretch and the last two years will reap rewards for you very soon so stay with it. Creative pursuits are like a mediation for you and you will find uplifting thoughts and spiritual inspiration, as you express your creativity. This will be a good time to take stock of your values and see your assets through examining your past.

SCORPIO: October is about endings and beginnings. Things will leave your life this month and some of it may be out of your control. Just remember that what goes is not needed, no matter what your emotions may be feeling. The winds of change are blowing through your life and they are releasing you from things, which have been keeping you from finding your greatest happiness. Use those great psychic senses of yours and stay in touch with your inner guidance. If finances seem a bit rocky, it is definitely temporary and even if change seems to limit you, remember that the limitation is temporary. Through all of this love will be a stabilizing factor, new love could appear or old love could move to a deeper level.

SAGITTARIUS: No matter what happens in October; you will be surrounded by good friends, who will get you through with love. Your kindness and good humor have built you a treasure more precious than gold. You may have the opportunity to go on a spiritual retreat or to express your spirituality in some way. Pay attention to dreams and visions, the answers you seek are in your intuitive mind. You may change your residence unexpectedly, but you are flexible by nature and this should be more of an adventure than a burden. The opportunity to expand your education will also arise. What you learn now will open doors for you in the future.

CAPRICORN: If you have been having difficulty in a love relationship or partnership it should be working itself out this month. It is important to ask yourself what you really want, because you have the opportunity to have great security in love, if you have the courage to reach out and take it. It will be easy for you to focus on career because the business energy is more comfortable for you, but don't neglect your personal life. The energy you put into relationships now will pay dividends later. Career will almost take care of itself if you just get out of the way. If change comes, remember it is for your highest good. I know you like guarantees, but sometimes change involves trust.

AQUARIUS: Love is all around you, but you could spend so much time trying to figure out who you are and what you want that you could miss what is right under your nose. You may not be up to making decisions this month, but keep your eyes open and observe what is around you and explore your feelings. Finances will take an unexpected turn for the best, try not to worry about it too much and just let it happen. It is really more of a time to go within. It is a good time for spiritual study and learning how to tap into your intuition and creativity. You will use this knowledge in the future, but now is the time for inner study. Take long walks, learn to meditate, read inspirational things and you should get through this.

PISCES: Finances may seem unstable to you, but look back on your past and you will know that money has always been there when you need it. The more you learn to trust, the quicker you will have financial freedom. You are coming out of hibernation and emerging into a world, which will welcome you with love. This is a period when you could meet someone loving, if you are already in a relationship it will expand to a deeper level of love. Your physical dwelling may require repairs and care, and if you make it feel secure you will have a good environment to open up your creativity. You must feel secure to do your best and let go of any perceived limitation. Trust and all will be yours.

I hope that this has been uplifting and helpful to you as it comes from me with much love and encouragement. If you have any comments on this or anything else then please leave a comment by going to -

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With much Love and Light to you all
